WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                 Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

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                            American Ammunition, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

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     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: (set forth the amount on which the
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                            AMERICAN AMMUNITION, INC.
                               3545 NW 71st Street
                              Miami, Florida 33147

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Dear Stockholders:

The purpose of this information  statement (this "Information  Statement") is to
inform  the  holders  of  record,  as of the close of  business  on July 1, 2005
("Record  Date"),  of shares of common  stock,  par value  $.001 per share  (the
"Common  Stock") and shares of preferred  stock,  par value $.001 per share (the
"Preferred  Stock") of  American  Ammunition,  Inc.,  a  California  corporation
("Ammo" or the  "Company"),  that the holders of 61% of our voting capital stock
have  consented  in writing  as of June 30,  2005 to the  following  corporation

     (1) to approve and adopt an Agreement  of Merger with a Nevada  corporation
to be formed, American Ammunition,  Inc. whereby the Company will merge with and
into this Nevada corporation for the purpose of  reincorporating  the Company in
the State of Nevada (the "Merger"). Upon the Merger being effective,  holders of
Common Stock of the Company will receive one (1) share of $.001 par value common
stock in the Nevada  corporation  for one (1) issued and  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock held in the Company and holders of  Preferred  Stock of the Company
will  receive  one (1) share of $.001 par value  preferred  stock in the  Nevada
corporation  with the same rights and preferences as the Preferred Stock for one
(1) issued and outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock held in the Company.  The
purpose of this merger is to change the Company's  domicile  from  California to
Nevada; and

     (2) to approve the American  Ammunition,  Inc.  2005 Stock  Issuance  Plan,
adopted  by our  directors  on June  30,  2005,  pursuant  to  which  we will be
authorized to grant,  in the aggregate,  up to 10,000,000  shares  (presplit) of
restricted Common Stock and options to purchase shares of our Common Stock; and

     (3) to effect a one-for-twenty  reverse stock split of the Company's Common
Stock by reducing  the number of issued and  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
from 77,407,300 to approximately 3,870,365 shares (the "Reverse Split").

A copy of our Form of Plan of Merger and a copy of certain  California  Statutes
are attached as Appendix A, and a copy of our 2005 Stock Option Plan is attached
to this  Information  Statement as Appendix B. The Company's  Board of Directors
has approved,  and a majority of our common and Series C preferred  stockholders
(collectively "voting capital stock") owning or entitled to vote an aggregate of


70,611,256  shares of our voting capital stock,  representing  61% of our voting
capital  stock as of June 30,  2005 have  consented  in writing  to the  actions
described in this Information  Statement.  Such approval and consent  constitute
the  approval  and  consent  of a  majority  of the  total  number  of shares of
outstanding  voting  capital  stock  and are  sufficient  under  the  California
Statutes and the Company's By-Laws to approve the actions.  Accordingly, we will
not submit these  actions to the other  stockholders  of the Company for a vote,
and a Special Meeting of the  stockholders  to approve the actions  described in
this  Information  Statement  is  unnecessary.  The  adoption  of the  foregoing
resolutions  will become  effective  20 calendar  days after the mailing of this
Information  Statement.  Our  Board  of  Directors  will  implement  the  action
thereafter. The resolution(s) authorize the Board of Directors in its discretion
to  withdraw  or  terminate   any  one  or  more  of  these   actions  prior  to
implementation and effectiveness thereof.

The Company is required to send this  Information  Statement to its stockholders
in  accordance  with Section  14(c) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended.  While you are not  required  to take any  action in  response  to this
Information Statement,  we urge you to read it carefully.  WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU

This  Information  Statement  is first  being  furnished  by the  Company to its
stockholders on or about July 12, 2005.

For the Board of Directors of AMERICAN AMMUNITION, INC.

                           By: /s/ Andres F. Fernandez
                             Andres F. Fernandez, President and CEO


AMERICAN AMMUNITION, INC. 3545 NW 71st Street Miami, Florida 33147


The  Company  will  pay all  costs  associated  with  the  distribution  of this
Information Statement,  including the costs of printing and mailing. The Company
will only deliver one Information  Statement to multiple stockholders sharing an
address unless the Company has received  contrary  instructions from one or more
of the  stockholders.  The Company will promptly deliver a separate copy of this
Information  Statement  and future  stockholder  communication  documents to any
stockholder  at a shared  address  to which a  single  copy of this  Information
Statement was delivered,  or deliver a single copy of this Information Statement
and future  stockholder  communication  documents to any  stockholder or holders
sharing an address to which multiple  copies are now delivered,  upon written or
oral request to the following address:

                               3545 NW 71st Street
                              Miami, Florida 33147
                                 (305) 835-7400

Stockholders may also address future requests  regarding delivery of information
statements and/or annual reports by contacting the Company at the address listed
above.  Pursuant to the Company's Bylaws and the California  Statutes, a vote by
the holders of at least a majority of the Company's  outstanding  voting capital
stock is required to take the actions  described in this Information  Statement.
The Company's  Articles of Incorporation do not authorize  cumulative voting. As
of June 30, 2005, the Company had 300,000,000 authorized shares of common stock,
par  value  $0.001 of which  77,407,300  were  issued  and  outstanding  and had
20,000,000  authorized  shares of preferred  stock,  of which 12,000 of Series A
Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding;  91,700 of Series B Preferred Stock
were issued and  outstanding;  and  1,905,882  of Series C Preferred  Stock were
issued and outstanding. The Series A and Series B Preferred Stock do not contain
any voting rights. Each share of Series C Preferred Stock is entitled to vote 20
shares of common  stock.  A majority  of our common and  preferred  stockholders
owning or  entitled  to vote an  aggregate  of  70,611,256  shares of our voting
capital  stock,  which  represents  61% of the  shares  entitled  to vote of the
Company's  outstanding voting capital stock have approved this action.  Pursuant
to applicable California Statutes, the consenting stockholders voted in favor of
the actions described by written consent, dated June 30, 2005. The actions taken
by the Company's Board of Directors and the consenting  stockholders will become
effective  on July 31,  2005,  twenty  (20) days  following  the mailing of this
Information  Statement  to the  stockholders  of  record  on June 30,  2005.  No
consideration  was paid to the consenting  stockholders  to obtain their written
consent to these actions.

                         DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

No action was taken in connection  with the proposals by the Company's  Board of
Directors or the consenting  Voting  Stockholders  for which California law, our
Articles of  Incorporation  or our Bylaws  provide a right of a  stockholder  to
dissent and obtain appraisal of or payment for such stockholder's shares.


                                VOTING SECURITIES

As of June 30, 2005,  we had  77,407,300  shares of Common  Stock and  1,905,882
shares of Series C Preferred  Stock issued and  outstanding,  which are the only
classes of voting  securities  that would be entitled to vote at a stockholders'
meeting if one were to be held.  Each share of Common  Stock is  entitled to one
vote and each share of Series C Preferred Stock is entitled to 20 votes.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

As of June 30, 2005,  we had  77,407,300  shares of Common  Stock and  1,905,882
shares of Series C Preferred Stock issued and outstanding.  Each share of Common
Stock  entitles  the holder  thereof  to one vote on all  matters  submitted  to
stockholders. Our common stock and Series C Preferred Stock are our only classes
of our voting  securities;  the holders of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock
and Series B Convertible Preferred Stock have no voting rights except in limited
instances  in which  their  rights  pursuant  to the  designations,  rights  and
preferences  of  the  Series  A  and  Series  B  Convertible   Preferred   Stock
respectively could be changed or materially  adversely  affected.  Each share of
common  stock has one vote per  share,  and each  share of Series C  Convertible
Preferred Stock has 20 votes per share.

The  following  table sets forth,  as of June 30,  2005,information  known to us
relating to the beneficial ownership of these shares by:

     -    each  person  who is the  beneficial  owner  of  more  than  5% of the
          outstanding shares of the class of stock;
     -    each director;
     -    each executive officer; and
     -    all executive officers and directors as a group.

Unless otherwise  indicated,  the business address of each person listed is 3545
NW 71st Street,  Miami, FL 33147. We believe that all persons named in the table
have sole voting and  investment  power with respect to all shares  beneficially
owned  by  them.  Under  securities  laws,  a  person  is  considered  to be the
beneficial owner of securities he owns and that can be acquired by him within 60
days from June 30,  2005 upon the  exercise of  options,  warrants,  convertible
securities or other understandings. We determine a beneficial owner's percentage
ownership by assuming that options,  warrants or convertible securities that are
held by him,  but not those held by any other  person and which are  exercisable
within 60 days of June 30, 2005 have been exercised or converted.


Common Stock
                                                          Amount and Nature of   Percentage of
Name and Address of                                            Beneficial        of Class(1)     Voting
Beneficial Owner                 Director/Officer             Ownership(1)                    Control (1)
----------------------      -------------------------     --------------------  ------------  --------------
J.A. Fernandez, Sr.         Chairman of the Board            8,485,365(2)         10.6%          7.2%
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, Florida 33147

Andre F. Fernandez          Chief Executive Officer,        14,905,905(3)         18.7%         12.6%
3545 NW 71st Street         President and Director
Miami, Florida 33147

Emilio D. Jara              Vice-President and Director         54,250             0.1%          0.0%
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, Florida 33147

Maria A. Fernandez          Director                           260,000             0.3%          0.2%
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, Florida 33147

Amelia C. Fernandez         Former Officer and Director      4,281,900             5.4%          3.6%
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, Florida 33147

All directors and officers
as a group (4 persons)                                      27,987,420            36.46%

Series C Convertible Preferred Stock
                                                          Amount and Nature of     Percentage of
Name and Address of                                            Beneficial        of Class(1)     Voting
Beneficial Owner                 Director/Officer             Ownership(1)                    Control (1)
----------------------      -------------------------     --------------------  ------------  --------------
J.A. Fernandez, Sr.         Chairman of the Board            1,905,882            100%           32.3%
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, Florida 33147

*    Less than one percent

(1)  Percentage  of Voting  Control  is based  upon the  number  of  issued  and
     outstanding  shares  of  our  common  stock  and  shares  of our  Series  C
     Convertible  Preferred Stock at June 30, 2005. At June 30, 2005 the holders
     of our outstanding shares of Common Stock and Series C Preferred Stock were
     entitled  to an  aggregate  of  115,524,940  votes  at any  meeting  of our


     stockholders,   which  includes   77,407,300  votes   attributable  to  the
     outstanding shares of Common Stock and 38,117,640 votes attributable to the
     outstanding  shares of Series C  Preferred  Stock.  Each  share of Series C
     Preferred  Stock  entitles  the  holder to 20 votes at any  meeting  of our
     stockholders   and  such  shares  will  vote   together   with  our  common

(2)  J.A.  Fernandez,  Sr. and Amelia C.  Fernandez are husband and wife and the
     parents of Andres F. Fernandez and Maria A.  Fernandez.  Some or all of the
     securities  owned  by  the  individual  Fernandez  family  members  may  be
     aggregated together and/or ownership imputed to one another.

(2A) In addition to his common  stock,  in November  2004,  J.A.  Fernandez  was
     issued 1,905,882 shares of Series C Preferred Stock. Each share of Series C
     Preferred Stock provides voting rights of 20 shares of the Company's Common
     Stock. Each share of Series C Preferred Stock is convertible, at the option
     of the holder, into shares of the Company's Common Stock equal to $0.18 per
     share, subject to adjustments in the case of any stock split,  combination,
     capital  reorganization,  reclassification,  consolidation  or merger,  and
     certain dividends.  Subject to certain exceptions,  the conversion price is
     also subject to weighted average anti-dilution adjustment in the case of an
     issuance  of  shares  of  common  stock or  securities  exercisable  for or
     convertible  into common  stock,  at a per share price,  exercise  price or
     conversion price less than the conversion price then in effect.

(3)  In  addition to his common  stock,  in  September  2001,  Andres  Fernandez
     converted  unsecured  indebtedness  of the  Company to him in the amount of
     $7,553,600  for 1,510,720  shares of $5.00 Series A  Convertible  Preferred
     Stock.  The Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock  provides for cumulative
     dividends at the rate of 8% per year, payable quarterly,  in cash or shares
     of the  Company's  common stock at the  Company's  election.  Each share of
     Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock is convertible,  at the option of the
     holder,  into eleven (11) shares of the Company's  common stock at any time
     after  six (6)  months  from the date of  issuance  and  prior to notice of
     redemption,  subject to adjustments for customary  anti-dilution events. In
     February 2002,  certain holders of the Series A Preferred Stock,  including
     Andres F.  Fernandez,  notified the Company of their intent to exercise the
     conversion  features on 1,749,720 issued and outstanding shares of Series A
     Preferred Stock into 19,246,920 shares of common stock. Andres F. Fernandez
     converted  1,510,720 shares of such Preferred Stock into 16,617,920  shares
     of  restricted  common  stock  of the  Company.  Due to the  timing  of the
     conversion  in relation to the Company's  year-end and the first  available
     date  for  such  conversion,  the  effect  of the  conversion  exercise  is
     reflected in this report as well as the accompanying  financial  statements
     as if the conversion had occurred on December 31, 2001.

(4)  These do not include the 384,500 shares Maria  Fernandez holds as a Trustee
     for an entity in which neither she nor any of the other Officer or Director
     is the beneficial owner.

(5)  Except as noted above,  each of the Officers and Directors  received all of
     their  other  shares  as part of the Share  Exchange  whereby  the  Company
     acquired  F.&F.  Equipment,  Inc.  d/b/a  American  Ammunition,  ("AA")  in
     September 2001.



The Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock provides for cumulative dividends at a
rate of 8% per year, payable quarterly, in cash or shares of our common stock at
our election.  Each share of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock is convertible
into 11 shares of our common  stock at any time after six months  after the date
of  issuance  and prior to notice of  redemption  at the  option of the  holder,
subject to adjustments  for customary  anti-dilution  events.  As of the date of
this report, except for 46,000 shares, all of the shares of Series A Convertible
Preferred  Stock have been  converted in shares of common stock  pursuant to its

The Series B $5.00 Convertible Preferred Stock provides for cumulative dividends
at a rate of 8.0%  per  year,  payable  quarterly,  in  cash  or  shares  of the
Company's  common  stock at the  Company's  election.  Each  share  of  Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock is  convertible  into 11 shares  of the  Company's
common stock initially at any time after 6 months of the date of issue and prior
to the notice of redemption at the option of the holder,  subject to adjustments
for customary  anti-dilution events. As of the date of this report, no shares of
Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock have been  converted in shares of common
stock pursuant to its terms.

Each share of the Company's  Series C Preferred Stock provides for voting rights
equal to 20  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  Each  share of  Series C
Preferred Stock is convertible,  at the option of the holder, into shares of the
Company's  Common Stock equal to $0.18 per share,  subject to adjustments in the
case of any stock split, combination, capital reorganization,  reclassification,
consolidation or merger, and certain dividends.  Subject to certain  exceptions,
the  conversion  price  is  also  subject  to  weighted  average   anti-dilution
adjustment  in the case of an issuance of shares of common  stock or  securities
exercisable for or convertible into common stock, at a per share price, exercise
price or conversion price less than the conversion price then in effect.


Set forth below is certain  information  regarding  our  directors and executive
officers.  There are no family  relationships  between any of our  directors  or
executive officers except as set forth below.

