OMB Number:
3235-0059 |
February 28, 2006 |
Estimated average burden hours per
response |
12.75 |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
o |
Check the appropriate box: |
o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ Definitive Proxy Statement |
o Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
SEC 1913 (02-02) |
Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid
OMB control number. |
WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2006 |
To Visteon Stockholders,
We invite you to attend our 2006 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
at the Hotel du Pont. At this meeting, you and the other
stockholders will be able to vote on the following proposals,
together with any other business that may properly come before
the meeting:
1. |
Elect two directors to the Board of Directors for three-year
terms. The Board has nominated for
re-election Charles L.
Schaffer and Kenneth B. Woodrow, both current directors. |
2. |
Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
companys independent auditors for fiscal year 2006.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP served in this same capacity in
fiscal year 2005. |
3. |
Approve amendments to the Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive
Plan. |
4. |
Approve an amendment to the Visteon Corporation Non-Employee
Director Stock Unit Plan. |
5. |
If presented, consideration of a shareholder proposal
relating to annual election of directors. |
You may vote on these proposals in person or by proxy. If you
cannot attend the meeting, we urge you to vote by proxy, so that
your shares will be represented and voted at the meeting in
accordance with your instructions. (See the attached proxy
statement for details on voting by proxy.) Of course, if you
attend the meeting, you may withdraw your proxy and vote your
shares. Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 15, 2006, will be entitled to vote at the meeting or
any adjournment thereof.
By order of the Board of Directors |
Heidi A. Sepanik |
Secretary |
Van Buren Township, Michigan
March 30, 2006
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One Village Center Drive
Van Buren Township, Michigan 48111
March 30, 2006
The Board of Directors is soliciting your proxy to encourage
your participation in the voting at the Annual Meeting. You are
invited to attend the Annual Meeting and vote your shares
directly. However, even if you do not attend, you may vote by
proxy. As shown in the Notice of Annual Meeting, the Annual
Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, at the
Hotel du Pont in Wilmington, Delaware. Directions to the
Hotel du Pont can be found in Appendix E.
There are two parts to this solicitation: the proxy card and
this proxy statement. The proxy card is a means by which you may
actually authorize another person to vote your shares in
accordance with your instructions. As described in
Voting below, we have provided you additional
methods for voting by proxy that do not require you to use the
proxy card.
This proxy statement and accompanying proxy are being
distributed on or about March 30, 2006.
How to Vote Your Shares
You may vote your shares at the Annual Meeting in person or by
proxy. To vote in person, you must attend the Annual Meeting,
and obtain and submit a ballot, which will be provided at the
meeting. To vote by proxy, you must do one of the following:
Complete and mail the enclosed proxy card. |
Call the toll-free telephone number listed on the enclosed proxy
card and follow the instructions. |
Visit the website listed on the enclosed proxy card and follow
the instructions. |
By completing and submitting your proxy by any one of these
means, you will direct the designated persons (known as
proxies) to vote your shares at the Annual Meeting
in accordance with your instructions. The Board has appointed
James F. Palmer and Heidi A. Sepanik to serve as the proxies for
the Annual Meeting.
Your proxy will be valid only if it is received before the polls
are closed at the Annual Meeting. If you do not provide voting
instructions with your proxy, then the designated proxies will
vote your shares for the election of the nominated directors,
for the ratification of the companys independent auditors,
for approval of amendments to the director and employee equity
plans, and against the shareholder proposal(s) presented. If any
nominee for election to the Board is unable to serve, which is
not anticipated, or if any other matters properly come before
the meeting, then the designated proxies will vote your shares
in accordance with their best judgment.
How to Revoke Your Proxy
Regardless of how you submit your proxy, you may revoke your
proxy at any time before it is exercised by any of the
following means:
Notifying the companys Secretary in writing. |
Submitting a later dated proxy by mail, toll-free number or the
Internet website. |
Attending the Annual Meeting and voting. Your attendance at the
Annual Meeting will not by itself revoke a proxy; you must also
vote your shares. |
How to Vote under 401(k) Plans
If you are a company employee participating in any of the
companys 401(k) plans, then you may be receiving this
material because of shares held for you in the plan. In that
case, you may use the enclosed proxy card to instruct the plan
trustees how to vote those shares. The trustees will vote the
shares in accordance with your instructions and the terms of the
The plan trustees may vote the shares held for you even if you
do not direct them how to vote. The trustees will vote any
shares for which they do not receive instructions in the same
proportion as they vote the shares for which they receive
Stockholders Entitled to Vote and Ownership
You are entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting for each
share of the companys common stock that you owned of
record at the close of business on March 15, 2006. As of
March 1, 2006, the company had issued and outstanding
128,006,167 shares of common stock. Information regarding
the holdings of the companys stock by directors, executive
officers and certain other beneficial owners can be found
beginning on page 8.
