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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of August, 2006

Commission File Number 1-14732

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

National Steel Company
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3400, 20º andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  

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Net Income of R$750 million and EBITDA of R$1.9 billion in the first half of 2006

São Paulo, Brazil, August 9, 2006

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) (BOVESPA: CSNA3) (NYSE: SID) announces its results for the second quarter of 2006 (2Q06), in accordance with Brazilian accounting principles and denominated in Reais. The comments presented herein refer to consolidated results and comparisons refer to the second quarter of 2005 (2Q05), unless otherwise stated. On June 30, the Real/Dollar exchange rate was R$ 2.1643.

Executive Summary
Consolidated Highlights    2Q05    1Q06    2Q06    1H05    1H06 
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   1,362    540    393    2,529    934 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   1,137    997    935    2,334    1,932 
 Domestic Market    767    604    689    1,664    1,293 
 Exports    370    393    246    670    639 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   1,960    1,688    1,703    2,049    1,695 
Financial Data (RS MM)                    
 Net Revenue    2,545    1,953    1,918    5,408    3,871 
 Gross Income    1,215    736    436    2,597    1,173 
 EBITDA    1,214    787    477    2,621    1,264 
 Adjusted EBITDA    1,214    948    924    2,621    1,872 
 Net Income    419    340    409    1,136    750 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   5,568    5,010    6,048    5,568    6,048 

Consolidated Highlights     2Q06 X 2Q05    2Q06 X 1Q06    1H06 X 1H05 
  (Ch.%)   (Ch.%)   (Ch.%)
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   -71.1%    -27.2%    -63.1% 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   -17.8%    -6.3%    -17.2% 
 Domestic Market    -10.2%    14.0%    -22.3% 
 Exports    -33.6%    -37.5%    -4.7% 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   -13.1%    0.9%    -17.3% 
Financial Data (RS MM)            
 Net Revenue    -24.6%    -1.8%    -28.4% 
 Gross Income    -64.1%    -40.7%    -54.9% 
 EBITDA    -60.7%    -39.5%    -51.8% 
 Adjusted EBITDA    -23.9%    -2.5%    -28.6% 
 Net Income    -2.3%    20.3%    -34.0% 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   8.6%    20.7%    8.6% 

Bovespa: CSNA3 R$ 69.50/share
NYSE: SID US$ 32.20/ADR (1 ADR = 1 share)
Total shares = 272,067,946 Market Cap: R$ 18.9 billion / US$ 8.7 billion
Prices on 6/30/2006

Investor Relations Team
Marcos Leite Ferreira – 55-11-3049-7588 (
Camila Pannain – 55-11-3049-7591 (

Geraldo Colonhezi – 55-11-3049-7593
José Eduardo Szuster – 55-11-3049-7526
Renata Kater – 55-11-3049-7592


Economic and Sector Outlook 

     The international market scenario presented restricted supply, hefty demand, low inventories and increases in the cost of certain raw materials, which explains the higher average prices. Although prices has alredy peaked, demand should remain strong in the second half; thus the Company does not expect significant changes in this scenario.

     The Brazilian flat steel market performed well, with second-quarter domestic sales moving up 9% year-on-year and 14% over the previous three months. The key drivers of the recovery were the auto, distribution and home-appliance sectors. The demand is expected to remain favourable throughout the second-half of the year.

     Auto industry production reached record levels in May and the sector closed the first half with a 4.4% year-on-year increase in output. Production and sales trend continue to do well until the end of the year, thanks to the cuts in interest rates and the expansion of credit.

     The distribution sector put up an outstanding performance, with growth of 5% over the 2Q05 and 17% over the previous quarter, pushed by autoparts and construction.

     The home-appliance market grew 14% year-on-year and 18% over the 1Q06, fueled by machinery and equipment and domestic appliances.


     The low level of crude steel output in the second quarter resulted from the shut-down of Blast Furnace 3 as a result of the accident on January 22. However, the blast furnace 3 recommenced operations on June 23, going through comissioning stage during the month of July, when it reached 76% of its total capacity, and shall reach normal production levels by mid-August, when the recovery and commissioning stage will be over.

     Rolled volume staged a recovery, climbing by 9% over the 1Q06 results, thanks to the use of slabs acquired on the market to partially offset the shortage triggered by the accident.

     In the first half, crude and rolled steel output fell 63% and 27% year-on-year, respectively, once again explained by the above-mentioned incident.