Name                     Age    Position
---------------------    ---  ------------------------------------

J.A. Fernandez, Sr.      67   Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of
Andres F. Fernandez      38   Chief Executive Officer, President and Director

Emilio D. Jara           39   Vice President of Operations, Secretary and
Maria A. Fernandez       44   Director


Executive Compensation

The following  table provides  information  about the  compensation  paid by the
Company to current executive  officers who were serving as executive officers at
the end of 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                           Long Term Compensation
                         Annual Compensation                       Awards            Payouts
(a)               (b)     (c)       (d)      (e)          (f)         (g)          (h)      (i)
                                             Other        Restricted  Securities   LTIP     All
Name and                                     Annual         Stock     Underlying   Pay-     Other
Principal         Year    Salary    Bonus    Compen-      Award(s)    Options/     outs     Compen-
Position (1)              ($)       ($)      sation ($)   ($)         SARs  (f)             sation ($)
----------------- ------  --------  -------- ------------ ----------  ------------ -------- ----------
J.A.              2000    $ 59,202   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Fernandez, Sr.,   2001    $ 50,859   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Chairman,         2002    $ 77,770   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Director of       2003    $104,000   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Sales             2004    $104,000   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0

Andres F.         2000    $ 88,438   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Fernandez,        2001    $ 74,290   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
President and     2002    $103,508   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Chief Executive   2003    $132,600   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Officer           2004    $132,600   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0

Emilio D.         2000    $ 36,400   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Jara, Vice-       2001    $ 42,500   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
President         2002    $ 43,000   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Of                2003    $ 52,000   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Operations,       2004    $ 52,000   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0

Amelia            2000    $ 59,202   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Fernandez,        2001    $ 59,923   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Former Vice       2002    $ 64,598   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
President         2003    $ 78,702   $50,000  $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
And former        2004    $ 78,702   $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0

Maria A.          2000    $0         $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Fernandez,        2001    $0         $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
Director          2002    $0         $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
                  2003    $0         $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0
                  2004    $0         $0       $0           $0          $0           $0       $0

We did not have a bonus, profit sharing,  or deferred  compensation plan for the
benefit of employees,  officers or directors for the years ended 2004,  2003 and
2002. Andres F. Fernandez has an employment agreement with the Company. Pursuant
to his employment agreement,  the Company pays Mr. Fernandez an annual salary of


$132,600 and the  Company's  Board of Directors  has the  discretion to grant an
annual bonus to him. Mr.  Fernandez is entitled to  participate  in all employee
benefit  plans  or  programs  that are  available  to the  Company's  management
employees  and all other  benefit  plans or programs as may be  specified by the
Company's Board of Directors.  The employment agreement provides that either the
Company or Mr. Fernandez may terminate his agreement at any time.

Compensation of Non-Employee Directors

We do not pay our  directors  who are not  employees of our Company a director's

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

Except as set forth below, there have been no material  transactions  during the
past two fiscal  years  between  the Company  and any  officer,  director or any
stockholder owning greater than 5% of our outstanding  shares, nor any member of
the above referenced individuals' immediate family.

The Company  leases its  corporate  office and  manufacturing  facility from its
controlling  stockholder under a long-term operating lease agreement.  The lease
requires a monthly payment of approximately  $5,735,  including applicable sales
taxes.  The Company is responsible for all utilities and  maintenance  expenses.
The  lease  expires  on  December  1,  2009  and  contains  a clause  that  upon
expiration,  the Company and the controlling  shareholder  shall renegotiate the
annual rental amount.

                [Balance of this page intentionally left blank.]


                                  PROPOSAL 1


For the reasons set forth below,  the Board of  Directors  believe that the best
interests  of the Company and its  shareholders  will be served by changing  the
state of  incorporation  of the Company from California to Nevada (the "Proposed
Reincorporation").  Shareholders  are  urged  to read  carefully  the  following
sections  of  this  Information  Statement,   including  the  exhibit.  In  this
discussion of the Proposed Reincorporation, the term "Ammo California" refers to
the existing California corporation and the term "Ammo Nevada" refers to the new
Nevada corporation that is the proposed successor to Ammo California.

The change in the state of  incorporation  of the  Company  from  California  to
Nevada will be effected by the  Agreement and Plan of Merger by and between Ammo
California  and Ammo  Nevada,  a proposed  copy of which is  attached  hereto as
Exhibit A (the  "Merger  Agreement").  Pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement,  Ammo
California  will  merge  with and in Ammo  Nevada,  and Ammo  Nevada,  under its
current Articles of Incorporation,  will continue as the surviving  corporation.
Each  outstanding  share of Ammo  California  Common  Stock and Ammo  California
Preferred Stock will automatically be converted into one share of Ammo Nevada

Common  Stock  and  Ammo  Nevada  Preferred  Stock  with  the  same  rights  and
preferences respectively upon the effective date of the merger.  Shareholders of
Ammo California will have no dissenters' rights of appraisal with respect to the
Proposed  Reincorporation.  See "Significant Differences Between the Corporation
Laws of California and Nevada - Appraisal Rights."

Principal Reasons for the Proposed Reincorporation

Nevada  follows a policy of  encouraging  incorporation  in that state  and,  in
furtherance of that policy, has adopted  comprehensive,  flexible corporate laws
responsive to the legal and business needs of  corporations  organized under its
laws. In the judgment of the Company's Board of Directors, the corporate laws of
Nevada  are  less  subject  to  volatility,   and  should  be  interpreted  more
predictably, than the corporate laws of California, which from time to time have
been the  subject  of voter  initiatives.  The  Company  believes  it can better
protect the  interests of its  shareholders  if the  corporate law governing its
activities  are both more  stable  and  predictable,  on one hand,  and  permits
greater flexibility, on the other hand.

Antitakeover Implications

Nevada,  like many  other  states,  permits a  corporation  to adopt a number of
measures through amendment of the corporate charter or bylaws or otherwise,  and
provides  default  legal  provisions  that  apply  unless  the  corporation  has
affirmatively   chosen  to  opt  out,   designed   to  reduce  a   corporation's
vulnerability to unsolicited takeover attempts. For example,  Sections 78.411 to


78.444 of the Nevada General  Corporation  Law restrict  certain  "combinations"
with "interested  stockholders" for three years following the date that a person
becomes an  interested  stockholder,  unless the Board of Directors has approved
either the  business  combination  or the  transaction  by which the  interested
stockholder  became an  interested  stockholder  prior to the time  such  person
became an interested person. Even after the three-year period, such combinations
are restricted unless certain tests are satisfied.

The Proposed  Reincorporation  is not being  proposed in order to prevent such a
change in control,  nor is it in response  to any present  attempt  known to the
Board of Directors to acquire control of the Company,  obtain  representation on
the Board of  Directors,  or take  significant  action that affects the Company.
Ammo  Nevada  intends  to  affirmatively   "opt  out"  of  those  default  legal
provisions,  such as Sections 78.411 to 78.444 of the Nevada General Corporation
Law, that in its judgment are designed to have an antitakeover effect.

In the discharge of its fiduciary obligations to its shareholders,  the Board of
Directors has evaluated the  Company's  vulnerability  to potential  unsolicited
bidders. In the course of such evaluation, the Board of Directors of the Company
has  considered,  or  may  consider  again  in  the  future,  certain  defensive
strategies  designed  to  enhance  the  Board's  ability  to  negotiate  with an
unsolicited  bidder.  These  strategies  include,  but are not  limited  to, the
adoption of a shareholder rights plan;  severance  agreements for its management
and key  employees  that become  effective  upon the  occurrence  of a change in
control of the Company; and the authorization of preferred stock, the rights and
preferences of which are determined by the Board of Directors.

Certain  effects  of the  Proposed  Reincorporation  may be  considered  to have
antitakeover  implications  simply by virtue of the  Company  being  subject  to
Nevada law. For example,  in responding  to an  unsolicited  bidder,  the Nevada
General Corporation Law authorizes  directors to consider not only the interests
of  stockholders,  but also the  interests of employees,  suppliers,  creditors,
customers,  the economy of the state and nation,  the interests of the community
and society in general, and the long-term as well as short-term interests of the
corporation and its stockholders, including the possibility that these interests
may be best  served by the  continued  independence  of the  corporation.  For a
discussion of these and other  differences  between the laws of  California  and
Nevada, see "Significant  Differences Between the Corporation Laws of California
and Nevada" below.

Despite the belief of the Board of Directors as to the benefits to  shareholders
of the Proposed  Reincorporation,  such proposal may be  disadvantageous  to the
extent that it has the effect of discouraging a future takeover  attempt that is
not approved by the Board of Directors, but which a majority of the shareholders
may deem to be in their best  interests or in which  shareholders  may receive a
substantial  premium for their shares over the then-current market value or over
their cost basis in such shares. In addition,  to the extent that the provisions
of Nevada law enable the Board of  Directors to resist a takeover or a change in
control of the Company, they could make it more difficult to change the existing
Board of Directors and management.


No Change in the Board Members,  Business,  Management, or Location of Principal
Facilities of the Company; Certain Changes to Name and to Employee Plans.

The Proposed  Reincorporation  will effect a change in the legal domicile of the
Company and other changes of a legal  nature,  certain of which are described in
this Proxy Statement. The Proposed Reincorporation will not result in any change
in the business,  management, fiscal year, assets or liabilities, or location of
the  principal  facilities  of the  Company.  The  four  directors  who  are the
directors of Ammo California will continue as the directors of Ammo Nevada.  All
employee benefit and stock option plans of Ammo  California,  including the 2005
Stock Option Plan will be continued by Ammo Nevada and each  outstanding  option
to purchase shares of Ammo California stock will automatically be converted into
an option to purchase an equivalent number of shares of Ammo Nevada stock on the
same terms and  subject to the same  conditions.  The name of the  Company  will
remain American Ammunition, Inc.

The Charter and Bylaws of Ammo California and Ammo Nevada

The provisions of the Ammo Nevada Articles of Incorporation are similar to those
of the Ammo California Articles of Incorporation. The material changes that have
been made in the Ammo Nevada Articles of Incorporation as compared with the Ammo
California  Articles of  Incorporation  are  described  below in this section or
under  "Significant  Differences  Between the Corporation Laws of California and

Authorized Stock

The Articles of Incorporation of Ammo California authorize 320,000,000 shares of
capital  stock,  $.001 par value,  of which  300,000,000  shares are  designated
Common Stock and 20,000,000 shares are designated  Preferred Stock. The Articles
of Incorporation of Ammo Nevada authorize  320,000,000  shares of capital stock,
$.001 par value,  of which  300,000,000  shares are designated  Common Stock and
20,000,000 shares are designated Preferred Stock.


The  indemnification  provisions of Ammo California's  Articles of Incorporation
and Bylaws are  substantially  similar to those of the Articles of Incorporation
and Bylaws of Ammo  Nevada,  though  Ammo  Nevada  has  placed  certain of these
provisions  in the Articles of  Incorporation  rather than in the Bylaws.  These
provisions in Ammo  Nevada's  Articles of  Incorporation  state that the Company
shall indemnify  directors and officers in connection with any action,  suit, or
proceeding  to the fullest  extent  permitted  by law for acts as  directors  or
officers (of Ammo Nevada or of a predecessor  to Ammo Nevada,  or as a director,
officer,  employee,  or  agent  of  another  enterprise  at the  request  of the
Company),  and that the Company  shall  advance the  expenses of  directors  and
officers in advance of the final disposition of any action,  suit, or proceeding
upon  receipt of an  undertaking  by the director or officer to repay the amount
advanced if a court  ultimately  determines  that the director or officer is not
entitled to  indemnification.  Similar  provisions  also appear in the Bylaws of
both Ammo California and Ammo Nevada.


While the Bylaws of both Ammo  California  and Ammo Nevada permit the Company to
obtain insurance on behalf of directors,  officers,  employees, and agents, Ammo
Nevada's Bylaws also permit the Company to make other financial  arrangements on
behalf of any such  person for any  liabilities  or  expenses  incurred  in such
capacity.   See  "Significant   Differences  Between  the  Corporation  Laws  of
California and Nevada" below.

Monetary Liability of Directors

The Articles of  Incorporation  of Ammo  California and Ammo Nevada both provide
for the elimination or limitation of personal monetary liability of directors to
the fullest extent permissible under the laws of each  corporation's  respective
state  of  incorporation.  The laws of  Nevada  and Ammo  Nevada's  Articles  of
Incorporation  also permit the  elimination  or  limitation  of the liability of
officers of the  Company.  Nevada  permits  liability to be limited to a greater
extent  than does  California  law.  See  "Significant  Differences  Between the
Corporation Laws of California and Nevada" below.

Significant Differences Between the Corporation Laws of California and Nevada

The General  Corporation  Laws of California and Nevada differ in many respects.
It is not practical to summarize all differences in this Information  Statement,
but the  principal  differences  that  could  materially  affect  the  rights of
shareholders are discussed below.

Appraisal Rights

Under  both   California   and  Nevada  law,  a  shareholder  of  a  corporation
participating  in  certain  major  corporate  transactions  may,  under  varying
circumstances,   be  entitled  to  appraisal   rights  pursuant  to  which  such
shareholder  may receive  cash in the amount of the fair market  value of his or
her shares in lieu of the consideration he or she would otherwise receive in the

Under  Nevada law,  dissenters'  (or  appraisal)  rights are not  available in a
merger or share  exchange  if the shares held by the  stockholders  prior to the
share exchange or merger were either listed on a national securities exchange or
held  by  at  least  2,000  stockholders  of  record,  unless  the  articles  of
incorporation  of  the  corporation   provide  for  dissenters'  rights  or  the
stockholders  are required to accept under the plan of merger or share  exchange
anything  other  than cash,  shares of the  surviving  corporation,  shares of a
publicly traded or widely held corporation, or a combination of these.

The limitations on the availability of appraisal rights under California law are
different from those under Nevada law. Shareholders of a California  corporation
whose  shares  are  listed on a  national  securities  exchange  or on a list of
over-the-counter  margin  stocks issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System generally do not have such appraisal rights unless the holders of
at least five  percent  of the class of  outstanding  shares  claim the right or
unless  the  corporation  or any law  restricts  the  transfer  of such  shares.


Appraisal  rights are also  unavailable if the  shareholders of a corporation or
the corporation  itself, or both,  immediately prior to the reorganization  will
own immediately after the  reorganization  equity  securities  constituting more
than  five-sixths of the voting power of the surviving or acquiring  corporation
or its parent  entity (as will be the case under the Proposed  Reincorporation).
Appraisal or dissenters' rights are, therefore, not available to shareholders of
Ammo California with respect to the Proposed Reincorporation.

Business Combinations

In the last several years, a number of states,  including  Nevada,  have adopted
special laws designed to make certain kinds of "unfriendly" corporate takeovers,
or other transactions involving a corporation and one or more of its significant
stockholders, more difficult.

Sections  78.411 to 78.444 of the  Nevada  General  Corporation  Law  prohibit a
Nevada  corporation  from  engaging  in  a  "combination"  with  an  "interested
stockholder"  for three years  following  the date that such  person  becomes an
interested  stockholder and place certain restrictions on such combinations even
after the  expiration of the  three-year  period.  With certain  exceptions,  an
interested  stockholder  is a  person  or  group  that  owns  10% or more of the
corporation's  outstanding  voting power  (including stock with respect to which
the person has voting  rights  and any rights to acquire  stock  pursuant  to an
option, warrant,  agreement,  arrangement, or understanding or upon the exercise
of  conversion  or  exchange  rights) or is an  affiliate  or  associate  of the
corporation  and was the owner of 10% or more of such  voting  stock at any time
within the previous three years.

For purposes of Sections  78.411 to 78.444,  the term  "combination"  is defined
broadly  to include  mergers of the  corporation  or its  subsidiaries  with the
interested   stockholder;   sales  or  other   dispositions  to  the  interested
stockholder  of assets of the  corporation  or a  subsidiary  equal to 5% of the
aggregate  value of all assets of the  corporation,  equal to 5% of the value of
all  outstanding  shares  of  the  corporation,   or  representing  10%  of  the
corporation's  earning  power or net  income;  the  issuance  or transfer by the
corporation  or a  subsidiary  of  shares  equal  to  5% of  the  value  of  all
outstanding  shares of the  corporation  to the interested  stockholder  (except
under the exercise of warrants or rights to purchase  shares offered or in a pro
rata  distribution);  the adoption of any plan of liquidation of the corporation
proposed  by or under any  agreement,  arrangement,  or  understanding  with the
interested stockholder;  any reclassification,  recapitalization,  merger of the
corporation  with any of its  subsidiaries,  or other  transaction  that has the
effect of increasing the proportionate  ownership of the interested stockholder;
or  receipt  by  the  interested   stockholder  (except   proportionately  as  a
stockholder),  directly  or  indirectly,  of any  loans,  advances,  guarantees,
pledges, or other financial  assistance or tax advantages provided by or through
the corporation.  These  prohibitions also apply to affiliates and associates of
the interested stockholders.