A list of the stockholders of record entitled to vote at the
annual meeting will be available for review by any stockholder,
for any purpose related to the meeting, between 9:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. at the principal offices of the company,
located at One Village Center Drive, Van Buren Township,
Michigan 48111, for ten days before the meeting.
Required Vote to Approve the Proposals
The companys By-Laws require that a majority of the
companys common stock be represented at the Annual
Meeting, whether in person or by proxy, for a quorum which is
needed to transact any business.
Election of Directors. The affirmative vote of a
plurality of the votes cast at the meeting is required for the
election of directors. A properly executed proxy marked
Withhold authority with respect to the election of
one or more directors will not be voted with respect to the
director or directors indicated, although it will be counted for
purposes of determining whether there is a quorum.
Other Proposals. For each proposal other than the
election of directors, the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares represented in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote on the item will be required for approval. A
properly executed proxy marked Abstain with respect
to any such matter will not be voted, although it will be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum.
Accordingly, an abstention will have the effect of a negative
If you hold your shares in street name through a
broker or other nominee and you do not give voting instructions
at least ten days before the meeting to your broker or other
nominee, then your broker or other nominee may exercise voting
discretion only with respect to matters considered to be
routine by the New York Stock Exchange, such as
the election of directors and the ratification of the
appointment of the independent auditors. On non-routine matters,
such as amending the equity plans and shareholder proposal(s),
the brokers or other nominees cannot vote your shares absent
voting instructions from the beneficial holder, resulting in
so-called broker non-votes. Broker non-votes are not
deemed to be votes cast, and as a result have no effect on the
outcome of any matters presented, but will be counted in
determining whether there is a quorum.
Where to Find Voting Results
The company will publish the voting results in its
Form 10-Q for the
second quarter of 2006, which we plan to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on or prior to August 9,
2006. You will also find the results in the investor information
section of the companys website
Cost of Solicitation
The company will pay for soliciting these proxies. The
companys directors, officers and employees may solicit
proxies in person or by telephone, mail,
e-mail, telecopy or
letter. The company has also retained Georgeson Shareholder
Communication, Inc. to assist it in distributing proxy
solicitation materials and soliciting proxies at a cost of
approximately $10,000, plus reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses.
The company will reimburse brokers and other nominees for their
out-of-pocket expenses
for forwarding proxy materials to beneficial owners.
The Board of Directors consists of eight directors divided into
three classes (Class I, Class II and Class III)
serving staggered three-year terms. The first proposal on the
agenda for the Annual Meeting will be electing two directors to
serve as Class III directors for a three-year term
beginning at this Annual Meeting and expiring at the 2009 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders. The nominees receiving the greatest
number of votes cast will be elected.
We expect each nominee for election as a director to be able to
serve if elected. If any nominee is not able to serve, proxies
will be voted in favor of the remainder of those nominated and
may be voted for substitute nominees, unless the Board chooses
to reduce the number of directors serving on the Board.
The Board of Directors Recommends that You Vote for the
Election of Charles L. Schaffer and Kenneth B. Woodrow
as Class III Directors.
Nominees for Class III Directors Whose Terms Expire in
Charles L. Schaffer is 60 years old, and he has been
a director of the company since January 2001. Mr. Schaffer
is the former Chief Operating Officer of United Parcel Service,
Inc., a global provider of package delivery services.
Kenneth B. Woodrow is 61 years old, and he has been
a director of the company since October 2004. Mr. Woodrow
is the former Vice Chairman of Target Corporation, a retail
sales company, a position he held from 1999 until his retirement
in December 2000. Prior to that, he was the President of Target
Stores since 1994. Mr. Woodrow is also a director of Delta
Air Lines, Inc. and E-Z
Gard Industries, Inc.
Continuing Class I Directors Whose Terms Expire in
Patricia L. Higgins is 56 years old, and she has
been a director of the company since September 2004.