Output                   Accumulated 
(in thousand tonnes)   2Q05    1Q06    2Q06    2005    2006 
Usina Presidente Vargas (UPV)                    
         Crude Steel    1,362    540    393    2,529    934 
         Rolled Products*    1,096    751    815    2,142    1,566 
CSN Paraná*    33    77    67    88    143 
GalvaSud*    82    57    46    159    103 
* Products delivered for sale                     

Demand in second half of the year expected to be strong in domestic and international markets



     Although the accident undoubtedly hit sales volume, in comparison to the previous quarter, domestic sales grew by 14% and exports suffered a 37% drop.

     In turn, coated products’ share of total sales, was 52% in the second quarter and 55% accumulated year-to-date.

     The Company maintained its segment market shares compared to the previous three months. The variation in the Distribution and Construction sectors was only one percentage point each, from 28% to 29% and from 36% to 37%, respectively. The share of home appliances and OEMs remained flat at 33%, as did the Auto industry’s at 13%.

Sales by Product

     14% growth in sales to dometic market
Maintenance of market share in all segments



     In the second quarter, average steel prices increased worldwide and remained high throughout, thanks to the continuing imbalance between supply and demand in Europe and the US. Other contributing factors included low distribution and service-center inventories and higher raw-material costs, especially zinc. All in all, we expect the upward price trend to last through the third quarter.

     Domestic-market prices are also expected to increase, since demand should remain firm until the end of the year, especially in the auto sector. The industry reached record production levels in May, which pushed up demand for galvanized products. July’s results were equally encouraging and above expectations as the sector experienced its best sales figures since mid-1997, when they reached record levels in Brazil.

     CSN’s prices remained flat in the second quarter compared to the previous three months. The slight turndown of 3% on the domestic market was caused by specification variations in each product line, while the 4% upturn in export tags followed the international trend.

     In July, CSN implemented prices increases by 8% for hot and cold-rolled and by 12% for galvanized, followed by a 9% hike for tin plate hike in August.

Net Revenue 

     Although average 2Q06 prices were higher than in the previous three months, the increase was not enough to offset the lower sales volume caused by the problems with the Blast Furnace 3, which explains the 2% quarter-over-quarter slide in net revenue.

Increase in steel prices all over the world

CSN increased prices by 8% for hot and cold rolled products, by 12% for galvanized products and 9% for tin plate


Production Costs (parent company)

     As a result of the accidental stoppage, Blast Furnace 3 remained out of operations for almost the entire second quarter, and the consequent purchase of third party slabs at a US$380/t CIF average cost at Sepetiba and US$400/t CIF at Usina is the main factor for the increase of CSN’s total production costs by 33% over the 1Q06. In the year-on-year comparison, there was a 3% decline, since the increase in raw-material costs was more than offset by the decrease in general manufacturing costs (lower materials, supplies and maintenance consumption) Raw-material costs increased by 100% over the 1Q06 and 17% over the 2Q05, due to the higher consumption of slabs acquired from third parties, which jumped from 88,000 tonnes in the 1Q06 to 529,000 in the 2Q06, although this was partially offset by reduced consumption of other raw materials.

     In comparison with the first quarter, the highlights were the increase in the costs of zinc (R$17 million), slab purchases (R$390 million) and labor (R$24 million), the latter influenced by the shift allowance and the pay rise following the 2006/2007collective agreement in May. Compared to the 2Q05, these variations came to +R$22 million, +R$469 million and +R$4 million, respectively.

     As for the main raw materials, the average price of coal dropped from US$138/t, in the 1Q06, to US$136/t in the 2Q06, although this was higher than the 2Q05 average of US$112/t. The average coal and coke inventory cost, totaled US$126/t and US$217/t, respectively, in June. It is worth emphasizing that no acquired coke was consumed in the second quarter.

Operating Expenses (and information on insurance BF 3)

     The main operating expense item was the provisions for lost profit, booked under other net operating revenue/expenses. In the second quarter, these provisions totaled R$493 million, giving R$670 million year-to-date. Immediately after the accident in BF 3, to provide arguments for an advance request, FIPECAFI (institution hired by the lead insurer of our insurance policy – Unibanco AIG) estimated, based on extremely conservative assumptions, a compensation of US$330 milion related to lost profits only. The insurance claim was recognized by insurers, by IRB (Brazilian Reinsurance Institute) and by foreign reinsurance companies. FIPECAFI and Unibanco AIG recognizes the conservative feature of this preliminary estimate, and as BF 3 resumes operations and financial results of the company are released, the final number will be calculated and the final request for regulation will be made to insurance companies and related insurers. The maximum limit for the compensation policy is of US$750 million, including lost profits and material damages.

     It is worth to mention that up to now, CSN received US$75 million from insurance companies.