The three-year moratorium imposed on business combinations by Sections 78.411 to
78.444 does not apply if, prior to the date on which such stockholder becomes an


interested  stockholder,  the board of  directors  approves  either the business
combination  or  the  transaction  that  resulted  in  the  person  becoming  an
interested stockholder.

Even after expiration of the three-year  period,  the moratorium on combinations
continues to apply unless one of the following requirements is met: (i) prior to
the date on which such stockholder  becomes an interested  stockholder the board
of directors  approves either the business  combination or the transaction  that
resulted in the person becoming an interested stockholder;  (ii) the combination
is  approved  by a majority of the voting  power not  beneficially  owned by the
interested  stockholder  or its affiliates or associates at a meeting called for
that purpose; or (iii) the combination  satisfies certain provisions  concerning
fair price.

Sections  78.411 to 78.444  only apply to Nevada  corporations  that have 200 or
more stockholders and, unless the articles of incorporation  provide  otherwise,
have a class of voting  shares  registered  under  Section 12 of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of  1934  (as  the  Common  Stock  of Ammo  Nevada  would  be upon
consummation of the  Reincorporation).  A Nevada corporation may elect not to be
governed by Sections 78.411 to 78.444 by a provision in its original certificate
of incorporation or an amendment thereto,  which amendment must be approved by a
majority  of the  outstanding  voting  power,  although  such  amendment  is not
effective until 18 months after the vote.

Ammo  Nevada  has  elected  not to be  governed  by  Sections  78.411 to 78.444;
therefore, these Sections will not apply to Ammo Nevada.

Control Shares

Nevada law further seeks to impede "unfriendly" corporate takeovers by providing
in  Sections  78.378 to 78.3793 of the Nevada  General  Corporation  Law that an
"acquiring  person"  shall only obtain  voting  rights in the  "control  shares"
purchased by such person to the extent  approved by the other  stockholders at a
meeting.  With certain  exceptions,  an acquiring  person is one who acquires or
offers to  acquire a  "controlling  interest"  in the  corporation,  defined  as
one-fifth or more of the voting power.  Control  shares  include not only shares
acquired or offered to be  acquired  in  connection  with the  acquisition  of a
controlling  interest,  but also all shares  acquired  by the  acquiring  person
within the preceding 90 days. The statute  covers not only the acquiring  person
but also any persons acting in association with the acquiring person. California
does not have a control shares statute.

Under Sections 78.378 to 78.3793,  a Nevada  corporation  may, if so provided in
the  articles of  incorporation  or bylaws of the  corporation  in effect on the
tenth day following acquisition of a controlling  interest,  call for redemption
of not less than all of the  control  shares at the  average  price paid for the
control  shares if (i) the  acquiring  person  has not  delivered  an  offeror's
statement to the  corporation  within ten days after  acquisition of the control
shares or (ii) the other  stockholders  do not accord full voting  rights to the
control shares.


Unless  otherwise  provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws in effect
on the tenth day following acquisition of a controlling interest, if the control
shares are accorded full voting  rights and the acquiring  person has acquired a
majority of the voting power, then any stockholder of record who did not vote in
favor of  authorizing  such voting rights is entitled to demand  payment for the
fair value of such stockholder's shares.

Sections 78.378 to 78.3793 apply only to Nevada  corporations  that (i) have 200
or more  stockholders,  at least 100 of whom are  stockholders of record and are
resident  in  Nevada,  and (ii) do  business  in Nevada  directly  or through an
affiliated corporation.  A corporation may elect to opt out of the provisions of
Sections  78.378 to 78.3793 if, before an acquisition of a controlling  interest
is made,  the  articles  of  incorporation  or bylaws in effect on the tenth day
following  the  acquisition  of a  controlling  interest by an acquiring  person
provide that these  Sections do not apply.  The Company does not  currently  and
will not as a result of the  Proposed  Reincorporation  have 100 or more  record
stockholders resident in Nevada.

Ammo Nevada has elected not to be governed by Sections 78.378 to 78.3793;
therefore, these Sections will not apply to Ammo Nevada, even if the Company
hereafter has 100 or more record stockholders resident in Nevada.

Cumulative Voting

California law generally  provides that if any  shareholder  has given notice of
his or her intention to cumulate votes for the election of directors,  any other
shareholder of the  corporation is also entitled to cumulate his or her votes at
such election.

Under Nevada law,  cumulative  voting is not mandatory,  and  cumulative  voting
rights  must  be  provided  in a  corporation's  articles  of  incorporation  if
stockholders  are to be entitled to cumulative  voting  rights.  The Articles of
Incorporation of Ammo Nevada do not provide for cumulative voting.

California  law permits a  corporation  that is listed on a national  securities
exchange,  or that is listed on the Nasdaq  National Market and has at least 800
stockholders  as of the record date for the  corporation's  most  recent  annual
meeting of shareholders, to amend its articles or bylaws to eliminate cumulative
voting by  approval  of the board of  directors  and of the  outstanding  shares
voting together as a class. Ammo California's  current Articles of Incorporation
have eliminated cumulative voting.

Elimination of Actions by Written Consent of Shareholders

Under  California and Nevada law,  shareholders may execute an action by written
consent in lieu of a shareholder meeting. While Nevada law permits a corporation
to eliminate such actions by written consent in its articles of incorporation or
bylaws, the Articles and Bylaws of Ammo Nevada do not currently prohibit actions
by written  consent of the  stockholders,  although the Board of Directors could
amend the Bylaws in this  respect.  The ability of the Board of Directors  under
Nevada law to limit or eliminate the right of stockholders to initiate action by
written  consent  may make it more  difficult  to change the  existing  Board of
Directors and management.


Filling Vacancies on the Board of Directors

Under  California  law, unless the articles of  incorporation  or bylaws provide
otherwise,  any  vacancy on the board of  directors  not created by removal of a
director  may be filled by the board.  If the number of directors is less than a
quorum,  a  vacancy  may be  filled  by the  unanimous  written  consent  of the
directors then in office, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors
at a meeting  held  pursuant  to  notice  or  waivers  of  notice,  or by a sole
remaining  director.  Unless the articles of  incorporation  or bylaws otherwise
provide,  a vacancy  created  by removal  of a  director  may be filled  only by
approval of the shareholders.  Ammo  California's  Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws permit directors to fill vacancies;  however,  if the vacancy was created
by the removal of a director by the vote or written consent of the  shareholders
or by court order,  the vacancy may be filled only by the affirmative  vote of a
majority  of shares  represented  and  voting at a duly held  meeting at which a
quorum  is  present,  or by the  unanimous  written  consent  of all the  shares
entitled to vote thereon.  Under Nevada law, unless a corporation's  articles of
incorporation  provide  otherwise,  any  vacancy  on  the  board  of  directors,
including  one  created by removal of a director or an increase in the number of
authorized directors,  may be filled by the majority of the remaining directors,
even  if  such  number   constitutes  less  than  a  quorum.   The  Articles  of
Incorporation  of Ammo Nevada provide that a vacancy created by the removal of a
director by the vote or written  consent of the  shareholders  or by court order
may only be filled by the affirmative  vote of a majority of shares  represented
and  voting  at a duly held  meeting  at which a quorum  is  present,  or by the
unanimous written consent of all the shares entitled to vote thereon, unless the
number of remaining  directors is less than a quorum,  in which case the vacancy
may be filled by the unanimous  written consent of the directors then in office,
by the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the  directors  at a  meeting  held
pursuant to notice or waivers of notice, or by a sole remaining director.

Inspection of Shareholder List

California  law allows any  shareholder  to inspect the  shareholder  list,  the
accounting  books  and  records,  and  the  minutes  of  board  and  shareholder
proceedings  for a purpose  reasonably  related to such  person's  interest as a
shareholder.  California  law provides,  in addition,  for an absolute  right to
inspect  and copy the  corporation's  shareholder  list by  persons  who hold an
aggregate of five percent or more of a  corporation's  voting shares or who hold
one  percent  or more of such  shares  and have  filed a  Schedule  14A with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

Nevada law allows  inspection of a stockholder  list only upon five days' notice
by either a person who has been a stockholder of record at least six months or a
person  holding,  or authorized in writing by the holder of, five percent of the
corporation's  outstanding  shares.  In addition,  the corporation may deny such
inspection rights if the stockholder  requesting  disclosure  refuses to sign an
affidavit  to the effect  that (i) the  inspection  is not desired for a purpose
that is in the  interest of a business or object  other than the business of the


corporation  and (ii) the  stockholder  has not at any time sold or offered  for
sale any list of  stockholders of any corporation or aided and abetted any other
person for such  purpose.  To inspect the  accounting  and  financial  books and
records  of  a  corporation,  a  stockholder  must  hold  or  have  the  written
authorization  of the  holders  of at least 15% of all  issued  and  outstanding
shares,  and a  corporation  may demand an  affidavit  to the  effect  that such
inspection is not desired for any purpose not related to such person's  interest
in the  corporation  as a  stockholder.  No right to inspect the  accounting and
financial books and records  applies to any  corporation  listed and traded on a
recognized   stock  exchange  or  which  furnishes   detailed  annual  financial
statements to its stockholders.

Lack  of  access  to  stockholder   records,   even  though   unrelated  to  the
stockholder's  interests as a  stockholder,  could result in  impairment  of the
stockholder's   ability  to  coordinate   opposition  to  management  proposals,
including proposals with respect to a change in control of the Company. However,
California law provides that California  provisions concerning the inspection of
shareholder  lists  apply  not  only  to  California  corporations  but  also to
corporations  organized under the laws of other states that have their principal
executive  offices in  California or  customarily  hold meetings of the board in
California,  and that the California  provisions concerning accounting books and
records and the minutes of board and shareholder  proceedings  apply to any such
foreign corporation that has its principal executive offices in California.  For
so long as the Company  continues  too have its principal  executive  offices in
California  and to hold board of  directors  meetings in  Califrnia,  and to the
extent such provisions  applicable to foreign corporations are enforceable,  the
Company must comply with California law concerning shareholder  inspections.  In
any event,  the  Company  intends to  continue  complying  with  California  law
concerning shareholder inspections even if it is not required to do so.

Interested Director Transactions

Under both California and Nevada law, certain contracts or transactions in which
one or more  of a  corporation's  directors  have an  interest  are not  void or
voidable  because of such  interest  provided that certain  conditions,  such as
obtaining the required  approval and fulfilling the  requirements  of good faith
and full  disclosure,  are met.  With certain  exceptions,  the  conditions  are
similar under California and Nevada law. Under California and Nevada law, either
(i) the shareholders or the board of directors must approve any such contract or
transaction  after full  disclosure  of the  material  facts and, in the case of
board approval,  the contract or transaction  must also be "just and reasonable"
(in California) to the corporation or (ii) the contract or transaction must have
been  "just and  reasonable"  (in  California)  or  "fair"  (in  Nevada)  to the
corporation  at the time it was  approved.  In the latter case,  California  law
explicitly  places  the  burden of proof on the  interested  director.  If board
approval is sought,  the contract or transaction  must be approved by a majority
vote of a quorum of the directors,  without  counting the vote of any interested
directors  (except  that  interested  directors  may be counted for  purposes of
establishing a quorum). Under California law, if shareholder approval is sought,
the  interested  director is not  entitled to vote such  director's  shares at a
shareholder  meeting  with  respect to any action  regarding  such  contract  or
transaction,  whereas Nevada law requires that such director's  votes be counted
for such purpose.  Nevada law also provides that the  transaction is not void or


voidable if the fact of the common  directorship,  office, or financial interest
at issue is not  disclosed or known to the director at the time the  transaction
is brought before the board for action. Nevada law addresses not only interested
directors but also transactions with interested officers.

Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

California  and  Nevada  have  similar  laws  respecting  indemnification  by  a
corporation of its officers, directors, employees, and other agents. The laws of
both states also permit  corporations  to adopt a provision in their articles of
incorporation  eliminating the liability of a director to the corporation or its
shareholders for monetary damages for breach of the director's fiduciary duty of
care.  There are  nonetheless  certain  differences  between the laws of the two
states respecting indemnification and limitation of liability.

The Articles of  Incorporation  of Ammo  California  eliminate  the liability of
directors to the fullest extent permissible under California law. California law
permits  eliminating  or  limiting  the  personal  liability  of a director  for
monetary  damages in an action brought by or in the right of the  corporation (a
"derivative  suit") for breach of a director's duties to the corporation and its
shareholders; provided, however, that the corporation may not eliminate or limit
liability for (i)  intentional  misconduct or knowing and culpable  violation of
law; (ii) acts or omissions that a director  believes to be contrary to the best
interests of the corporation or its shareholders, or that involve the absence of
good faith on the part of the director;  (iii)  receipt of an improper  personal
benefit;  (iv) acts or omissions that show reckless disregard for the director's
duty to the corporation or its shareholders,  where the director in the ordinary
course of  performing a director's  duties  should be aware of a risk of serious
injury  to the  corporation  or its  shareholders;  (v) acts or  omissions  that
constitute an unexcused  pattern of inattention that amounts to an abdication of
the director's  duty to the  corporation or its  shareholders;  (vi)  interested
transactions  between the  corporation  and a director in which a director has a
material  financial  interest;  and (vii) liability for improper  distributions,
loans, or guarantees.

The Articles of  Incorporation  of Ammo Nevada  eliminate  the liability of both
directors and officers to the fullest  extent  permissible  under Nevada law, as
such law exists  currently  or as it may be amended in the future.  Under Nevada
law,  such  provision may not  eliminate or limit  director or officer  monetary
liability for (i) acts or omissions involving intentional misconduct,  fraud, or
a  knowing  violation  of  law  or  (ii)  the  payment  of  certain   prohibited
distributions.  Such  limitation  of  liability  provision  also may not limit a
director's or officer's  liability  for violation of, or otherwise  relieve Ammo
Nevada or its  directors  or officers  from the  necessity  of  complying  with,
federal or state  securities  laws, or affect the  availability  of  nonmonetary
remedies such as injunctive relief or rescission.

California  law permits  indemnification  of expenses  incurred in derivative or
third-party  actions,  except that, with respect to derivative  actions,  (a) no
indemnification  may be made when a person is adjudged liable to the corporation
in the performance of that person's duty to the corporation and its shareholders
unless a court determine such person is entitled to indemnity for expenses,  and


then such  indemnification  may be made only to the extent that such court shall
determine,  and (b) no indemnification may be made in respect of amounts paid in
settling or otherwise  disposing of a pending  action,  or expenses  incurred in
defending a pending  action that is settled or otherwise  disposed  of,  without
court approval.

Indemnification is permitted by California law only for acts taken in good faith
and  believed  to  be  in  the  best  interests  of  the   corporation  and  its
shareholders,  as determined by a majority vote of a disinterested quorum of the
directors,  independent  legal counsel (if a quorum of independent  directors is
not  obtainable),  a majority  vote of a quorum of the  shareholders  (excluding
shares owned by the indemnified party), or the court handling the action.

California law requires  indemnification  when the  individual has  successfully
defended  the action on the merits (as  opposed to Nevada  law,  which  requires
indemnification relating to a successful defense on the merits or otherwise).

Nevada law generally permits indemnification of expenses incurred in the defense
or settlement of a derivative or third-party  action,  provided  that,  unless a
court orders  indemnification or the corporation is bound to advance expenses as
they are incurred,  there is a determination  by a  disinterested  quorum of the
directors,  by independent legal counsel, or by the stockholders that the person
seeking  indemnification acted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed
to be in or (in contrast to California law) not opposed to the best interests of
the corporation. Without court approval, however, no indemnification may be made
in respect of any derivative  action in which such person is adjudged  liable to
the  corporation.  Nevada law  requires  indemnification  of  expenses  when the
individual being indemnified has successfully defended any action, claim, issue,
or matter therein, whether on the merits or otherwise.