Ms. Higgins is the former Chief Executive Officer and
President of Switch and Data, a leading neutral interconnection
and collocation provider, a position she held from September
2000 to February 2004. Prior to that, she was Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of The Research Board, a business unit of the
Gartner Group, for which she also served as an Executive Vice
President since January 1999. Ms. Higgins also serves on
the board of directors of Delta Air Lines, Inc. and
Internap Network Services Corporation.
Michael F. Johnston is 58 years old, and he has been
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer since June
2005, and a member of the Board of Directors since May 2002.
Prior to that, he was Chief Executive Officer and President
since July 2004, and President and Chief Operating Officer since
joining the company in September 2000. Before joining Visteon,
Mr. Johnston served as President,
e-business for
Johnson Controls, Inc., and previously as President-North
America and Asia of Johnson Controls Automotive Systems
Group, and as President of its automotive interior systems and
battery operations. Mr. Johnston is also a director of
Flowserve Corporation and Whirlpool Corporation.
Karl J. Krapek is 57 years old, and he has been a
director of the company since February 2003. Mr. Krapek is
the former President and Chief Operating Officer of United
Technologies Corporation, a global supplier of aerospace and
building systems products, a position he held from April 1999 to
January 2002. Prior to that he served as President of United
Technologies Pratt and Whitney division since 1992.
Mr. Krapek also serves as a director of Delta Air Lines,
Inc., Lucent Technologies Inc., Prudential Financial, Inc. and
The Connecticut Bank and Trust Company.
Continuing Class II Directors Whose Terms Expire in
Marla C. Gottschalk is 45 years old, and she has
been a director of the company since March 2003.
Ms. Gottschalk has been the President and Chief Operating
Officer of The Pampered Chef, Inc., a direct seller of kitchen
tools and products, since December 2003. Prior to that she was
the Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Investor
Relations for Kraft Foods, Inc. since February 2002, and before
that she served as Executive Vice President and General Manager
of Krafts Post Division, and Vice President, Marketing and
Strategy for the Kraft Cheese Division.
William H. Gray, III is 64 years old, and he
has been a director of the company since June 2000.
Mr. Gray has been a senior advisor at the law firm of
Buchanan Ingersoll P.C. since April 2005, and Chairman of the
Amani Group, a consulting and advisory firm, since August 2004.
He was Chief Executive Officer and President of the United Negro
College Fund from September 1991 to March 2004. Mr. Gray
served as a Congressman from the Second District of Pennsylvania
from 1979 to 1991, and at various times during his tenure,
served as Budget Committee Chair and House Majority Whip. He
also serves as a director of Dell Inc., J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co., Pfizer, Inc., and Prudential Financial,
James D. Thornton is 57 years old, and he has been a
director of the company since September 2004. Mr. Thornton
is the former Senior Executive Vice President and Director of
Diversity, Recruitment and People Services for MBNA America
Bank, N.A., a card credit lending company. Since joining MBNA in
1997, he held various leadership positions including Director of
Quality Assurance and Director of Sports Marketing, Regional
Director Mid-Atlantic Region. Mr. Thornton is
also chairman of the board of trustees at Talladega College.
During 2005, the Board of Directors held ten regularly scheduled
and special meetings and took action by written consent one time
in lieu of an additional meeting. All of the directors attended
at least 90% of all meetings of the Board and Board committees
on which they served during 2005. Under the companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines, directors are expected to
attend all scheduled Board and committee meetings as well as the
companys Annual Meeting of Stockholders. All of the
directors attended the 2005 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
Pursuant to the Corporate Governance Guidelines, the
non-employee directors meet without management at the end of
every regularly scheduled Board meeting, and the independent
directors meet without management at least once per year. The
presiding director at these meetings is the most tenured
non-employee director
in attendance.
Director Independence
The Board undertook its annual review of director independence
in February 2006. The Board reviewed the independence guidelines
(attached as Appendix A), and considered transactions and
relationships between each director and any member of his or her
immediate family and the company and its subsidiaries and
affiliates. The purpose of this review was to determine whether
any such relationships or transactions were inconsistent with a
determination that a director is independent.
As a result of this review, the Board affirmatively determined
that all of the directors are independent of the company and its
management under the independence guidelines adopted by the
Board with the exception of Mr. Johnston, who is considered
an inside director because of his employment as a senior
executive of the company.