Provision of R$493 million in quarter related to the insurance claim of BF#3
CSN received US$75 million from insurance companies



     Second-quarter EBITDA totaled R$477 million. If we include the provisions for lost profits, the figure came to R$924 million, 2.4% lower than the 1Q06. Year-to-date EBITDA, with the provisions, stood at R$1.9 billion.

It is important to mention that the company has not calculated the adjusted EBITDA margins, since the provision for lost profits was not accounted separately in the respective lines affected by the insurance (Net Revenue and Cost of Goods Sold), but only in Other Operating Expenses. Thus the adjustement would result in a distorted figure.

      EBITDA Change (consolidated)    2Q06 x    2Q06 x 
  1Q06    2Q05 
EBITDA (ch. %)   -39.5    -60.7 
*Adjusted EBITDA (ch. %)   -2.4    -23.9 
*EBITDA including the provisions for loss of earnings.     

Net Financial Result and Debt 

     Second-quarter net debt increased by R$1.0 billion quarter-over-quarter, due to R$802 million in dividend and interest on equity payments, period investments of R$485 million and R$173 million in the cost of debt. As a result, the net debt/EBITDA ratio – using 2005 EBTIDA, which was not affected by any non recurring event - climbed from 1.09x in 1Q06 to 1.32x in 2Q06.

     In the 2Q06, gross debt increased in both short and long term finacing, with special highlight to the 4th debenture issue in the amount of R$600 million. The average accumulated cost of debt was 7% p.a. in Brazilian Reais, or 41% of the CDI, and the average maturity was 10.3 years.

Income Taxes 

     Second quarter income taxes totaled R$118 million, R$102 million less than in the previous three months due to reduced income in the period and lower losses from the exchange variation on the net equity of offshore companies.

Net Income 

     Net income increased by 20% over the 1Q06, mainly due to the reduction of income tax and social contribution expenses.

Year-to date EBITDA of R$1.9 billion
Average cost of debt was 7% p.a. in Reais



     Quarterly investments amounted to R$485 million, R$96 million of which went to projects related to the Casa de Pedra expansion (mine and port), R$162 million to repairs, maintenance and technological updates, R$52 million to MRS, and R$105 million related to Metalúrgica Prada acquisition. Year-to-date investments totaled R$735 million.

Working Capital 

     Working capital increased by R$100 million, quarter over quarter, mainly due to the increase in inventories (slab acquisitions), partially offset by the reduction in accounts receivable and the increase in suppliers line (also due to slab acquisitions).

            R$ million 
Account    1Q06    2Q06    Change 
Assets    3,130    3,345    -215 
Cash equivalents    213    157    +56 
Accounts receivable    1.061    917    +144 
               Domestic Market    874    795    +81 
               Export Market    298    238    +60 
               Allowance for doubtful accounts    (111)   (115)   +4 
Inventory    1,856    2,271    -415 
Liabilities    1,454    1,769    +315 
Suppliers    1,031    1,256    +225 
Wages and Social Contribution    80    104    +24 
Tax payable    343    409    +66 
Working Capital    (1,676)   (1,576)   -100 

Net income growth of 20% compared to 1Q06
Reduction of R$100 million in working capital


Capital Markets 

     CSN’s shares appreciated by 7% in the second quarter, following the 43% appreciation in the first three months. This appreciation occurred despite the unfavorable international scenario, with interest rate hikes in the US and Europe offsetting the positive developments in the steel market, with strong demand, high prices and several mergers and acquisitions.

Capital Markets - CSNA3/SID
    2Q05    3Q05    4Q05    1Q06    2Q06 
N# of shares    286,917,045    272,067,946    272,067,946    272,067,946    272,067,946 
Market Capitalization                     
     Closing price (R$/share)   34.22    46.74    45.41    64.99    69.50 
     Closing price (US$/share)   24.30    16.30    23.25    21.05    31.70 
     Market Capitalization (R$ million)   9,817    12,716    12,355    17,682    18,909 
     Market Capitalization (US$ million)   4,177    5,722    5,278    8,140    8,737 
     CSNA3 (%)   (29.6)   36.6    (2.8)   43.1    6.9 
     SID (%)   0.8    (32.9)   42.6    (9.5)   50.6 
      Ibovespa - index    25,051    31,583    33,455    37,951    36,630 
     Ibovespa - variation (%)   (4.4)   26.1    5.9    13.4    (3.5)
     Average daily (n# of shares)   1,039,721    869,511    825,845    844,315    695,989 
     Average daily (R$ Thousand)   48,460    39,741    37,706    50,665    48,106 
     Average daily (n# of ADR´s)   815,547    812,392    773,876    1,007,920    1,042,424 
     Average daily (US$ Thousand)   15,283    15,715    15,384    27,910    32,878 
Source: Economática                     