Nevada law states  that the  indemnification  provided  by statute  shall not be
deemed  exclusive of any other rights under the articles of  incorporation,  any
bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested directors, or otherwise.
Each current  officer and director of the Company has entered into or will enter
into an  indemnification  agreement with Ammo Nevada that conforms to Nevada law
and  includes  within its purview  future  changes in Nevada law that expand the
permissible  scope of  indemnification  of  directors  and  officers  of  Nevada

Nevada law provides that the articles of incorporation or bylaws or an agreement
made by a  corporation  may provide that the expenses of directors  and officers
incurred  in  defending  an action must be paid by the  corporation  as they are
incurred and in advance of the final  disposition  of the action upon receipt of
an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer to repay the amount if
the  court   ultimately   determines   that  such  person  is  not  entitled  to
indemnification.  The  Articles of  Incorporation  and the Bylaws of Ammo Nevada
provide that the Company shall  indemnify  directors and officers to the fullest
extent  permitted  under Nevada law, and that the Company shall pay all expenses
incurred  in  defending  an action in  advance.  The Bylaws of Ammo  Nevada also
permit such  indemnification  of and  advancement  of expenses to employees  and
agents of the Company.


Nevada law  further  provides  that a  corporation  may  purchase  and  maintain
insurance  or make  other  financial  arrangements  on behalf  of any  director,
officer, employee, or agent of the corporation (or person who is serving in such
capacity with another enterprise at the request of the corporation),  whether or
not the  corporation  has the  authority to indemnify  such person.  These other
financial  arrangements may include a trust fund,  self-insurance,  securing the
corporation's  obligation  by granting a security  interest  or other  lien,  or
establishing  a letter of credit,  guaranty,  or surety,  although no  financial
arrangement  may provide  protection for  intentional  misconduct,  fraud,  or a
knowing  violation of law except with respect to the  advancement of expenses or
unless ordered by a court. In the absence of fraud, the decision of the board of
directors as to the propriety of any insurance or other financial arrangement is
conclusive,  and the  insurance or other  financial  arrangement  is not void or
voidable  and does not subject any director  approving it to personal  liability
even if such  director is a  beneficiary  of the  insurance  or other  financial
arrangement.  The Bylaws of Ammo  Nevada  permit the  Company  to  purchase  and
maintain insurance and make such other financial arrangements.

Loans to Officers and Employees

Under  California law, any loan to or guarantee for the benefit of a director or
officer of a corporation or its parent  requires  approval of the  shareholders,
not  counting  any shares  owned by the  relevant  director or  officer,  unless
suchloan  or guaranty is provided  under an employee  benefit  plan  approved by
shareholders owning a majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation.  In
addition,  under California law shareholders of any corporation with 100 or more
shareholders  of record may approve a bylaw  authorizing  the board of directors
alone,  not counting the vote of any  interested  director,  to approve loans or
guarantees  to or on  behalf  of  officers  (whether  or not such  officers  are
directors) if the board determines that any such loan or guaranty may reasonably
be expected to benefit the corporation.  The Bylaws of Ammo California authorize
such loans or guarantees.  These  specific  provisions of California law dealing
with  loans  and   guarantees   would  no  longer   apply  after  the   Proposed

Power to Call Special Shareholders' Meetings

Under California law, a special meeting of shareholders may be called by (a) the
board of directors,  (b) the chairman of the board,  (c) the president,  (d) the
holders  of shares  entitled  to cast not less than ten  percent of the votes at
such meeting,  or (e) such additional  persons as are authorized by the articles
of  incorporation  or the  bylaws.  Under  Nevada  law,  a  special  meeting  of
stockholders  may be called as set forth in the  articles  of  incorporation  or
bylaws.  The Articles of  Incorporation  of Ammo Nevada  authorize  the Board of
Directors,  the  President,  or the  holders  of at  least  ten  percent  of the
outstanding  capital stock to call a special meeting of stockholders.  Since the
right of the stockholders to call a special meeting is set forth in the Articles
of Incorporation  of Ammo Nevada,  it may be amended only by stockholder vote or
written  consent,  and therefore  such right may not be limited or eliminated by
the Board of Directors.


Removal of Directors

Under  California  law, any  director or the entire  board of  directors  may be
removed,  with or without cause,  by the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote;  however,  no individual  director may be
removed (unless the entire board is removed) if the number of votes cast against
such removal,  or not  consenting in writing to removal,  would be sufficient to
elect the director under cumulative  voting.  Under Nevada law, any director may
be removed  from  office,  with or without  cause,  by the vote of  stockholders
representing not less than two-thirds of the voting power of the class or series
of stock of the Company entitled to elect such director,  unless the articles of
incorporation  provide for cumulative voting or a different percentage of voting
stock.  If  a  Nevada  corporation's   articles  of  incorporation  provide  for
cumulative  voting,  a  director  may not be  removed  except  upon  the vote of
stockholders  owning  sufficient  voting power to have prevented such director's
election in the first instance.  The Articles of Incorporation of Ammo Nevada do
not provide  for  cumulative  voting,  but do specify  that any  director or the
entire  board  of  directors  may be  removed,  with or  without  cause,  by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote.

Shareholder Derivative Suits

California  law provides  that a  shareholder  bringing a  derivative  action on
behalf  of a  corporation  need not have been a  shareholder  at the time of the
transaction in question,  provided that certain tests are met. Under Nevada law,
a stockholder may only bring a derivative action on behalf of the corporation if
the  stockholder  was a  stockholder  of  the  corporation  at the  time  of the
transaction in question or his or her stock thereafter  devolved upon him or her
by operation of law.  Nevada law also provides that a derivative  action may not
be maintained if it appears that the  plaintiff  does not fairly and  adequately
represent the interests of the stockholders  similarly situated in enforcing the
right of the corporation.

Shareholder Voting

Both California and Nevada law generally require that a majority of shareholders
of both the acquiring and target corporations approve statutory mergers.  Nevada
law does not require a stockholder vote of the surviving corporation in a merger
(unless the corporation  provides otherwise in its articles of incorporation) if
(i) the merger  agreement does not amend the existing  articles of incorporation
of the surviving corporation, (ii) each stockholder of the surviving corporation
whose  shares  were  outstanding  before the merger will hold the same number of
shares with  identical  designations,  preferences,  limitations,  and  relative
rights after the merger,  and (iii) the number of shares  outstanding  after the
merger  plus the number of shares  issued as a result of the  merger,  either by
conversion or exercise of  securities  issued  pursuant to the merger,  will not
exceed by more  than 10% the  number  of  shares  of the  surviving  corporation
outstanding  immediately prior to the merger.  California law contains a similar
exception to its voting requirements for  reorganizations  where shareholders or
the corporation  itself, or both,  immediately prior to the reorganization  will
own immediately after the  reorganization  equity  securities  constituting more
than  five-sixths of the voting power of the surviving or acquiring  corporation
or its parent entity.


Both California and Nevada law also require that a sale of all or  substantially
all of the assets of a  corporation  be  approved  by a  majority  of the voting
shares of the corporation  transferring  such assets.  With certain  exceptions,
California  law also requires that  mergers,  reorganizations,  certain sales of
assets, and similar transactions be approved by a majority vote of each class of
shares  outstanding.  By contrast,  Nevada law generally  does not require class
voting, except in certain transactions involving an amendment to the articles of
incorporation  that  differentially  affects a specific  class of  shares.  As a
result,  stockholder approval of such transactions may be easier to obtain under
Nevada law for companies that have more than one class of shares outstanding.

California law also requires that,  except in a short-form merger or a merger of
a parent  corporation  into its  subsidiary in which it owns at least 90% of the
outstanding  shares,  if a constituent  corporation  in the merger or its parent
owns  at  least  50% of  another  constituent  corporation  in the  merger,  the
nonredeemable  common shares of a constituent  corporation may be converted only
into nonredeemable common shares of the surviving  corporation or a parent party
unless all  shareholders of the class consent.  This provision of California law
may have the effect of making a "cash-out" merger by a majority shareholder more
difficult to accomplish. Although Nevada law does not parallel California law in
this  respect,  under some  circumstances  Sections  78.411 to 78.444  (business
combinations  with  interested  stockholders)  and  Sections  78.378 to  78.3793
(voting  rights of  acquiring  person's  control  shares) of the Nevada  General
Corporation Law do provide similar protection  against coercive  two-tiered bids
for a corporation in which the stockholders are not treated equally.  California
law provides  that,  except in certain  circumstances,  when a tender offer or a
proposal for a  reorganization  or for a sale of assets is made by an interested
party (generally a controlling or managing party of the target corporation),  an
affirmative  opinion in writing as to the  fairness of the  consideration  to be
paid to the shareholders  must be delivered to the  shareholders.  This fairness
opinion  requirement  does not apply to a corporation  that does not have shares
held of  record  by at  least  100  persons  or to a  transaction  that has been
qualified under California state  securities laws.  Furthermore,  if a tender of
shares or vote is sought pursuant to an interested  party's proposal and a later
proposal  is made by  another  party  at  least  ten  days  prior to the date of
acceptance of the interested party proposal,  the shareholders  must be informed
of the later  offer and be afforded a  reasonable  opportunity  to withdraw  any
vote,  consent,  or proxy or to withdraw any tendered shares.  Nevada law has no
comparable  provision.  Size of the Board of  Directors  Under  California  law,
changes  in the  number  of  directors  or,  if set  forth  in the  articles  of
incorporation or bylaws, the range in the number of directors must in general be
approved by a majority of the outstanding shares, but the board of directors may
fix the exact number of directors  within a stated range, if authorized.  Nevada
law permits not only the  stockholders  but also the board of  directors  acting
independently of the stockholders to change the authorized number, or the range,
of directors by amendment to the bylaws, unless the directors are not authorized
to amend the  bylaws or the  number of  directors  is fixed in the  articles  of
incorporation  (in which  case a change in the number of  directors  may be made
only by amendment to the articles of  incorporation  following  approval of such
change by the  stockholders).  The  Articles  of  Incorporation  of Ammo  Nevada
provide that the number of Directors  shall be within the range specified in the
Articles,  and that the Board of Directors may fix the exact number of directors
within  the  stated  range  by   amendment  to  the  Bylaws.   If  the  Proposed


Reincorporation is approved, the four directors of Ammo California will continue
as directors of Ammo Nevada and the Bylaws of Ammo Nevada will initially provide
for a four-member Board of Directors.

Application of the General  Corporation Law of California to Nevada Corporations
Under Section 2115 of the California  General  Corporation  Law, certain foreign
corporations (i.e.,  corporations not organized under California law) are placed
in a special  category if they have  characteristics  of ownership and operation
indicating that they have certain significant  business contacts with California
and more than one half of their voting  securities are held of record by persons
having addresses in California. So long as a Nevada or other foreign corporation
is in this special  category,  and it does not qualify for one of the  statutory
exemptions,  it is  subject  to a number  of key  provisions  of the  California
General  Corporation Law applicable to corporations  incorporated in California.
Among the more  important  provisions  are those  relating to the  election  and
removal of directors,  cumulative  voting,  prohibition of classified  boards of
directors  in  privately   held   corporations,   standards  of  liability   and
indemnification  of  directors,  distributions,  dividends  and  repurchases  of
shares,  shareholder  meetings,  approval  of  certain  corporate  transactions,
dissenters'  and appraisal  rights,  and  inspection of corporate  records.  See
"Significant  Differences Between the Corporation Laws of California and Nevada"
above. An exemption from Section 2115 is provided for a corporation whose shares
are listed on a major national securities exchange,  or are traded on the Nasdaq
National  Market and has 800 or more  shareholders as of the record date for its
most recent  annual  meeting of  shareholders.  As Ammo Nevada will not have its
shares listed and publicly  traded on the Nasdaq  National  Market,  the Company
will not qualify for the exemption from 2115 described above.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

The  following is a discussion of certain  federal  income tax  consequences  to
holders of Ammo  California  capital stock who receive Ammo Nevada capital stock
in exchange for their Ammo California  capital stock as a result of the Proposed
Reincorporation.  No state,  local,  or foreign tax  consequences  are addressed

This  discussion  does not  address  all the tax  consequences  of the  Proposed
Reincorporation that may be relevant to particular Ammo California shareholders,
including without  limitation  dealers in securities,  holders of stock options,
and those Ammo  California  shareholders  who  acquired  their  shares  upon the
exercise  of  stock  options.  In  view  of  the  varying  nature  of  such  tax
consequences, shareholders are urged to consult their own tax advisors as to the
specific tax consequences to them of the Proposed Reincorporation, including the
applicability of federal, state, local, or foreign tax laws.


The Company has not  requested a ruling from the Internal  Revenue  Service (the
"IRS")  or an  opinion  of  counsel  with  respect  to the  federal  income  tax
consequences of the Proposed  Reincorporation under the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code").  The Company  believes,  however,  that:  (a) the
Proposed Reincorporation will constitute a tax-free reorganization under Section
368(a) of the Code; (b) no gain or loss will be recognized by holders of capital
stock of Ammo  California  upon receipt of capital stock of Ammo Nevada pursuant
to the  Proposed  Reincorporation;  (c) the  aggregate  tax basis of the capital
stock  of Ammo  Nevada  received  by each  shareholder  will be the  same as the
aggregate  tax  basis  of the  capital  stock  of Ammo  California  held by such
shareholder as a capital asset at the time of the Proposed Reincorporation;  and
(d) the  holding  period of the capital  stock of Ammo  Nevada  received by each
shareholder  of  Ammo   California  will  include  the  period  for  which  such
shareholder  held the capital stock of Ammo  California  surrendered in exchange
therefor,  provided  that such Ammo  California  capital  stock was held by such
shareholder as a capital asset at the time of the Proposed Reincorporation.

A  successful   IRS   challenge   to  the   tax-free   status  of  the  Proposed
Reincorporation  would  result in a  shareholder  recognizing  gain or loss with
respect to each share of Ammo California  capital stock surrendered equal to the
difference  between that  shareholder's  basis in such share and the fair market
value,  as of the  time of the  Proposed  Reincorporation,  of the  Ammo  Nevada
capital stock  received in exchange  therefor.  In such event,  a  shareholder's
aggregate  basis in the shares of Ammo  Nevada  capital  stock  received  in the
exchange  would equal such fair market  value,  and such  shareholder's  holding
period  for  such  shares  would  not  include  the  period  during  which  such
shareholder held Ammo California capital stock.

State,  local, or foreign income tax  consequences to shareholders may vary from
the federal tax consequences described above.  Shareholders should consult their
own  tax  advisors  as to the  effect  of  the  Proposed  Reincorporation  under
applicable federal, state, local, or foreign income tax laws.

The Company should not recognize gain or loss for federal income tax purposes as
a result of the Proposed Reincorporation, and Ammo Nevada should succeed without
adjustment to the federal income tax attributes of Ammo California.

Vote Required for the Proposed Reincorporation

Approval of the Proposed Reincorporation,  which includes approval of the Merger
Agreement,  requires  the  Affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Ammo California Common Stock.


                                   PROPOSAL 2

On June 30, 2005,  our Board of Directors  voted  unanimously  to authorize  and
recommend that our stockholders approve a proposal to establish and maintain the
2005 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"), providing for the issuance of qualified and
non-qualified  incentive  stock  options and direct  restricted  stock grants to
officers,  employees,  consultants and others providing services to the Company.
The  directors  of the  Company  will  be  eligible  to be  issued  options  and
restricted  stock under the Plan.  As of June 30, 2005,  there were no incentive
stock options or nonqualified stock options granted pursuant to the Plan.