The Board has established five standing committees. The
principal functions of each committee are briefly described on
the following pages. The charters of these committees are
available on the companys website
(, and paper copies are available upon
request to the Company Secretary.
The Board of Directors has a standing Audit Committee, currently
consisting of Charles L. Schaffer (Chair), Marla C. Gottschalk,
Karl J. Krapek and Kenneth B. Woodrow, all of whom are
considered independent under the rules of the New York Stock
Exchange, SEC regulations and the independence guidelines
adopted by the Board. Each of the current members of the Audit
Committee is qualified as a financial expert within the meaning
of applicable SEC regulations, and the Board has determined that
they have accounting and related financial management expertise
within the meaning of the listing standards of the New York
Stock Exchange. During 2005, the Audit Committee held twenty-one
regularly scheduled and special meetings. The duties of the
Audit Committee are generally:
to appoint and evaluate the independent auditor; |
to approve all audit and non-audit engagement fees and terms; |
to review the activities and the reports of the companys
independent auditors; |
to review internal controls, accounting practices, financial
structure and financial reporting, including the results of the
annual audit and review of interim financial statements; |
to review and monitor compliance procedures; and |
to report the results of its review to the Board. |
The Audit Committee Report can be found beginning on
page 29 and the Audit Committee Charter is attached as
Appendix B.
The Board also has a standing Organization and Compensation
Committee, consisting of Karl J. Krapek (Chair), William H.
Gray, III, Patricia L. Higgins, Charles L. Schaffer and
James D. Thornton, all of whom are considered independent under
the rules of the New York Stock Exchange and the independence
guidelines adopted by the Board. During 2005, the Organization
and Compensation Committee held eight regularly scheduled and
special meetings. The duties of the Organization and
Compensation Committee are generally:
to review and approve corporate goals and objectives relative to
the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, evaluate
the Chief Executive Officers performance and set the
Chief Executive Officers compensation level based on
this evaluation; |
to review and approve executive compensation and incentive plans; |
to approve the payment of cash performance bonuses and the
granting of stock based awards to the companys employees,
including officers; and |
to review and recommend management development and succession
planning. |
The Organization and Compensation Committee Report can be found
beginning on page 24.
The Board also has a standing Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee, consisting of William H.
Gray, III (Chair), Marla C. Gottschalk, Karl J. Krapek and
Kenneth B. Woodrow, all of whom are considered independent under
the rules of the New York Stock Exchange and the independence
guidelines adopted by the Board. During 2005, the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee held five regularly
scheduled and special meetings. The duties of the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee are generally:
to develop corporate governance principles and monitor
compliance therewith; |
to review the performance of the Board as a whole; |
to review and recommend to the Board compensation for outside
directors; |
to develop criteria for Board membership; and |
to identify, review and recommend director candidates. |
The Board has a standing Corporate Responsibility Committee,
consisting of Patricia L. Higgins (Chair) and James D. Thornton.
During 2005, the Corporate Responsibility Committee held two
regularly scheduled meetings. The duties of the Corporate
Responsibility Committee are generally:
to review and monitor the worldwide performance of the company
as it affects the environment, employees, communities and
customers; and |
to develop recommendations to management to assist it in
formulating and adopting policies, programs, practices and
strategies concerning corporate citizenship and public policy
matters. |
The Board also recently formed a Finance Committee. The first
meeting of this committee is scheduled to be held in April 2006,
and its members are Marla C. Gottschalk (Chair), Patricia L.
Higgins and Kenneth B. Woodrow. The duties of the Finance
Committee generally are:
to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the
companys cash flow, capital expenditures and financing
requirements; |
to review the companys policies with respect to financial
risk assessment and management including investment strategies
and guidelines; |
to review and make recommendations on mergers, acquisitions and
other major financial transactions requiring Board
approval; and |
to consider and recommend to the Board stock sales, repurchase
or split, as appropriate, and any changes in dividend policy. |
Director Nomination Process
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee assesses all
director candidates, whether submitted by management or
stockholders, and makes recommendations for election.
Recommendations for election are based upon the nominees
intelligence, judgment, foresight, personal character,
experience and achievements, and diversity of background and
expertise, as compared to the present
make-up of the Board.
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee has the
authority to retain independent consultants to assist with
director recruitment. During 2005, the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee retained, at the expense of the company, a
search firm to assist with identifying and assessing potential
Each year, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
reviews all eligible director candidates, including incumbents.