Shares appreciated by 7% in 2Q and 43% in 1Q


Recent Developments 

Reference    Amount Paid    Payment 
    R$    R$/share     
2005    936,814,710.14    3.6393    2/9/2006    1/31/2006 
  387,272,072.28    1.50447    5/8/2006    4/28/2006 
2006    415,000,000.00    1.61219    6/30/2006    6/23/2006 
  333,000,000.00    1.29364    8/10/2006    8/3/2006 
Total    2,072,086,782.42    8.04959         

     The dividend yield, calculated as the sum of all these payments over the share price (not adjusted for dividends) on January 2nd , 2006, is 16.4% .

•    Strategic Alliance with Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel

     On July 20 and on August 3, the Company released the main terms and conditions of an eventual merger between CSN LLC (US subsidiary) with Wheeling Pittsburgh. In addition to the capital of CSN LLC, CSN would provide US$225 million as a loan convertible into shares, and would sign a long-term agreement for slabs supply in exchange for a 49.5% stake in the new incorporated company.

     This strategic alliance would benefit both companies by combining know-how, guaranteeing sustained long-term access to key inputs, improving the portfolio of products offered to the North American market, and ensuring strategic investments in Wheeling Pittsburgh to increase its competitiveness and solid financial support for Wheeling on the part of CSN.

     The alliance aims at turning the comined entity into a truly world-class company, a low-cost steel producer with expertise to compete on local and global basis.

•    Cement Project

     The Board of Directors approved new investments in the Cement Project, totaling approximately US$185 million, for the set up of a grinding mill with 3 million tonnes/year capacity in Volta Redonda – State of Rio de Janeior, and a clinker furnace with 825,000 tonnes/year capacity in Arcos – State of Mnas Gerais. These plants are expected to be operational in the last quarter of 2007 and 2008, respectively.

•    Long Steel Project

     The Board of Directors approved investments of approximately US$113 million, for set up of rebars, wire rod and profiles production units, with 500,000 tonnes/year capacity, located in Volta Redonda – State of Rio de Janeiro. The project will be conducted in 18 months from the signing of respective contracts.

•    Election of Board Members and Audit Committee

     In the Board of Directors’ meeting held on August 8, Benjamin Steinbruch and Jacks Rabinovich were re-elected for another one-year term as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board.

     The Board of Directors also appointed the Board members Yoshiaki Nakano, Dionísio Dias Carneiro and Fernando Perrone for another term as Audit Committee members.


•    Change of Executive Officers

     Otavio de Garcia Lazcano, current Financial Director, takes over as Executive Officer responsible for the financial area, for a two-year term.

     Otavio Lazcano, an economist with post-graduate studies in Finance, has been working in CSN for 10 years and has been the Financial Director since 2003.

•    Change in the Investor Relations Department

     The new Investor Relations Director is José Marcos Treiger, who will report directly to the CEO.

     Treiger returns to CSN, where he previously acted as head of Investor Relations from 1996 to 2002, after 4 years working at Braskem. He is a very experienced professional, leading the first IR team to reach the international standards, as the first IR manager to be involved in the listing of Level III ADRs in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

     Marcos Leite Ferreira, who led the IR department since January 2005, steps down as Investor Relations manager, and takes over the Investment Analysis Department.


     In the domestic market, an increase in investments is expected, fueled by a loose monetary policy.

     In the international front, prices should maintain the upward trend throughout the third quarter 2006, with probability of a slight downturn in the last quarter of the year.

     Based on this scenario and recent developments, the Company revised its 2006 guidance for the main drivers affecting its results, as follows:

Driver     Guidance 2006 
    March/06    Revised Aug/06 
Output* (MM tonnes)      
Sales Volume (MM tonnes)   5.0    Maintained 
% of Sales in Domestic Mkt    80%    Approx. 65% 
Sales Price    Average-06>Dec-05    Maintained 
    Dom. and Internat. Mkt     
Cost of Coal (US$/tonne CIF)   Approx. -5%    Maintained 
Cost of Coke (US$/tonne CIF)   Revised Down to    Maintained 
EBITDA Margin    Stability    Maintained 
Net Debt/EBITDA    0.75    Maintained 
Finished Products         
**including slab sales in international market     
***company acquired, in October 2005, all the required volume for 2006 

Maintenance of guidances provided in the beginning of the year reflects the current solid scenario in the domestic and international steel market


Second Quarter 2006 Earnings Release Conferece Calls 

CSN will host a presentation to discuss its second quarter 2006 earnings as follows:

Portuguese Presentation 

August 10, 2006 – Thursday 
10:00 am – Brasília 
9:00 am – US-ET 
(55 11) 2101-4848 
Code: CSN 
English Presentation 

August 10, 2006 – Thursday 
12:00 pm – Brasília 
11:00 am – US-ET 
(1 973) 935-8893 
Code: CSN or 7683867 

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a steel complex comprising investments in infrastructure and logistics whose operations include captive mines, an integrated steel mill, service centers, ports and railways. With a total annual production capacity of 5.6 million tonnes of crude steel and consolidated gross revenues of R$ 12.3 billion in 2005, CSN is also the only tin-plate producer in Brazil and one of the five largest tin-plate producers worldwide. 

Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements, which express or imply results, performance or events that are expected in the future. They include future results that may be implied by historical results, the statements under “Outlook”, the expected cost of net debt compared to the CDI in 2005. Actual results, performances or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, as a result of several factors, such as the general and economic conditions in Brazil and other countries, interest rate and exchange rate levels, protectionist measures in the US, Brazil and other countries, changes in laws and regulations and general competitive factors (on a global, regional or national basis).

There follows eight pages with tables


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
Gross Revenue    3,148,919    2,408,857    2,413,126    6,726,550    4,821,983 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (603,510)   (455,910)   (494,924)   (1,318,872)   (950,834)
Net Revenus    2,545,409    1,952,947    1,918,202    5,407,678    3,871,149 
   Domestic Market    1,845,323    1,345,188    1,508,637    4,019,233    2,853,825 
   Export Market    700,086    607,759    409,565    1,388,445    1,017,324 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,330,622)   (1,216,783)   (1,481,707)   (2,810,199)   (2,698,490)
   COGS. excluding depreciation    (1,119,359)   (983,655)   (1,263,440)   (2,373,438)   (2,247,095)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (211,263)   (233,128)   (218,267)   (436,761)   (451,395)
Gross Profit    1,214,787    736,164    436,495    2,597,479    1,172,659 
Gross Margin (%)   47.7%    37.7%    22.8%    48.0%    30.3% 
   Selling Expenses    (137,334)   (110,942)   (90,282)   (272,609)   (201,224)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (74,718)   (70,884)   (87,949)   (140,948)   (158,833)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (14,888)   (12,752)   (13,121)   (26,927)   (25,873)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (38,814)   136,255    408,398    (72,088)   544,653 
Operating income before financial equity interests    949,033    677,841    653,541    2,084,907    1,331,382 
Net Financial Result    (213,784)   (106,634)   (101,138)   (318,030)   (207,772)
   Financial Expenses    (372,700)   (343,806)   (238,431)   (705,048)   (582,237)
   Financial Income    (246,530)   (23,363)   51,633    143,682    28,270 
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    405,446    260,535    85,660    243,336    346,195 
Equity interest in subsidiary    3,535    (10,789)   (24,571)   (16,143)   (35,360)
Operating Income (loss)   738,784    560,418    527,832    1,750,734    1,088,250 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (5,726)   201    (363)   (6,566)   (162)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    733,058    560,619    527,469    1,744,168    1,088,088 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (236,144)   (165,028)   (95,808)   (452,029)   (260,836)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (77,712)   (55,173)   (22,197)   (156,105)   (77,370)
Net Income (Loss)   419,202    340,418    409,464    1,136,034    749,882 
EBITDA*    1,213,998    787,466    476,531    2,620,683    1,263,997 
EBITDA Margin (%)   47.7%    40.3%    24.8%    48.5%    32.7% 

* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.