The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  or  another  committee
approved by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company (or the entire  Board) will
administer the Plan. The committee  administering the Plan (or the entire Board)
will establish the exercise price,  the term, the vesting schedule and the other
terms and conditions of each option or restricted  stock to be granted under the
Plan.  No option  shall have a term of longer than ten (10)  years,  and certain
incentive stock options may not have a term of longer than five (5) years. Up to
1,000,000  shares of our Common  Stock may be issued in  connection  with awards
granted  under  the  Plan.  The  purposes  of the Plan are to  advance  the best
interest of our shareholders  and to attract,  retain and motivate key employees
and  persons  affiliated  with us, and  provide  such  persons  with  additional
incentive to further the business,  promote the long-term  financial success and
increase  shareholder  value by  increasing  their  proprietary  interest in our
success.  The Board of Directors  believes the Plan will fulfill these  purposes
and that  the  availability  of  equity  incentives  under  the  Plan  will be a
significant factor in our ability to attract and retain key management personnel
who share primary responsibility for our management and growth.

The following is a summary of the principal  features of the Plan,  and does not
purport to be a complete description of the Plan. A complete copy of the Plan is
attached as Exhibit A.

     Eligibility.  The Plan is open to key  employees,  officers,  directors and
consultants  of the Company and its  affiliates.  As of June 30, 2005, we had no
employees which were eligible for participation in the Plan.

     Changes in the Company's  Capital  Structure.  The Plan will not affect our
right to  authorize  adjustments,  recapitalizations,  reorganizations  or other
changes   in  our   capital   structure.   In  the   event  of  an   adjustment,
recapitalization or reorganization,  the award shall be adjusted accordingly. In
the event of a merger, consolidation or liquidation, the eligible person will be
eligible  to receive a like  number of shares of stock in the new entity that he
or she would have been entitled to if,  immediately  prior to the merger,  he or
she had exercised his or her option. In the event of a merger,  consolidation or
liquidation,  all outstanding  options may be canceled by the Board of Directors
upon written notice to the eligible person and by granting a period in which the
options may be exercised.


     Options and Option  price.  We may grant  incentive or  nonqualified  stock
options. The exercise price of incentive options shall not be less than the fair
market value on the date of grant. The exercise price for incentive  options for
10% or more  shareholders  shall be not less than 110% of fair market value. The
exercise price of nonqualified options shall be determined by the Board.

     Duration.  No option may be exercisable  after the period of ten years.  In
the  case  of  a  10%  or  more   shareholder,   no  incentive   option  may  be
exercisableafter the expiration of five years.

     Amount  exercisable.  In the event an eligible person  exercises  incentive
options  during the calendar  year whose  aggregate  fair market  value  exceeds
$100,000, the exercise of options over $100,000 will be considered  nonqualified
stock options.

     Exercise of  Options.  Options may be  exercised  by written  notice to the
Compensation Committee with: (a) cash, certified check, bank draft, or postal or
express  money order  payable to the order of the company for an amount equal to
the option price of the shares;  or, if approved in advance by the  Compensation
Committee  (b) stock at its fair market  value on the date of  exercise;  (c) an
election to make a cashless exercise through a registered broker-dealer;  (d) an
election to have shares of stock,  which  otherwise would be issued on exercise,
withheld  in payment  of the  exercise  price;  or (e) any other form of payment
which is acceptable to the Compensation Committee.

     Stock  appreciation  rights or SARs.  SARs may be  included  in each option
granted under the Plan. A SAR permits the recipient to surrender that option, or
a portion of the part which is  exercisable,  and  receive in exchange an amount
equal to the excess of the fair market value of the stock covered by the option,
over the exercise price of the stock.

     Termination of Options or SARs. Unless expressly  provided in the option or
SAR agreement,  options or SARs shall terminate three months after an employee's
severance  of  employment  with the company  other than by death or  disability.
Unless the option or SAR expires sooner,  the option or SAR will expire one year
after the death or disability of the eligible person.

     Restricted Stock Awards. The Board may issue shares of stock to an eligible
person  subject to the terms of a restricted  stock  agreement.  The  restricted
stock may be issued for no payment by the eligible  person or for payment  below
the fair market value on the date of grant. Restricted stock shall be subject to
restrictions as to sale, transfer,  alienation, pledge, or other encumbrance and
generally  will be  subject to vesting  over a period of time  specified  in the
restricted stock agreement. The Board shall determine the period of vesting, the
number of shares,  the price,  if any, of stock  included in a restricted  stock
award,  and the other terms and  provisions  which are  included in a restricted
stock agreement.


     Amendment or  Termination  of the Plan.  The Board may amend,  terminate or
suspend the Plan at any time,  in its sole and  absolute  discretion;  provided,
however,  that no  amendment  that would  increase the number of shares of stock
that may be issued under the Plan,  or withdraw the  administration  of the Plan
from the Board or Compensation Committee,  shall be made without the approval of
our shareholders.  Subject to the preceding  sentence,  the Board shall have the
power to make any changes in the Plan and in the regulations and  administrative
provisions under it or in any outstanding  incentive option as in the opinion of
counsel for the company may be  necessary  or  appropriate  from time to time to
enable any incentive option granted under this Plan to continue to qualify as an
incentive  stock option or such other stock  option as may be defined  under the
Code so as to receive preferential federal income tax treatment.

     Federal  Tax  Consequences.  The  following  is a brief  summary of the tax
consequences of the grant and exercise of stock options under the federal income
tax laws.  This summary does not, among other things,  purport to describe state
or local tax consequences or to describe all federal income tax consequences.

     Incentive Stock Options and Nonqualified  Options.  Recipients of incentive
options  generally  are not  subject  to  income  tax at the time the  option is
granted or exercised.  However,  upon the exercise of any incentive option,  any
excess of the fair market value of shares  received over the exercise  price may
be  subject to the  alternative  minimum  tax.  Upon  disposition  of any shares
obtained through the exercise of an incentive option,  long-term capital gain or
loss will be recognized in an amount equal to the  difference  between the sales
price and the aggregate  exercise price,  provided that the participant has held
the  shares  for at least  one year  from the  date  the  incentive  option  was
exercised and at least two years from the date the incentive option was granted.
If  the  participant   disposes  of  the  shares  within  that  time  period  (a
"Disqualifying Disposition"),  the participant will recognize ordinary income to
the extent of the  difference  between the exercise  price and the lesser of the
fair market  value on the date the  incentive  option is exercised or the amount
realized on the Disqualifying Disposition. Any remaining gain or loss is treated
as a short-term or long-term  capital gain or loss,  depending on the period the
shares were held by the  participant.  We are not entitled to any tax  deduction
upon  either  the  exercise  of any  incentive  option  or upon  any  subsequent
disposition  of the shares  acquired  pursuant to such  exercise,  except to the
extent  that  the   participant   recognizes   ordinary  income  pursuant  to  a
Disqualifying Disposition.

A participant receiving nonqualified options does not generally recognize income
at the time the option is granted.  However,  when the option is exercised,  the
participant will recognize  ordinary income equal to the difference  between the
fair market value of the shares on the exercise date and the exercise  price. We
receive a tax deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the
participant.  The  participant's  basis in the  shares is equal to the  exercise
price plus any recognized ordinary income.

As of June 30, 2005, there were no grants made pursuant to the Plan.


We do not currently have any equity compensation plans except for the 2005 Stock
Option Plan which is included in this Information Statement.


                                   PROPOSAL 3
                             THE REVERSE STOCK SPLIT

General Information

On June 30, 2005,  our Board of Directors  voted  unanimously  to authorize  and
recommend  that our  stockholders  approve a 1:20 reverse split of the Company's
common stock and retain the same number of authorized  shares.  The Amendment to
the  Certificate of  Incorporation  provides that each 20 shares of common stock
outstanding on the Effective Date will be exchanged for one  post-Reverse  Split
share of the Company's common stock ("New Common Stock").

The Company will effect the reverse stock split by reducing the number of shares
of our common stock issued and outstanding,  but will not increase the par value
of our common stock, and will not change the number of authorized  shares of our
common stock.

Reasons for the Reverse Stock Split

Purpose of the Reverse Stock Split. The Company requires additional financing to
fund its plan for continued growth.  The Board of Directors has reviewed various
alternatives  for additional  financing and has come to the  conclusion  that an
increase in the market price of the common  stock may enhance the  marketability
of the  common  stock and so  improve  the  Company's  prospects  for  obtaining
additional  financing.  It is hoped that the Reverse Split will increase the per
share market price of the common stock. There is, however, no assurance that the
market  price will  increase,  or that it will not return to its current  levels
after the Reverse  Split.  Recently,  the market price for the Company's  common
stock has been only pennies per share.  Many  brokerage  firms are  reluctant to
recommend  lower-priced  stocks to their clients.  The policies and practices of
some brokerage houses tend to discourage  individual  brokers within those firms
from dealing in lower priced stocks.  Additionally,  the brokerage commission on
the  purchase or sale of stock with a relatively  low per share price  generally
tends to  represent a higher  percentage  of the sales price than the  brokerage
commission  charged on a stock with a relatively high per share price. The Board
of Directors believes that these issues are best addressed by an increase in the
inherent  value  per share of common  stock  that will  occur as a result of the
Reverse Split. The Board believes that, absent the Reverse Split, the Company is
not likely to obtain any additional financing.  Accordingly,  the Board believes
that the proposed  Reverse  Split is essential to the  Company's  prospects  for
raising additional  financing through the sale of its common stock or derivative

Potential Risks of the Reverse Stock Split

If the Board does effect a reverse  stock split there can be no  assurance  that
the bid price of our common stock will  continue at a level in proportion to the
reduction in the number of outstanding  shares  resulting from the reverse stock
split.  The  market  price  of our  common  stock  will  also  be  based  on our
performance  and other  factors,  many of which are  unrelated  to the number of
shares outstanding.  If the reverse stock split is effected and the market price
of our common stock declines,  the percentage  decline as an absolute number and
as a percentage of our overall capitalization may be greater than would occur in
the absence of a reverse stock split. Furthermore, liquidity of our common stock
could be  adversely  affected  by the  reduced  number of shares  that  would be
outstanding after the reverse stock split.


Potential Effects of the Reverse Stock Split

Pursuant to the reverse stock split,  each holder of shares of our common stock,
par value  $0.001 per share,  as of the Record Date of the  reverse  stock split
will become a holder of a lesser number  (depending on the exact reverse  ratio)
of shares our common stock,  par value $0.001 per share,  after  consummation of
the reverse stock split.

Accounting Matters

The reverse stock split will not affect the par value of our common stock.  As a
result,  on the effective date of the reverse stock split,  the stated par value
capital on our balance  sheet  attributable  to our common stock will be reduced
and the additional  paid-in capital account shall be credited with the amount by
which the stated  capital is  reduced.  The per share net income or loss and net
book value per share of our common stock will be increased because there will be
fewer shares of our common stock outstanding.

Effect on Authorized and Outstanding Shares

We are currently  authorized to issue a maximum of 300,000,000  shares of common
stock.  As of June 30, 2005,  there were  77,407,300  shares of our common stock
issued and  outstanding,  or held as  treasury  shares.  Although  the number of
authorized  shares of common  stock is not to change as a result of the  reverse
stock split,  the number of shares of common stock  issued and  outstanding,  or
held as treasury shares,  will be reduced to a number that will be approximately
equal to the number of shares of our common  stock  issued and  outstanding,  or
held as treasury shares,  immediately  prior to the effectiveness of the reverse
stock split,  divided by the ratio of the reverse as  determined by the Board of

With the  exception of the number of shares issued and  outstanding,  or held as
treasury  shares,  the rights and  preferences of the shares of our common stock
prior and subsequent to the reverse stock split will remain the same.  Following
the effective date of the reverse stock split,  it is not  anticipated  that our
financial condition,  the percentage ownership of management,  the number of our
stockholders,  or any aspect of our business would materially change as a result
of the reverse stock split.

The reverse  stock split will be effected  simultaneously  for all of our common
stock and the exchange  ratio will be the same for all of our common stock.  The
reverse split will affect the Series A preferred  stock holders  uniformly.  The
reverse stock split will also affect all of our stockholders  uniformly and will
not affect any  stockholder's  percentage  ownership  interests  in the Company,
except  to the  extent  that  the  reverse  stock  split  results  in any of our
stockholders  owning a fractional share. See "Fractional  Shares" below.  Common
stock  issued  pursuant  to the reverse  stock split will remain  fully paid and

Our common stock is currently  registered  under Section 12(g) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"),  and as a result,  we are
subject to periodic reporting and other requirements. The proposed reverse stock
split will not affect the  registration  of our common  stock under the Exchange


Potential Odd Lots

If approved,  the reverse  stock split will result in some  stockholders  owning
"odd-lots"  of less than 100 shares of our common stock.  Brokerage  commissions
and other costs of transactions  in odd-lots are generally  somewhat higher than
the costs of  transactions  in  "round-lots"  of even  multiples  of 100 shares.
Increase of Shares of Common Stock Available for Future Issuance

As a result of the reverse stock split,  there will be a reduction in the number
of shares of our  common  stock  issued  and  outstanding,  or held as  treasury
shares,  and an  associated  increase in the number of  authorized  shares which
would be unissued and  available  for future  issuance  after the reverse  stock
split.  The increase in available  shares could be used for any proper corporate
purpose approved by the Board including,  among other purposes, future financing

Potential Anti-Takeover Effect

Although the increased proportion of unissued authorized shares to issued shares
could, under certain  circumstances,  have an anti-takeover effect (for example,
by  permitting  issuances  that  would  dilute the stock  ownership  of a person
seeking to effect a change in composition of our Board or contemplating a tender
offer or other  transaction  for the  combination  of the Company  with  another
company),  the reverse stock split proposal is not being proposed in response to
any effort of which we are aware to  accumulate  our  shares of common  stock or
obtain  control of us, nor is it part of a plan by  management  to  recommend  a
series of  similar  amendments  to our Board and  stockholders.  Other  than the
reverse  stock  split  proposal,   our  Board  does  not  currently  contemplate
recommending  the  adoption  of  any  other  amendments  to our  certificate  of
incorporation  that could be construed to affect the ability of third parties to
take over or change the control of the Company.

Effectiveness of the Reverse Stock Split

The  reverse  stock  split  will  become  effective  upon  the  filing  with the
appropriate  regulatory  bodies. It is expected that such filing will take place
on July 31, 2005.

Commencing upon the  effectiveness of the reverse stock split,  each certificate
of our common  stock  will be deemed  for all  corporate  purposes  to  evidence
ownership  of the reduced  number of shares of common stock  resulting  from the
reverse  stock  split.  As  soon  as  practicable   after  the  effective  date,
stockholders  may surrender  their  certificates  representing  shares of common
stock prior to the reverse stock split in exchange for certificates representing
shares of common stock after the reverse stock split.  HOWEVER, SUCH EXCHANGE IS
NOT  MANDATORY.  We intend to use Atlas Stock  Transfer as our exchange agent in
effecting the exchange of the  certificates  following the  effectiveness of the
reverse stock split.

Fractional Shares

We will not issue fractional  shares in connection with the reverse stock split.
Instead,  any fractional share that results from the reverse stock split will be
rounded up to the next whole  share.  We are doing this so that we may avoid the
expense and  inconvenience of issuing and transferring  fractional shares of our
common  stock as a result  of the  stock  split.  The  shares  do not  represent
separately bargained for consideration.


Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following discussion  summarizing certain federal income tax consequences is
based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  the applicable Treasury
Regulations   promulgated    thereunder,    judicial   authority   and   current
administrative  rulings and practices in effect on the date of this  Information
Statement.  This discussion is for general information only and does not discuss
consequences that may apply to special classes of taxpayers (e.g.,  non-resident
aliens,  broker-dealers,  or  insurance  companies).  Stockholders  are urged to
consult their own tax advisors to determine the particular consequences to them.

The receipt of the common  stock  following  the  effective  date of the reverse
stock split,  including whole shares issued in lieu of fractional shares, solely
in exchange for the common stock held prior to the reverse  stock split will not
generally  result  in a  recognition  of gain or loss to the  stockholders.  The
adjusted  tax basis of a  stockholder  in the common  stock  received  after the
reverse  stock  split will be the same as the  adjusted  tax basis of the common
stock held prior to the reverse stock split exchanged therefore, and the holding
period of the common stock  received  after the reverse stock split will include
the holding  period of the common  stock held prior to the  reverse  stock split
exchanged  therefore.  No gain or loss will be  recognized  by the  Company as a
result of the reverse stock split.

