Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): December 18, 2003

                              TAG-IT PACIFIC, INC.
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

          DELAWARE                      1-13669                 95-4654481
(State or Other Jurisdiction          (Commission            (I.R.S. Employer
      of Incorporation)               File Number)           Identification No.)

              21900 BURBANK BLVD., SUITE 270
                WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA                      91367
         (Address of Principal Executive Offices)             (Zip Code)

                                 (818) 444-4100
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)



         On December 18, 2003, Tag-It Pacific,  Inc. (the  "REGISTRANT")  closed
the sale of an aggregate of 572,818  shares of  non-voting  Series D Convertible
Preferred  Stock (the  "PREFERRED  SHARES"),  at a price of $44.00 per share, to
institutional  investors and individual accredited  investors.  After payment of
placement  agent  fees and other  offering  expenses,  the  Registrant  received
proceeds of  approximately  $23.2  million.  The  Registrant  intends to use the
proceeds of the financing for repayment of debt, capital equipment purchases and
other general corporate purposes.

         The Registrant  entered into a registration  rights  agreement with the
purchasers of the Preferred Shares.  Pursuant to this agreement,  the Registrant
agreed to register the resale by the  purchasers of the common stock  underlying
the Preferred Shares.  This registration  rights agreement  provides that if the
Registrant  does not register for resale the common shares within 30 days of the
closing  date (or 150 days in the  event of a full  review  of the  registration
statement by the Securities and Exchange  Commission),  then the Registrant must
pay  each of the  investors  1% of the per  share  purchase  price  paid by such
investor for each Preferred  Share for each month  thereafter  that the investor
cannot publicly sell the shares of common stock underlying the Preferred Share.

         Sanders Morris Harris Inc. acted as placement  agent in connection with
the private  placement  financing  transaction.  For their services as placement
agent,  the  Registrant  paid  Sanders  Morris  Harris a fee  equal to 7.5%,  or
approximately  $1,890,300,  of  the  gross  proceeds  from  the  financing.  The
Registrant also paid for the  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred by Sanders Morris
Harris and all purchasers in the amount of $45,000. In addition,  the Registrant
issued to Sanders  Morris Harris a warrant to purchase  572,818 shares of common
stock at an exercise  price of $4.74 per share.  The  warrant  vests and becomes
exercisable in full on June 18, 2004 and has a term of 5 years.

         Copies  of the  form of  Subscription  Agreement,  Registration  Rights
Agreement,  Placement  Agent  Agreement,  and Common Stock Purchase  Warrant are
attached to this report as Exhibits 99.1, 99.2, 99.3 and 99.4, respectively, and
are incorporated herein by this reference.


         Except as required by law, the Preferred  Shares have no voting rights.
The Preferred Shares accrue dividends,  commencing on June 1, 2004, at an annual
rate of 5% of the initial stated value of $44.00 per share,  payable  quarterly.
In the event of a liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up of the Registrant, the
Preferred  Shares will be entitled to receive,  prior to any distribution on the
common  stock and all  other  junior  securities,  a  distribution  equal to the
initial  stated  value of the  Preferred  Shares  plus all  accrued  and  unpaid

         Following  approval by the Registrant's  stockholders of the conversion
of the Preferred  Shares,  each Preferred Share will be automatically  converted
into  10  shares  of the  Registrant's  common  stock  (as  adjusted  for  stock
dividends,  combinations,  splits  or  similar  events),  for  an  aggregate  of
5,728,180 shares of common stock.

         A copy of the  Registrant's  Certificate  of  Designation  of  Series D
Convertible  Preferred  Stock is attached to this report as Exhibit  4.1, and is
incorporated herein by this reference.



         On December 18, 2003, the Registrant issued a press release  announcing
the closing of the private  placement  financing and providing  guidance for the
2003 fourth quarter and 2004 fiscal year financial  results. A copy of the press
release is attached to this report as Exhibit 99.5 and is incorporated herein by
this reference.


         (a)      Financial Statements of business acquired.


         (b)      Pro forma Financial Information.


         (c)      Exhibits.

                  The following exhibits are filed herewith:

                  Number   Description
                  -------  -----------------------------------------------------

                  4.1      Certificate  of  Designation   Series  D  Convertible
                           Preferred Stock.

                  99.1     Form of Subscription Agreement between the Registrant
                           and the Purchaser to be identified therein.

                  99.2     Form of Registration  Rights Agreement dated December
                           18,  2003  among the  Registrant  and the  Purchasers
                           identified therein.

                  99.3     Placement  Agent  Agreement  dated  December 18, 2003
                           between the Registrant and Sanders Morris Harris Inc.

                  99.4     Common Stock Purchase Warrant dated December 18, 2003
                           between the Registrant and Sanders Morris Harris Inc.

                  99.5     Press release  dated  December 18, 2003 issued by the



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                     TAG-IT PACIFIC, INC.

Date:    December 19, 2003                  By:      /s/ Ronda Ferguson
                                                     Ronda Ferguson
                                                     Chief Financial Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Number       Description
-------      -------------------------------------------------------------------

4.1          Certificate of Designation Series D Convertible Preferred Stock.

99.1         Form of  Subscription  Agreement  between  the  Registrant  and the
             Purchaser to be identified therein.

99.2         Form of Registration Rights Agreement dated December 18, 2003 among
             the Registrant and the Purchasers identified therein.

99.3         Placement  Agent  Agreement  dated  December  18, 2003  between the
             Registrant and Sanders Morris Harris Inc.

99.4         Common Stock  Purchase  Warrant dated December 18, 2003 between the
             Registrant and Sanders Morris Harris Inc.

99.5         Press release dated December 18, 2003 issued by the Registrant.