PARENT COMPANY - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
Gross Revenue    2,670,162    1,872,179    1,801,541    5,810,860    3,673,720 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (545,153)   (367,492)   (405,611)   (1,203,753)   (773,103)
Net Revenus    2,125,009    1,504,687    1,395,930    4,607,107    2,900,617 
   Domestic Market    1,674,037    1,103,673    1,255,470    3,716,293    2,359,143 
   Export Market    450,972    401,014    140,460    890,817    541,474 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,153,460)   (1,003,240)   (1,157,006)   (2,363,015)   (2,160,246)
   COGS. excluding depreciation    (968,824)   (798,130)   (970,833)   (1,980,657)   (1,768,963)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (184,636)   (205,110)   (186,173)   (382,358)   (391,283)
Gross Profit    971,549    501,447    238,924    2,244,092    740,371 
Gross Margin (%)   45.7%    33.3%    17.1%    48.7%    25.5% 
   Selling Expenses    (49,486)   (63,662)   (59,682)   (126,374)   (123,344)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (54,343)   (48,350)   (61,731)   (99,653)   (110,081)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (5,925)   (5,769)   (6,091)   (12,532)   (11,860)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (19,485)   130,065    434,305    (52,277)   564,370 
Operating income before financial equity interests    842,310    513,731    545,725    1,953,256    1,059,456 
Net Financial Result    477,217    (150,433)   (130,820)   150,703    (281,253)
   Financial Expenses    (254,168)   (271,419)   (140,516)   (517,899)   (411,935)
   Financial Income    (256,180)   (340,591)   (11,477)   (254,791)   (352,068)
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    987,565    461,577    21,173    923,393    482,750 
Equity interest in subsidiary    (760,606)   82,948    25,373    (515,515)   108,321 
Operating Income (loss)   558,921    446,246    440,278    1,588,444    886,524 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (5,563)   104    (130)   (6,483)   (26)
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    553,358    446,350    440,148    1,581,961    886,498 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (183,255)   (109,125)   (59,095)   (389,241)   (168,220)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (64,620)   (39,197)   (10,764)   (138,514)   (49,961)
Net Income (Loss)   305,483    298,028    370,289    1,054,206    668,317 
EBITDA*    1,052,356    594,545    303,684    2,400,423    898,229 
EBITDA Margin (%)   49.5%    39.5%    21.8%    52.1%    31.0% 
Additional Information                     
Delibetated Dividends and Interest on Equity           
Proposed Dividends and Interest on Equity    2,303,045      1,324,087    2,303,045    1,324,087 
Number of Shares** - thousands        415,000      415,000 
Earnings Loss per Share - R$    68,050.00    43,796.00    46,698.00    116,455.00    90,494.00 

* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion. ** Excluding shares held in treasury


Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    Parent Comany    Consolidated 
    06/30/2006   03/31/2006   06/30/2006   03/31/2006
Current Assets    5,603,694    4,174,905    9,083,267    7,727,828 
   Cash    43,378    34,251    156,528    212,564 
   Trade Accounts Receiveble    935,404    1,595,851    916,988    1,060,728 
   Inventory    1,625,502    1,351,568    2,271,499    1,856,176 
   Marketable securities    1,528,252    125,387    4,042,235    3,422,568 
   Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution    301,971    430,326    340,269    470,112 
   Insurance claims    636,226    176,615    636,226    176,615 
   Other    532,961    460,907    719,522    529,065 
Long-term Assets    1,350,912    1,409,082    1,563,228    1,623,757 
Permanet Assets    17,712,728    17,409,649    14,514,597    14,209,717 
   Investments    5,400,580    5,195,432    319,403    253,368 
   PP&E    12,139,383    12,033,378    13,919,724    13,664,783 
   Deffered    172,765    180,839    275,470    291,566 
TOTAL ASSETS    24,667,334    22,993,636    25,161,092    23,561,302 
Current Liabilities    6,016,224    4,215,987    5,480,598    4,263,689 
   Loans and Financing    3,494,263    1,582,751    3,173,764    1,946,570 
   Suppliers    1,086,213    909,724    1,256,491    1,031,361 
   Taxes and Contributions    531,565    468,140    696,574    595,476 
   Dividends Payable    92,342    431,179    92,342    431,179 
   Other    811,841    824,193    261,427    259,103 
Long-term Liabilities    11,968,959    12,027,337    13,010,512    12,570,071 
   Loans and Financing    6,203,099    6,283,323    7,217,021    6,843,268 
   Provisions for contingences    3,143,168    3,116,580    3,233,232    3,160,365 
   Deffered Income and Social Contributions Taxes    2,101,432    2,133,258    2,125,617    2,133,258 
   Other    521,260    494,176    434,642    433,180 
Future Period Results    -    -    5,930    6,005 
Shareholders' Equity    6,682,151    6,750,312    6,664,052    6,721,537 
   Capital    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947 
   Capital Reserve    23,248      23,248   
   Revaluation Reserve    4,398,642    4,460,422    4,398,642    4,460,422 
   Earnings Reserve    973,800    973,800    911,051    911,051 
   Treasury Stock    (676,721)   (676,721)   (676,721)   (676,721)
   Retained Earnings    282,235    311,864    326,885    345,838 
EQUITY    24,667,334    22,993,636    25,161,092    23,561,302 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    2Q2005   1Q2006   2Q2006   1H2005   1H2006
Cash Flow from Operating Activities   432,662   299,797   660,578   1,928,543   960,375
  Net Income for the period   419,202   340,418   409,464   1,136,034   749,882
    Net exchange and monetary variations   (808,056)   (462,454)   (62,776)   (807,416)   (525,230)
    Provision for financial expenses   219,259   185,919   236,051   454,844   421,970
    Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization   224,334   245,878   231,389   463,687   477,267
    Equity results   (3,536)   10,790   24,570   16,143   35,360
    Deferred income taxes and social contributions   (159,285)   10,592   194,230   (141,380)   204,822
    Provisions   291,252   (133,651)   (813,323)   233,912   (946,974)
  Working Capital   249,492   102,305   440,973   572,719   543,278
    Accounts Receivable   (117,685)   302,637   140,733   (351,605)   443,370
    Inventory   65,811   50,315   (412,403)   277,629   (362,088)
    Suppliers   136,675   (207,036)   221,297   255,836   14,261
    Taxes   40,689   120,314   513,411   556,196   633,725
    Others   124,002   (163,925)   (22,065)   (165,337)   (185,990)
Cash Flow from Investment Activities   (320,268)   (245,279)   (576,039)   (472,641)   (821,318)
  Investments   (81,188)   4,328   (90,748)   (81,349)   (86,420)
  Fixed Assets/Deferred   (239,080)   (249,607)   (485,291)   (391,292)   (734,898)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities   (2,269,576)   (451,757)   466,715   (1,290,765)   14,958
  Issuances   1,059,387   853,713   1,674,924   2,453,457   2,528,637
  Amortizations   (596,255)   (178,989)   (214,588)   (835,203)   (393,577)
  Interests Expenses   (204,129)   (151,156)   (193,086)   (335,852)   (344,242)
  Dividends/Interest on own capital   (2,268,407)   (936,215)   (800,535)   (2,268,419)   (1,736,750)
  Shares in treasury   (260,172)   (39,110)   -   (304,748)   (39,110)
Free Cash Flow   (2,157,182)   (397,239)   551,254   165,137   154,015