Appraisal Rights

No appraisal  rights are available under the California  Corporate Code or under
our certificate of incorporation or by-laws to any stockholder who dissents from
the proposal to approve the amendment to the  certificate  of  incorporation  to
effect the reverse stock split.


Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires  officers,  directors and  beneficial
owners  of more  than  10% of the  Company's  shares  to file  reports  with the
Commission and submit those reports to the Company.  Based solely on a review of
the reports and representations  furnished to the Company during the last fiscal
year by such  persons,  the Company  believes  that each of these  persons is in
compliance with all applicable filing requirements.


The Company's  annual  report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 2004 and  quarterly  report on Form  10-QSB for the quarter  ended March 31,
2005 are being  delivered to you with this  Information  Statement.  The Company
will furnish a copy of any exhibit thereto or other  information upon request by
a stockholder to Andres F.  Fernandez,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer,
American  Ammunition,  Inc., 3545 NW 71st Street,  Miami,  Florida 33147;  (305)

We are required to file annual,  quarterly and special reports, proxy statements
and other  information  with the SEC. You may read and copy any document we file
at the SEC's public reference rooms at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.,
and at its offices in New York, New York and Chicago,  Illinois. Please call the
SEC at  1-800-SEC-0330  for more  information  on the  operation  of the  public
reference rooms. Copies of our SEC filings are also available to the public from
the SEC's web site at www.sec.gov.

     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                 /s/ Andres F. Fernandez
                 Andres F. Fernandez
                 President and Chief Executive Offer


                                    EXHIBIT A

                            Form of Plan of Merger

Note:  Newco is a fictitious name used as an example because  management has not
yet incorporated the new Nevada corporation.

                                 PLAN OF MERGER

This Plan of Merger is made and entered into this ____day of  __________,  2005,
by  and  between  American   Ammunition,   Inc.,   ("NEWCO"  or  the  "Surviving
corporation"),  a  corporation  in  organization  in the  State of  Nevada,  and
American   Ammunition,   Inc.,   a  California   corporation,   ("AMMO"  or  the
"Disappearing Corporation").


A. AMMO is a corporation  organized and existing  under the laws of the State of
California and has an authorized  capital stock consisting of 320,000,000  total
shares, of which  300,000,000  common shares are authorized par value $0.001 per
share, of which  77,407,300  common shares are issued and outstanding as of June
__, 2005 and 20,000,000  authorized  preferred  shares,  of which 1,795,320 have
been  designated as Series A Preferred  shares,  91,700 have been  designated as
Series B Preferred shares and 1,905,882 have been designated as Series C shares,
of which 12,000 of Series A Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding;  91,700
of Series B Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding; and 1,905,882 of Series
C Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding.

B. NEWCO is a corporation in organization  under the laws of the State of Nevada
and will have authorized  capital stock consisting of 320,000,000  total shares,
of which 300,000,000 common shares are authorized par value $0.001 per share and
20,000,000  authorized preferred shares, of which 1,795,320 have been designated
as Series A Preferred shares,  91,700 have been designated as Series B Preferred
shares and 1,905,882  have been  designated  as Series C shares.  No shares have
been issued.

C. The Board of Directors of AMMO deems it advisable  for AMMO to merge with and
into NEWCO when the Nevada corporate organization has been accomplished.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and  agreements
contained herein, NEWCO and AMMO hereby agree to the following Plan of Merger:

     1. Names of Constituent Corporations.  AMMO will merge with and into NEWCO.
NEWCO will be the Surviving Corporation.

     2. Terms and Conditions of Merger. The effective date of merger will be the
date upon which the Articles of Merger are filed with the  California and Nevada
Secretaries  of  State.  Upon the  effective  date of the  merger  the  separate
corporate  existence  of AMMO will  cease;  title to all real  estate  and other
property owned by AMMO will be vested in NEWCO without  reversion or impairment;
and the Surviving  Corporation will have all liabilities of AMMO. Any proceeding
pending by or against AMMO may be continued as if such merger did not occur,  or
the Surviving Corporation may be substituted in the proceeding for AMMO.

     3. Governing Law. The laws of the State of Nevada will govern the Surviving

     4. Name. The name of the Surviving Corporation will be American Ammunition,

     5. Registered  Office.  The present address of the registered office of the
Surviving and Disappearing  corporations are 6075 Southeastern  Avenue, Suite 1,
Las Vegas, NV 89119 and 827 State Street, Suite 26, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.


     6. Accounting.  The assets and liabilities of NEWCO and AMMO  (collectively
the "Constituent  Corporations")  as of the effective date of the merger will be
taken up on the books of the Surviving  Corporation at the amounts at which they
are  carried  at  that  time  on  the  respective   books  of  the   Constituent

     7. Bylaws.  The Bylaws of NEWCO as of the effective date of the merger will
be the  Bylaws of the  Surviving  Corporation  until the same will be altered or
amended in accordance with the provisions thereof.

     8. Directors. The directors of NEWCO as of the effective date of the merger
will be the  directors  of the  Surviving  Corporation  until  their  respective
successors are duly elected and qualified.  [Note:  The AMMO Board of Directors,
or their successors, will be the directors of NEWCO]

     9. Manner and Basis of Converting  Shares.  As of the effective date of the

     (a) Each share of AMMO  common  stock,  with par value of $0.001 per share,
     issued and outstanding will continue to be one share of common stock with a
     par value of $0.001 per share of the Surviving  Corporation.  Each share of
     AMMO Series A Preferred Stock, with par value of $0.0001 per share,  Series
     B  Preferred  Stock,  with a par  value of $0.001  per  share and  Series C
     Preferred  Stock  with  a par  value  of  $0.001  per  share  (collectively
     "Preferred  Stock")  will  continue  to be one  share of  Series A, B and C
     Preferred  Stock  with a par  value of $0.001  per  share of the  Surviving
     Corporation respectively.

     (b) The Surviving  Corporation  will convert or exchange each share of AMMO
     common  stock  and one share of AMMO  Preferred  Stock for one share of the
     common stock and one share of the preferred  stock with the same rights and
     preferences of the Surviving Corporation. Fractional shares will be rounded
     up to the nearest whole number.

     (c) On the effective date of the merger,  holders of certificates of common
     stock  or  Preferred  Stock  in AMMO may  surrender  them to the  Surviving
     Corporation,  or its stock transfer  agent, in such manner as the Surviving
     Corporation  legally may require.  This exchange will not be mandatory as a
     new CUSIP number will be used to designate the change.

     To  the  extent   shareholders  desire  to  tender  their  shares  for  new
     certificates,  the cost of issuance will be borne by the shareholder.  Upon
     receipt  of such  certificate,  the  Surviving  Corporation  will  issue in
     exchange a certificate of shares of common stock or preferred  stock in the
     Surviving  Corporation  representing the number of shares of stock to which
     such holder will be entitled as set forth above.

     (d) In addition, the shareholders will be entitled to receive any dividends
     on the  shares  of  common  stock  and  preferred  stock  of the  Surviving
     Corporation  which may have been  declared and paid  between the  effective
     date of the merger and the issuance to such  shareholder of the certificate
     of such common stock or preferred stock, if any.

     10.  Shareholder  Approval.  This Plan of Merger will be  submitted  to the
shareholders of AMMO for approval in the manner provided by law. After approval,
the Articles of Merger will be filed as required under the laws of the States of
Nevada and California.

     11. Rights of Dissenting Shareholders.  Any shareholder of AMMO who has the
right to  dissent  from this  merger,  if any,  as  provided  in the  California


Code, and who so dissents in accordance with the requirements  thereof,  will be
entitled,  upon  surrender  of  the  certificate  or  certificates  representing
certificated   shares  or  upon   imposition  of  restrictions  of  transfer  of
uncertificated   shares,   to  receive   payment  of  the  fair  value  of  such
shareholder's shares as provided for by California Corporations Code Chapter 13.
(Chapter  13 of the  California  Corporations  Code is  attached to this Plan of
Merger as Exhibit "A")

     12.  Termination of Merger.  This merger may be abandoned at any time prior
to the filing of Articles of Merger with the Secretary of State,  upon a vote of
a majority of the Board of  Directors  of both NEWCO and AMMO.  If the merger is
terminated,  there  will  be no  liability  on the  part of  either  Constituent
Corporation, their respective Boards of Directors, or shareholders.

     13.  Counterparts.  This Plan of Merger  may be  executed  in any number of
counterparts,  and all such  counterparts  and copies will be and  constitute an
original instrument.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Plan of Merger has been adopted by the undersigned as
of this____ day of_________, 2005.

NEWCO                                        AMERICAN AMMUNITION, INC.
a Nevada corporation to be formed.           a California corporation.

By:                                          By:
   ---------------------------------            --------------------------------

Name:                                        Name:
Title: Incorporator                          Title: President


                                    Exhibit B
                            AMERICAN AMMUNITION, INC.
                             2005 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                ARTICLE I - PLAN

1.1 PURPOSE.  This Plan is a plan for key employees,  officers,  directors,  and
consultants  of the  Company and its  Affiliates  and is intended to advance the
best interests of the Company, its Affiliates, and its stockholders by providing
those persons who have substantial  responsibility for the management and growth
of the Company and its Affiliates with additional  incentives and an opportunity
to obtain  or  increase  their  proprietary  interest  in the  Company,  thereby
encouraging  them  to  continue  in  the  employ  of the  Company  or any of its

1.2 RULE 16B-3 PLAN. The Company is subject to the reporting requirements of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), and therefore the
Plan is intended to comply with all applicable conditions of Rule 16b-3 (and all
subsequent  revisions thereof) promulgated under the 1934 Act. To the extent any
provision of the Plan or action by the Board of Directors or Committee  fails to
so comply,  it shall be deemed null and void, to the extent permitted by law and
deemed advisable by the Committee. In addition, the Board of Directors may amend
the  Plan  from  time to  time,  as it  deems  necessary  in  order  to meet the
requirements  of any  amendments  to  Rule  16b-3  without  the  consent  of the
shareholders of the Company.

1.3  EFFECTIVE  DATE OF PLAN.  The Plan shall be  effective  June 30,  2005 (the
"Effective Date"), provided that the Plan shall have been approved by at least a
majority  vote of  stockholders  voting  in  person  or by proxy at a duly  held
stockholders'  meeting  within  one  year of such  date.  No  Incentive  Option,
Nonqualified  Option,  Stock Appreciation Right, or Restricted Stock Award shall
be granted pursuant to the Plan ten years after the Effective Date.

                            ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS

The words and phrases  defined in this Article shall have the meaning set out in
these  definitions  throughout  this Plan,  unless the context in which any such
word or phrase appears  reasonably  requires a broader,  narrower,  or different

2.1  "Affiliate"  means  any  subsidiary   corporation.   The  term  "subsidiary
corporation" means any corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken chain
of  corporations  beginning  with the  Company  if, at the time of the action or
transaction,  each of the  corporations  other than the last  corporation in the
unbroken chain owns stock  possessing  50% or more of the total combined  voting
power of all classes of stock in one of the other corporations in the chain.

2.2  "Award"  means each of the  following  granted  under this Plan:  Incentive
Option,  Nonqualified  Option,  Stock  Appreciation  Right, or Restricted  Stock

2.3 "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the Company.

2.4 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


2.5 "Committee"  means the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors or
such other committee designated by the Board of Directors or the entire Board of
Directors.  It is intended  that the Committee  shall be comprised  solely of at
least two members who are both  Non-Employee  Directors  and Outside  Directors;
provided,  however,  that until such time as two such Directors are available to
serve in such roles, the failure to meet this  requirement  shall not effect the
validity of any grants under this Plan.

2.6 "Company" means American Ammunition, Inc., a California corporation.

2.7 "Consultant" means any person,  including an advisor, engaged by the Company
or Affiliate to render services and who is compensated for such services.

2.8  "Non-Employee  Director" means that term as defined in Rule 16b-3 under the
1934 Act.

2.9 "Eligible  Persons" shall mean, with respect to the Plan, those persons who,
at the time  that an Award is  granted,  are (i)  Employees  and all  other  key
personnel,  including  officers and directors,  of the Company or Affiliate,  or
(ii) Consultants or independent contractors who provide valuable services to the
Company or Affiliate as determined by the Committee.

2.10 "Employee"  means a person employed by the Company or any Affiliate to whom
an Award is granted.

2.11 "Fair  Market  Value" of the Stock as of any date means (a) the  average of
the  high  and low  sale  prices  of the  Stock  on that  date on the  principal
securities  exchange  on which the Stock is  listed;  or (b) if the Stock is not
listed on a securities exchange,  the average of the high and low sale prices of
the Stock on that date as  reported  on the  NASDAQ;  or (c) if the Stock is not
listed on the  NASDAQ,  the average of the high and low bid  quotations  for the
Stock on that date as reported by the National Quotation Bureau Incorporated; or
(d) if none of the  foregoing  is  applicable,  an amount at the election of the
Committee  equal to (x), the average  between the closing bid and ask prices per
share of Stock on the last preceding date on which those prices were reported or
(y) that amount as determined by the Committee in good faith.

2.12  "Incentive  Option"  means an option to purchase  Stock granted under this
Plan which is designated as an "Incentive Option" and satisfies the requirements
of Section 422 of the Code.

2.13 "Nonqualified  Option" means an option to purchase Stock granted under this
Plan other than an Incentive Option.

2.14 "Option" means both an Incentive  Option and a Nonqualified  Option granted
under this Plan to purchase shares of Stock.

2.15 "Option  Agreement" means the written  agreement by and between the Company
and an Eligible Person, which sets out the terms of an Option.

2.16 "Outside Director" shall mean a member of the Board of Directors serving on
the Committee who satisfies Section 162(m) of the Code.

2.17 "Plan" means the American  Ammunition,  Inc. 2005 Stock Option Plan, as set
out in this document and as it may be amended from time to time.


2.18 "Plan Year" means the Company's fiscal year.

2.19  "Restricted  Stock" means Stock  awarded or  purchased  under a Restricted
Stock  Agreement  entered  into  pursuant  to this Plan,  together  with (i) all
rights,  warranties or similar items attached or accruing thereto or represented
by the certificate  representing the stock and (ii) any stock or securities into
which or for which the stock is thereafter converted or exchanged. The terms and
conditions  of  the  Restricted  Stock  Agreement  shall  be  determined  by the
Committee consistent with the terms of the Plan.

2.20 "Restricted  Stock Agreement" means an agreement between the Company or any
Affiliate and the Eligible Person pursuant to which the Eligible Person receives
a Restricted Stock Award subject to this Plan.

2.21 "Restricted Stock Award" means an Award of Restricted Stock.

2.22  "Restricted  Stock Purchase  Price" means the purchase  price, if any, per
share of Restricted Stock subject to an Award. The Committee shall determine the
Restricted  Stock Purchase  Price.  It may be greater than or less than the Fair
Market Value of the Stock on the date of the Stock Award.

2.23 "Stock" means the common stock of the Company,  $.001 par value, or, in the
event that the  outstanding  shares of common  stock are later  changed  into or
exchanged for a different class of stock or securities of the Company or another
corporation, that other stock or security.

2.24  "Stock  Appreciation  Right"  and "SAR"  means the  right to  receive  the
difference  between the Fair Market  Value of a share of Stock on the grant date
and the Fair Market Value of the share of Stock on the exercise date.

2.25  "10%  Stockholder"  means an  individual  who,  at the time the  Option is
granted,  owns Stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power
of all classes of stock of the Company or of any Affiliate.  An individual shall
be considered as owning the Stock owned,  directly or indirectly,  by or for his
brothers and sisters  (whether by the whole or half blood),  spouse,  ancestors,
and lineal  descendants;  and Stock owned,  directly or indirectly,  by or for a
corporation,  partnership,  estate, or trust, shall be considered as being owned
proportionately by or for its stockholders, partners, or beneficiaries.

                            ARTICLE III - ELIGIBILITY

The  individuals who shall be eligible to receive Awards shall be those Eligible
Persons of the Company or any of its Affiliates as the Committee shall determine
from time to time. The Board of Directors may designate one or more  individuals
who shall not be  eligible  to receive  any Award under this Plan or under other
similar plans of the Company.


4.1 AUTHORITY TO GRANT AWARDS. The Committee may grant to those Eligible Persons
of the  Company  or any of  its  Affiliates,  as it  shall  from  time  to  time
determine,  Awards under the terms and  conditions  of this Plan.  The Committee
shall determine subject only to any applicable limitations set out in this Plan,
the  number of shares of Stock to be  covered  by any Award to be  granted to an
Eligible Person.


4.2 DEDICATED SHARES.  The total number of shares of Stock with respect to which
Awards  may be  granted  under the Plan  shall be ten million  (10,000,000)
shares. The shares may be treasury shares or authorized but unissued shares. The
number of shares  stated in this Section 4.2 shall be subject to  adjustment  in
accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5. In the event that any outstanding
Award shall expire or terminate for any reason or any Award is surrendered,  the
shares of Stock allocable to the unexercised  portion of that Award may again be
subject to an Award under the Plan.

4.3 NON-TRANSFERABILITY. Awards shall not be transferable by the Eligible Person
otherwise than by will or under the laws of descent and distribution,  and shall
be exercisable,  during the Eligible Person's lifetime,  only by him. Restricted
Stock shall be  purchased  by and/or  become  vested  under a  Restricted  Stock
Agreement  during the Eligible  Person's  lifetime,  only by him. Any attempt to
transfer an Award other than under the terms of the Plan and the Agreement shall
terminate the Award and all rights of the Eligible Person to that Award.

4.4  REQUIREMENTS OF LAW. The Company shall not be required to sell or issue any
Stock  under any Award if issuing  that Stock  would  constitute  or result in a
violation  by the  Eligible  Person or the Company of any  provision of any law,
statute,  or  regulation  of  any  governmental  authority.   Specifically,   in
connection   with  any  applicable   statute  or  regulation   relating  to  the
registration  of  securities,  upon  exercise  of any Option or  pursuant to any
Award, the Company shall not be required to issue any Stock unless the Committee
has received  evidence  satisfactory to it to the effect that the holder of that
Option or Award will not transfer the Stock except in accordance with applicable
law,  including receipt of an opinion of counsel  satisfactory to the Company to
the  effect  that any  proposed  transfer  complies  with  applicable  law.  The
determination  by the  Committee  on this matter  shall be final,  binding,  and
conclusive. The Company may, but shall in no event be obligated to, register any
Stock covered by this Plan pursuant to applicable securities laws of any country
or any political subdivision.  In the event the Stock issuable on exercise of an
Option or pursuant to an Award is not registered, the Company may imprint on the
certificate  evidencing  the Stock  any  legend  that  counsel  for the  Company
considers  necessary  or advisable  to comply with  applicable  law. The Company
shall not be  obligated to take any other  affirmative  action in order to cause
the exercise of an Option or vesting  under an Award,  or the issuance of shares
pursuant  thereto,  to comply  with any law or  regulation  of any  governmental


     (a) The existence of outstanding  Options or Awards shall not affect in any
way the right or power of the Company or its  stockholders  to make or authorize
any or all adjustments,  recapitalizations,  reorganizations or other changes in
the Company's capital structure or its business,  or any merger or consolidation
of the Company, or any issue of bonds, debentures, preferred or prior preference
stock ahead of or  affecting  the Stock or its  rights,  or the  dissolution  or
liquidation  of the  Company,  or any sale or transfer of all or any part of its
assets or  business,  or any other  corporate  act or  proceeding,  whether of a
similar  character or otherwise.  If the Company  shall effect a subdivision  or
consolidation  of shares or other capital  readjustment,  the payment of a Stock


dividend,  or other  increase or  reduction of the number of shares of the Stock
outstanding,  without  receiving  compensation  for  it in  money,  services  or
property,  then (a) the  number,  class,  and per share price of shares of Stock
subject to outstanding  Options under this Plan shall be appropriately  adjusted
in such a manner as to entitle an Eligible Person to receive upon exercise of an
Option, for the same aggregate cash  consideration,  the equivalent total number
and class of shares he would have  received had he exercised  his Option in full
immediately prior to the event requiring the adjustment;  and (b) the number and
class of shares of Stock  then  reserved  to be issued  under the Plan  shall be
adjusted by substituting  for the total number and class of shares of Stock then
reserved, that number and class of shares of Stock that would have been received
by the owner of an equal number of outstanding  shares of each class of Stock as
the result of the event requiring the adjustment.

     (b) If the Company is merged or consolidated  with another  corporation and
the Company is not the surviving corporation, or if the Company is liquidated or
sells or otherwise  disposes of substantially  all its assets while  unexercised
Options remain outstanding under this Plan (each of the foregoing referred to as
a "Corporate Transaction"):

          (i) Subject to the  provisions  of clause (ii) below,  in the event of
     such a Corporate  Transaction,  any unexercised Options shall automatically
     accelerate so that they shall, immediately prior to the specified effective
     date for the  Corporate  Transaction  become 100%  vested and  exercisable;
     provided,  however,  that any unexercised Options shall not accelerate,  as
     described  above,  if and to the extent such Option is, in connection  with
     the  Corporate   Transaction,   either  to  be  assumed  by  the  successor
     corporation  or  parent  thereof  (the  "Successor  Corporation")  or to be
     replaced with a comparable  award for the purchase of shares of the capital
     stock of the Successor  Corporation.  Whether or not any unexercised Option
     is assumed or replaced shall be determined by the Company and the Successor
     Corporation  in  connection  with the Corporate  Transaction.  The Board of
     Directors  shall make the  determination  of what  constitutes a comparable
     award to the unexercised  Option, and its determination shall be conclusive
     and binding.  The  unexercised  Option shall  terminate and cease to remain
     outstanding   immediately  following  the  consummation  of  the  Corporate
     Transaction, except to the extent assumed by the Successor Corporation.

          (ii) All outstanding Options may be canceled by the Board of Directors
     as of the  effective  date of any Corporate  Transaction,  if (i) notice of
     cancellation  shall be given to each  holder  of an  Option  and (ii)  each
     holder of an Option  shall have the right to  exercise  that Option in full
     (without regard to any limitations set out in or imposed under this Plan or
     the Option Agreement granting that Option) during a period set by the Board
     of Directors preceding the effective date of the Corporate Transaction and,
     if in the event all outstanding  Options may not be exercised in full under
     applicable  securities  laws  without  registration  of the shares of Stock
     issuable on exercise of the Options,  the Board of Directors  may limit the
     exercise of the Options to the number of shares of Stock, if any, as may be
     issued  without  registration.  The method of choosing which Options may be
     exercised,  and the  number of shares  of Stock  for which  Options  may be
     exercised, shall be solely within the discretion of the Board of Directors.

     (c) In each  situation  described in this Section 4.5, the  Committee  will
make similar  adjustments,  as appropriate,  in outstanding  Stock  Appreciation


     (d) The  issuance  by the  Company  of  shares  of stock of any  class,  or
securities  convertible into shares of stock of any class, for cash or property,
or for labor or services  either upon direct sale or upon the exercise of rights
or warrants to subscribe for them, or upon  conversion of shares or  obligations
of the Company  convertible into shares or other  securities,  shall not affect,
and no adjustment by reason of such issuance  shall be made with respect to, the
number, class, or price of shares of Stock then subject to outstanding Awards.

4.6 ELECTION UNDER SECTION 83(B) OF THE CODE. No Eligible  Person shall exercise
the election  permitted under Section 83(b) of the Code without written approval
of the Committee.  Any Eligible  Person doing so shall forfeit all Awards issued
to him under this Plan.


5.1 TYPE OF OPTION.  The Committee  shall specify at the time of grant whether a
given Option shall  constitute  an Incentive  Option or a  Nonqualified  Option.
Incentive Stock Options may only be granted to Employees.

5.2 OPTION PRICE.  The price at which Stock may be purchased  under an Incentive
Option  shall not be less than the greater of: (a) 100% of the Fair Market Value
of the shares of Stock on the date the  Option is  granted or (b) the  aggregate
par  value  of the  shares  of Stock on the date  the  Option  is  granted.  The
Committee in its  discretion may provide that the price at which shares of Stock
may be  purchased  under an  Incentive  Option  shall be more  than 100% of Fair
Market Value. In the case of any 10%  Stockholder,  the price at which shares of
Stock may be purchased under an Incentive  Option shall not be less than 110% of
the Fair Market Value of the Stock on the date the Incentive  Option is granted.
The price at which shares of Stock may be purchased under a Nonqualified  Option
shall  be such  price  as  shall  be  determined  by the  Committee  in its sole
discretion  but in no event  lower  than the par value of the shares of Stock on
the date the Option is granted.

5.3 DURATION OF OPTIONS AND SARS.  No Option or SAR shall be  exercisable  after
the expiration of ten (10) years from the date the Option or SAR is granted.  In
the case of a 10% Stockholder,  no Incentive  Option shall be exercisable  after
the expiration of five (5) years from the date the Incentive Option is granted.

5.4 AMOUNT EXERCISABLE -- INCENTIVE  OPTIONS.  Each Option may be exercised from
time to time, in whole or in part,  in the manner and subject to the  conditions
the Committee,  in its sole discretion,  may provide in the Option Agreement, as
long as the Option is valid and  outstanding.  To the extent that the  aggregate
Fair Market Value  (determined as of the time an Incentive Option is granted) of
the Stock with respect to which  Incentive  Options first become  exercisable by
the optionee  during any calendar year (under this Plan and any other  incentive
stock option  plan(s) of the Company or any  Affiliate)  exceeds  $100,000,  the
portion in excess of  $100,000  of the  Incentive  Option  shall be treated as a
Nonqualified  Option. In making this  determination,  Incentive Options shall be
taken into account in the order in which they were granted.

5.5  EXERCISE OF OPTIONS.  Each Option  shall be  exercised  by the  delivery of
written notice to the Committee setting forth the number of shares of Stock with
respect to which the Option is to be exercised, together with:


     (a) cash,  certified  check,  bank draft,  or postal or express money order
payable to the order of the Company for an amount  equal to the option  price of
the shares;

     (b) stock at its Fair Market  Value on the date of exercise (if approved in
advance in writing by the Committee);

     (c)  an  election  to  make  a  cashless   exercise  through  a  registered
broker-dealer (if approved in advance in writing by the Committee);

     (d) an election to have shares of Stock, which otherwise would be issued on
exercise,  withheld in payment of the exercise  price (if approved in advance in
writing by the Committee); and/or

     (e) any other form of payment which is acceptable to the Committee.

As promptly as practicable  after receipt of written  notification  and payment,
the Company shall deliver to the Eligible Person  certificates for the number of
shares  with  respect  to which the  Option  has been  exercised,  issued in the
Eligible  Person's  name. If shares of Stock are used in payment,  the aggregate
Fair Market Value of the shares of Stock  tendered must be equal to or less than
the aggregate  exercise price of the shares being purchased upon exercise of the
Option, and any difference must be paid by cash, certified check, bank draft, or
postal or express money order  payable to the order of the Company.  Delivery of
the shares shall be deemed effected for all purposes when a stock transfer agent
of the Company shall have deposited the  certificates in the United States mail,
addressed  to the  Eligible  Person,  at the address  specified  by the Eligible

Whenever  an Option is  exercised  by  exchanging  shares of Stock  owned by the
Eligible Person,  the Eligible Person shall deliver to the Company  certificates
registered in the name of the Eligible Person representing a number of shares of
Stock legally and beneficially owned by the Eligible Person,  free of all liens,
claims,  and  encumbrances  of every  kind,  accompanied  by stock  powers  duly
endorsed  in  blank  by the  record  holder  of the  shares  represented  by the
certificates (with signature guaranteed by a commercial bank or trust company or
by a  brokerage  firm  having  a  membership  on  a  registered  national  stock
exchange).  The delivery of certificates upon the exercise of Options is subject
to the condition that the person exercising the Option provides the Company with
the information  the Company might  reasonably  request  pertaining to exercise,
sale or other disposition.

5.6 STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS. All Eligible Persons shall be eligible to receive
Stock  Appreciation  Rights. The Committee shall determine the SAR to be awarded
from time to time to any Eligible Person.  The grant of a SAR to be awarded from
time to time shall neither  entitle such person to, nor  disqualify  such person
from,  participation in any other grant of awards by the Company,  whether under
this Plan or any other plan of the  Company.  If granted  as a  stand-alone  SAR
Award, the terms of the Award shall be provided in a Stock  Appreciation  Rights

may, at the  discretion  of the  Committee,  be included in each Option  granted


under the Plan to permit the holder of an Option to surrender that Option,  or a
portion of the part which is then exercisable, and receive in exchange, upon the
conditions and limitations  set by the Committee,  an amount equal to the excess
of the Fair Market Value of the Stock  covered by the Option,  or the portion of
it that  was  surrendered,  determined  as of the  date of  surrender,  over the
aggregate  exercise  price of the  Stock.  In the event of the  surrender  of an
Option,  or a portion of it, to  exercise  the Stock  Appreciation  Rights,  the
shares represented by the Option or that part of it which is surrendered,  shall
not be available for reissuance  under the Plan. Each Stock  Appreciation  Right
issued in tandem with an Option (a) will expire not later than the expiration of
the  underlying  Option,  (b) may be for no  more  than  100% of the  difference
between the exercise price of the underlying Option and the Fair Market Value of
a share of Stock at the time the Stock Appreciation  Right is exercised,  (c) is
transferable only when the underlying Option is transferable, and under the same
conditions, and (d) may be exercised only when the underlying Option is eligible
to be exercised.

5.8 CONDITIONS OF STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS. All Stock Appreciation Rights shall
be  subject  to such  terms,  conditions,  restrictions  or  limitations  as the
Committee deems appropriate,  including by way of illustration but not by way of
limitation,   restrictions   on   transferability,   requirement   of  continued
employment,  individual  performance,  financial  performance of the Company, or
payment of any applicable employment or withholding taxes.

5.9  PAYMENT OF STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS.  The amount of payment to which the
Eligible  Person who reserves an SAR shall be entitled upon the exercise of each
SAR shall be equal to the amount,  if any by which the Fair Market  Value of the
specified  shares of Stock on the exercise date exceeds the Fair Market Value of
the specified  shares of Stock on the date of grant of the SAR. The SAR shall be
paid in either cash or Stock,  as determined in the  discretion of the Committee
as set forth in the SAR  agreement.  If the  payment is in Stock,  the number of
shares to be paid shall be  determined by dividing the amount of such payment by
the Fair Market Value of Stock on the exercise date of such SAR.

5.10 EXERCISE ON  TERMINATION  OF  EMPLOYMENT.  Unless it is expressly  Provided
otherwise in the Option or SAR agreement, Options and SAR's granted to Employees
shall  terminate three months after severance of employment of the Employee from
the Company and all Affiliates for any reason, with or without cause, other than
death,  retirement under the then established rules of the Company, or severance
for  disability.  The Committee  shall  determine  whether  authorized  leave of
absence or absence on military or government service shall constitute  severance
of the employment of the Employee at that time.

5.11 DEATH.  If, before the expiration of an Option or SAR, the Eligible Person,
whether in the employ of the  Company or after he has retired or was severed for
disability,  or  otherwise  dies,  the  Option or SAR shall  continue  until the
earlier of the Option's or SAR's  expiration date or one year following the date
of his death,  unless it is  expressly  provided  otherwise in the Option or SAR


agreement.   After   the  death  of  the   Eligible   Person,   his   executors,
administrators,  or any persons to whom his Option or SAR may be  transferred by
will or by the laws of descent  and  distribution  shall have the right,  at any
time prior to the  Option's or SAR's  expiration  or  termination,  whichever is
earlier,  to exercise  it, to the extent to which he was entitled to exercise it
immediately prior to his death, unless it is expressly provided otherwise in the
Option or SAR's agreement.