Net Financial Result
Parent Company - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
Financial Expenses    (372,700)   (343,806)   (582,237)   (705,048)   (926,043)
Loans and financing    (209,166)   (201,309)   (443,947)   (450,383)   (645,256)
    Local currency    (47,493)   (165,239)   (110,352)   (90,729)   (275,591)
    Foreign currency    (161,673)   (36,070)   (333,595)   (359,654)   (369,665)
Taxes    (97,659)   (131,417)   (71,708)   (180,963)   (203,125)
Other financial expenses    (65,875)   (11,080)   (66,582)   (73,702)   (77,662)
Financial Income    (246,530)   (23,363)   28,270    143,682    4,907 
Income from cash investments    (253,654)   40,060    92,718    (174,660)   132,778 
Other income    7,124    (63,423)   (64,448)   318,342    (127,871)
Exchange and monetary variations    405,446    260,535    346,195    243,336    606,730 
Net monetary change    4,367    (8,397)   (33,330)   (7,974)   (41,727)
Net exchange change    401,079    268,932    379,525    251,310    648,457 
Net Financial Result    (213,784)   (106,634)   (207,772)   (318,030)   (314,406)

Net Financial Result
Consolidated - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
Financial Expenses    (254,168)   (271,419)   (411,935)   (517,899)   (683,354)
Loans and financing    (91,953)   (82,390)   (126,539)   (186,788)   (208,929)
    Local currency    (44,628)   (46,641)   (109,743)   (86,021)   (156,384)
    Foreing currency    (47,325)   (35,749)   (16,796)   (100,767)   (52,545)
Transaction with subsidiaries    (67,527)   (58,547)   (204,831)   (155,169)   (263,378)
Taxes    (91,750)   (126,604)   (74,870)   (169,392)   (201,474)
Other financial expenses    (2,938)   (3,878)   (5,695)   (6,550)   (9,573)
Financial Income    (256,180)   (340,591)   (352,068)   (254,791)   (692,659)
Income from cash investments    (293,800)   7,822    15,281    (288,756)   23,103 
Other income    37,620    (348,413)   (367,349)   33,965    (715,762)
Exchange and monetary variations    987,565    461,577    482,750    923,393    944,327 
Net monetary change    1,509    (9,470)   (29,224)   (6,045)   (38,694)
Net exchange change    986,056    471,047    511,974    929,438    983,021 
Deffered exchange losses           
Net Financial Result    477,217    (150,433)   (281,253)   150,703    (431,686)