5.12 RETIREMENT.  Unless it is expressly provided otherwise in the Option or SAR
Agreement,  before the  expiration  of an Option or SAR, the  Employee  shall be
retired  in good  standing  from  the  employ  of the  Company  under  the  then
established  rules of the Company,  the Option or SAR shall  continue  until the
earlier of the Option's or SAR's  expiration  date or six months  following  the
date of his retirement,  unless it is expressly provided otherwise in the Option
or SAR agreement.

5.13  DISABILITY.  If,  before the  expiration of an Option or SAR, the Employee
shall be severed  from the employ of the Company for  disability,  the Option or
SAR shall  terminate on the earlier of the Option's or SAR's  expiration date or
one year  after the date he was  severed  because  of  disability,  unless it is
expressly provided otherwise in the Option or SAR agreement.

5.14 SUBSTITUTION  OPTIONS.  Options may be granted under this Plan from time to
time in substitution  for stock options held by employees of other  corporations
who are about to become  employees  of or  affiliated  with the  Company  or any
Affiliate  as  the  result  of  a  merger  or  consolidation  of  the  employing
corporation with the Company or any Affiliate, or the acquisition by the Company
or any Affiliate of the assets of the employing corporation,  or the acquisition
by the Company or any  Affiliate of stock of the  employing  corporation  as the
result of which it becomes an Affiliate of the Company. The terms and conditions
of the substitute Options granted may vary from the terms and conditions set out
in this  Plan to the  extent  the  Committee,  at the  time of  grant,  may deem
appropriate  to conform,  in whole or in part,  to the  provisions  of the stock
options in substitution for which they are granted.

5.15 NO RIGHTS AS  STOCKHOLDER.  No Eligible  Person  shall have any rights as a
stockholder  with respect to Stock  covered by his Option until the date a stock
certificate is issued for the Stock.

                               ARTICLE VI - AWARDS

6.1  RESTRICTED  STOCK  AWARDS.  The  Committee  may issue shares of Stock to an
Eligible  Person  subject  to the terms of a  Restricted  Stock  Agreement.  The
Restricted  Stock may be issued for no payment by the  Eligible  Person or for a
payment below the Fair Market Value on the date of grant. Restricted Stock shall
be subject to restrictions  as to sale,  transfer,  alienation,  pledge or other
encumbrance  and  generally  will be subject  to  vesting  over a period of time
specified in the Restricted Stock  Agreement.  The Committee shall determine the
period of vesting, the number of shares, the price, if any, of Stock included in
a Restricted  Stock Award, and the other terms and provisions which are included
in a Restricted Stock Agreement.


6.2 RESTRICTIONS.  Restricted Stock shall be subject to the terms and conditions
as determined by the Committee,  including without limitation, any or all of the

     (a) a prohibition against the sale, transfer,  alienation, pledge, or Other
encumbrance of the shares of Restricted  Stock, such prohibition to lapse (i) at
such time or times as the Committee shall  determine  (whether in annual or more
frequent installments,  at the time of the death,  disability,  or retirement of
the holder of such shares, or otherwise);

     (b) a requirement that the holder of shares of Restricted Stock forfeit, or
in the case of shares sold to an Eligible Person,  resell back to the Company at
his  cost,  all or a part of such  shares  in the  event of  termination  of the
Eligible  Person's  employment  during  any  period in which the  shares  remain
subject to restrictions;

     (c) a prohibition  against  employment of the holder of Restricted Stock by
any  competitor  of the  Company or its  Affiliates,  or against  such  holder's
dissemination of any secret or confidential information belonging to the Company
or an Affiliate;

     (d) unless  stated  otherwise in the  Restricted  Stock  Agreement,  (i) if
restrictions  remain at the time of severance of employment with the Company and
all  Affiliates,  other than for reason of disability or death,  the  Restricted
Stock shall be  forfeited;  and (ii) if severance of  employment is by reason of
disability or death, the restrictions on the shares shall lapse and the Eligible
Person or his heirs or estate shall be 100% vested in the shares  subject to the
Restricted Stock Agreement.

6.3 STOCK  CERTIFICATE.  Shares of  Restricted  Stock shall be registered in the
name of the Eligible Person  receiving the Restricted Stock Award and deposited,
together  with a stock power  endorsed  in blank,  with the  Company.  Each such
certificate shall bear a legend in substantially the following form:

       "The  transferability  of this certificate and the shares of
       Stock  represented by it is restricted by and subject to the
       terms and  conditions  (including  conditions of forfeiture)
       contained  in the  American  Ammunition,  Inc.,  2005  Stock
       Option  Plan,  and an  agreement  entered  into  between the
       registered  owner  and the  Company.  A copy of the Plan and
       agreement  is on file in the office of the  Secretary of the

6.4 RIGHTS AS  STOCKHOLDER.  Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and
unless otherwise provided in the Restricted Stock Award agreement, each Eligible
Person receiving a certificate for Restricted Stock shall have all the rights of
a  stockholder  with respect to the shares of Stock  included in the  Restricted
Stock Award during any period in which such shares are subject to forfeiture and
restrictions on transfer,  including without limitation,  the right to vote such
shares.  Dividends  paid with respect to shares of  Restricted  Stock in cash or
property  other  than Stock in the  Company  or rights to  acquire  stock in the


Company shall be paid to the Eligible Person currently.  Dividends paid in Stock
in the Company or rights to acquire  Stock in the Company  shall be added to and
become a part of the Restricted Stock.

6.5 LAPSE OF RESTRICTIONS. At the end of the time period during which any shares
of  Restricted  Stock  are  subject  to  forfeiture  and  restrictions  on sale,
transfer,  alienation,  pledge, or other encumbrance, such shares shall vest and
will be delivered in a certificate,  free of all  restrictions,  to the Eligible
Person or to the Eligible  Person's legal  representative,  beneficiary or heir;
provided  the  certificate  shall bear such  legend,  if any,  as the  Committee
determines is reasonably  required by applicable law. By accepting a Stock Award
and executing a Restricted Stock Agreement,  the Eligible Person agrees to remit
when due any  federal  and state  income and  employment  taxes  required  to be

6.6 RESTRICTION  PERIOD.  No Restricted Stock Award may provide for restrictions
continuing beyond ten (10) years from the date of grant.

                          ARTICLE VII - ADMINISTRATION

The Committee  shall  administer the Plan. All questions of  interpretation  and
application of the Plan and Awards shall be subject to the  determination of the
Committee. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
All  determinations of the Committee shall be made by a majority of its members.
Any decision or determination reduced to writing and signed by a majority of the
members  shall be as  effective  as if it had been made by a majority  vote at a
meeting  properly  called and held.  This Plan shall be  administered  in such a
manner as to permit the Options,  which are designated to be Incentive  Options,
to qualify as Incentive Options.  In carrying out its authority under this Plan,
the Committee shall have full and final authority and discretion,  including but
not limited to the following rights, powers and authorities, to:

     (a) determine  the Eligible  Persons to whom and the time or times at which
Options or Awards will be made;

     (b) determine the number of shares and the purchase  price of Stock covered
in each Option or Award, subject to the terms of the Plan;

     (c)  determine  the terms,  provisions,  and  conditions of each Option and
Award, which need not be identical;

     (d)  accelerate  the time at which  any  outstanding  Option  or SAR may be
exercised, or Restricted Stock Award will vest;

     (e)  define  the  effect,  if any,  on an  Option  or Award  of the  death,
disability, retirement, or termination of employment of the Employee;

     (f)  prescribe,  amend  and  rescind  rules  and  regulations  relating  to
administration of the Plan; and

     (g) make  all  other  determinations  and take  all  other  actions  deemed
necessary, appropriate, or advisable for the proper administration of this Plan.


The  actions of the  Committee  in  exercising  all of the rights,  powers,  and
authorities  set out in this Article and all other  Articles of this Plan,  when
performed in good faith and in its sole judgment, shall be final, conclusive and
binding on all parties.


The Board of Directors of the Company may amend,  terminate or suspend this Plan
at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion; provided, however, that to the
extent required to qualify this Plan under Rule 16b-3  promulgated under Section
16 of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  no amendment that would
(a)  materially  increase the number of shares of Stock that may be issued under
this  Plan,  (b)  materially  modify  the  requirements  as to  eligibility  for
participation  in this Plan, or (c) otherwise  materially  increase the benefits
accruing to participants  under this Plan, shall be made without the approval of
the  Company's  stockholders;  provided  further,  however,  that to the  extent
required to  maintain  the status of any  Incentive  Option  under the Code,  no
amendment  that would (a) change the  aggregate  number of shares of Stock which
may be issued  under  Incentive  Options,  (b)  change  the  class of  employees
eligible to receive  Incentive  Options,  or (c)  decrease  the Option price for
Incentive  Options  below the Fair  Market  Value of the Stock at the time it is
granted,  shall be made  without  the  approval of the  Company's  stockholders.
Subject to the preceding  sentence,  the Board of Directors shall have the power
to make  any  changes  in the  Plan and in the  regulations  and  administrative
provisions under it or in any outstanding  Incentive Option as in the opinion of
counsel for the Company may be  necessary  or  appropriate  from time to time to
enable any Incentive Option granted under this Plan to continue to qualify as an
incentive  stock option or such other stock  option as may be defined  under the
Code so as to receive preferential federal income tax treatment.

                           ARTICLE IX - MISCELLANEOUS

9.1 NO ESTABLISHMENT OF A TRUST FUND. No property shall be set aside nor shall a
trust  fund of any kind be  established  to secure  the  rights of any  Eligible
Person under this Plan. All Eligible Persons shall at all times rely solely upon
the general  credit of the Company for the payment of any benefit  which becomes
payable under this Plan.

9.2 NO  EMPLOYMENT  OBLIGATION.  The  granting  of any Option or Award shall not
constitute  an  employment  contract,  express or  implied,  nor impose upon the
Company or any  Affiliate  any  obligation  to employ or  continue to employ any
Eligible  Person.  The right of the Company or any  Affiliate to  terminate  the
employment  of any person shall not be  diminished  or affected by reason of the
fact that an Option or Award has been granted to him.

9.3  FORFEITURE.  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions  of this  Plan,  if the
Committee finds by a majority vote after full consideration of the facts that an
Eligible Person,  before or after termination of his employment with the Company
or an Affiliate for any reason (a) committed or engaged in fraud,  embezzlement,
theft,  commission  of a  felony,  or  proven  dishonesty  in the  course of his
employment by the Company or an Affiliate,  which conduct damaged the Company or
Affiliate,  or disclosed  trade secrets of the Company or an  Affiliate,  or (b)
participated,  engaged  in or had a  material,  financial,  or  other  interest,
whether as an employee, officer, director, consultant, contractor,  stockholder,
owner,  or otherwise,  in any commercial  endeavor in the United States which is
competitive with the business of the Company or an Affiliate without the written
consent of the Company or  Affiliate,  the  Eligible  Person  shall  forfeit all
outstanding  Options and all  outstanding  Awards,  and  including all exercised


Options and other situations pursuant to which the Company has not yet delivered
a stock certificate. Clause (b) shall not be deemed to have been violated solely
by reason of the  Eligible  Person's  ownership  of stock or  securities  of any
publicly  owned  corporation,  if that  ownership  does not result in  effective
control of the corporation.

The decision of the  Committee as to the cause of an Employee's  discharge,  the
damage  done to the  Company  or an  Affiliate,  and the  extent of an  Eligible
Person's  competitive  activity  shall be final.  No decision of the  Committee,
however,  shall  affect the  finality of the  discharge  of the  Employee by the
Company or an Affiliate in any manner.

9.4 TAX  WITHHOLDING.  The Company or any Affiliate  shall be entitled to deduct
from other  compensation  payable to each  Eligible  Person any sums required by
federal,  state,  or local tax law to be withheld  with  respect to the grant or
exercise of an Option or SAR, or lapse of restrictions  on Restricted  Stock. In
the  alternative,  the Company may require the Eligible  Person (or other person
exercising  the Option,  SAR or receiving  the Stock) to pay the sum directly to
the employer corporation. If the Eligible Person (or other person exercising the
Option or SAR or  receiving  the  Stock) is  required  to pay the sum  directly,
payment in cash or by check of such sums for taxes shall be delivered  within 10
days after the date of exercise or lapse of restrictions. The Company shall have
no  obligation  upon  exercise of any Option or lapse of  restrictions  on Stock
until payment has been received,  unless  withholding  (or offset against a cash
payment)  as of or prior to the date of  exercise  or lapse of  restrictions  is
sufficient to cover all sums due with respect to that exercise.  The Company and
its  Affiliates  shall not be  obligated  to advise  an  Eligible  Person of the
existence  of the tax or the  amount  which  the  employer  corporation  will be
required to withhold.

9.5  WRITTEN  AGREEMENT.  Each  Option and Award  shall be embodied in a written
agreement  which shall be subject to the terms and  conditions  of this Plan and
shall be signed by the  Eligible  Person  and by a member  of the  Committee  on
behalf of the Committee and the Company or an executive  officer of the Company,
other than the Eligible  Person,  on behalf of the Company.  The  agreement  may
contain any other  provisions  that the Committee in its  discretion  shall deem
advisable which are not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan.

administration of this Plan, the Company shall indemnify each present and future
member of the Committee and the Board of Directors  against,  and each member of
the Committee and the Board of Directors  shall be entitled  without further act
on his  part  to  indemnity  from  the  Company  for,  all  expenses  (including
attorney's fees, the amount of judgments, and the amount of approved settlements
made with a view to the  curtailment of costs of litigation,  other than amounts
paid to the Company  itself)  reasonably  incurred by him in connection  with or
arising out of any action,  suit,  or  proceeding in which he may be involved by
reason of his being or having been a member of the Committee and/or the Board of
Directors,  whether or not he continues to be a member of the  Committee  and/or
the Board of Directors at the time of incurring the expenses, including, without
limitation, matters as to which he shall be finally adjudged in any action, suit
or proceeding to have been found to have been  negligent in the  performance  of
his duty as a member of the Committee or the Board of Directors.  However,  this


indemnity shall not include any expenses incurred by any member of the Committee
and/or  the Board of  Directors  in  respect  of matters as to which he shall be
finally adjudged in any action,  suit or proceeding to have been guilty of gross
negligence or willful  misconduct in the  performance of his duty as a member of
the Committee and the Board of Directors.  This right of  indemnification  shall
inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors or administrators of each member of
the  Committee  and the Board of Directors and shall be in addition to all other
rights to which a member of the  Committee  and the  Board of  Directors  may be
entitled as a matter of law, contract, or otherwise.

9.7 GENDER. If the context requires,  words of one gender when used in this Plan
shall  include the others and words used in the singular or plural shall include
the other.

9.8 HEADINGS.  Headings of Articles and Sections are included for convenience of
reference only and do not  constitute  part of the Plan and shall not be used in
construing the terms of the Plan.

9.9 OTHER  COMPENSATION  PLANS.  The  adoption of this Plan shall not affect any
other stock option,  incentive or other  compensation or benefit plans in effect
for the Company or any  Affiliate,  nor shall the Plan preclude the Company from
establishing any other forms of incentive or other compensation for employees of
the Company or any Affiliate.

9.10 OTHER  OPTIONS OR AWARDS.  The grant of an Option or Award shall not confer
upon the  Eligible  Person the right to receive  any future or other  Options or
Awards  under  this  Plan,  whether  or not  Options or Awards may be granted to
similarly  situated Eligible Persons,  or the right to receive future Options or
Awards upon the same terms or conditions as previously granted.

9.11   GOVERNING   LAW.  The   provisions  of  this  Plan  shall  be  construed,
administered, and governed under the laws of the State of Nevada.