Consolidated - In R$/tonne

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    2,027    1,808    1,755    2,076    1,780 
   Slabs    818    650    651    838    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,709    1,338    1,297    1,748    1,315 
   Cold Rolled    2,102    1,562    1,546    2,113    1,554 
   Galvanized    2,191    2,013    2,001    2,335    2,007 
   Tin Plate    2,476    2,465    2,451    2,469    2,458 
EXPORT MARKET    1,823    1,503    1,568    1,982    1,528 
   Slabs        726      726 
   Hot Rolled    1,311    1,013    1,119    1,446    1,042 
   Cold Rolled    1,586    1,471    1,450    1,751    1,462 
   Galvanized    1,924    1,565    1,785    2,086    1,657 
   Tin Plate    2,263    1,875    1,836    2,336    1,866 
TOTAL MARKET    1,960    1,688    1,706    2,049    1,696 
   Slabs    735    650    709    838    693 
   Hot Rolled    1,626    1,242    1,278    1,697    1,260 
   Cold Rolled    1,964    1,535    1,526    2,048    1,530 
   Galvanized    2,056    1,768    1,906    2,218    1,833 
   Tin Plate    2,409    2,258    2,366    2,430    2,305 

Parent Company - In R$/tonne

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    1,931    1,667    1,647    1,979    1,657 
   Slabs    818    650    651    838    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,585    1,270    1,259    1,660    1,264 
   Cold Rolled    1,870    1,402    1,398    1,902    1,400 
   Galvanized    2,313    1,811    1,909    2,354    1,861 
   Tin Plate    2,394    2,322    2,275    2,391    2,298 
EXPORT MARKET    1,500    1,211    1,317    1,657    1,236 
   Slabs    927        1,363   
   Hot Rolled    1,203    896    1,023    1,336    926 
   Cold Rolled    1,382    1,136    1,119    1,499    1,132 
   Galvanized    1,532    1,363    1,549    1,755    1,414 
   Tin Plate    2,101    1,557    1,598    2,173    1,564 
TOTAL MARKET    1,816    1,508    1,605    1,905    1,553 
   Slabs    865    650    651    1,182    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,492    1,126    1,230    1,595    1,176 
   Cold Rolled    1,732    1,329    1,372    1,832    1,350 
   Galvanized    2,099    1,634    1,840    2,200    1,725 
   Tin Plate    2,312    2,074    2,212    2,333    2,135 


Consolidated - Thousand of tonnes

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    767    604    687    1,664    1,292 
   Slabs    11    11      19    18 
   Hot Rolled    313    192    248    676    440 
   Cold Rolled    103    98    110    243    208 
   Galvanized    167    160    177    372    337 
   Tin Plate    173    144    145    355    289 
EXPORT MARKET    370    393    246    670    639 
   Slabs        24                   -    24 
   Hot Rolled    83    81    30    138    110 
   Cold Rolled    38    42    29    53    71 
   Galvanized    171    193    140    332    333 
   Tin Plate    79    77    23    147    101 
TOTAL MARKET    1,137    997    933    2,334    1,930 
   Slabs    11    11    31    19    42 
   Hot Rolled    396    272    278    813    550 
   Cold Rolled    141    140    139    296    279 
   Galvanized    338    353    316    704    670 
   Tin Plate    252    221    169    502    390 

Parent Company - Thousand of tonnes

    2Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006    1H2005    1H2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    804    612    707    1,762    1,318 
   Slabs    11    11      19    18 
   Hot Rolled    336    182    243    697    425 
   Cold Rolled    137    121    144    355    265 
   Galvanized    145    153    161    331    314 
   Tin Plate    175    144    151    360    295 
EXPORT MARKET    293    328    104    527    432 
   Slabs          36                     - 
   Hot Rolled    107    113    35    174    148 
   Cold Rolled    54    46    15    74    61 
   Galvanized    55    100    38    115    138 
   Tin Plate    69    69    16    129    85 
TOTAL MARKET    1,097    940    810    2,289    1,750 
   Slabs    19    11      55    18 
   Hot Rolled    443    295    278    870    573 
   Cold Rolled    191    167    159    429    326 
   Galvanized    200    253    199    445    453 
   Tin Plate    244    213    167    489    380 


In R$/US$

    1Q2005    2Q2005    3Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006    2Q2006 
Average    2.6652    2.4818    2.3428    2.2509    2.1959    2.1852 
% change    -4.3%    -6.9%    -5.6%    -3.9%    -2.4%    -0.5% 
End of Period    2.6662    2.3504    2.2222    2.3407    2.1724    2.1643 
% change    0.4%    -11.8%    -5.5%    5.3%    -7.2%    -0.4% 



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 09, 2006

/S/ Benjamin Steinbruch

Benjamin Steinbruch
Chief Executive Officer and
Acting Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.