The Committee then decides, based upon the pool of eligible
candidates and the number of vacancies to be filled, whom to
recommend to the Board to be nominated for election that year.
The full Board reviews the Committees recommendations and
approves the individuals to stand for election. This is the
process that was used to identify and evaluate the current
nominees standing for election that appear in this proxy
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee welcomes
stockholder recommendations of director candidates. Stockholders
may suggest candidates for the consideration of the Committee by
submitting their suggestions in writing to the companys
Secretary, including the agreement of the nominee to serve as a
director. In addition, the companys By-Laws contain a
procedure for the direct nomination of director candidates by
stockholders (see page 40), and any such nomination will
also be automatically submitted to the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee for consideration. No individuals were
proposed as director candidates for this Annual Meeting by any
Director Compensation
During 2005, directors who were not employees of the company
received directors fees of $40,000 per year plus an
additional $10,000 per year for each committee on which
they served and $500 for each committee meeting they
participated in ($1,000 for Audit Committee meetings).
Non-employee directors may elect to defer their compensation
under the Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors,
a nonqualified benefit plan, into a unit account. Amounts
deferred into the unit account are allocated based on the price
of the companys common stock at the time of deferral, and
the value of this account is directly related to the performance
of the companys common stock. In addition, the company
reimburses its directors for expenses, including travel, they
incur in connection with attending board and committee meetings.
Directors were also eligible to participate in the
companys Management Lease Car Program, which offers
favorable lease rates and includes all maintenance and insurance
In 2005, the non-employee directors also received a grant of
3,000 shares of restricted common stock under the
Restricted Stock Plan for Non-Employee Directors and an award of
stock units valued at $10,000 pursuant to the terms of the
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan. The restrictions on
shares of restricted common stock expire for one third of the
shares of common stock each year following the year of grant.
Also, see Item 4 Approval of Amendment to
the Visteon Corporation Non-Employee Director Stock Unit
Plan below.
The following chart lists total compensation paid to the
non-employee directors for service during 2005.
2005 Total Compensation of Non-Employee Directors
Annual | |
Board/Committee | |
Committee | |
Equity | |
Director |
Retainer | |
Meeting Fees | |
Other | |
Award(3) | |
Total | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Marla C. Gottschalk
$ |
60,000 |
$ |
19,500 |
$ |
4,372 |
(1) |
$ |
28,780 |
$ |
112,652 |
William H. Gray, III
60,000 |
6,500 |
2,662 |
(2) |
28,780 |
97,942 |
Patricia L. Higgins
60,000 |
5,500 |
0 |
28,780 |
94,280 |
Karl J. Krapek
70,000 |
26,500 |
0 |
28,780 |
125,280 |
Charles L. Schaffer
60,000 |
24,000 |
0 |
28,780 |
112,780 |
James D. Thornton
60,000 |
5,500 |
0 |
28,780 |
94,280 |
Kenneth B. Woodrow
60,000 |
19,500 |
0 |
28,780 |
108,280 |
(1) |
$4,372 imputed income from lease vehicles. |
(2) |
$2,662 imputed income from lease vehicle. |
(3) |
Equity award is composed of a restricted stock grant of
3,000 shares valued as of December 31, 2005, at
$6.26 per share, and a stock unit grant valued at $10,000. |
Beginning in 2006, non-employee directors will receive an annual
retainer of $70,000 and, subject to shareholder approval at the
Annual Meeting, an annual restricted stock unit award of
$70,000. Committee chairs and Audit Committee members will
receive an additional annual committee retainer of $10,000,
except the Chair of the Audit Committee who will receive $15,000.
To further link director and stockholder interests, the company
has established stock ownership guidelines for non-employee
directors. Each non-employee director has a goal to own
15,000 shares of common stock within five years of their
appointment as a director.
Stockholder Communications with the Board of Directors
Stockholders interested in communicating directly with a
committee chairperson or with the
directors as a group may do so as described on the
companys website (, or by
writing to the chairperson or non-management directors
c/o of the Company Secretary, One Village Center Drive, Van
Buren Township, Michigan 48111.
The following contains information regarding the stock ownership
of the nominees for election as directors, the directors
continuing in office, the companys executive officers and
beneficial owners of more than five percent of the
companys voting securities.
Ownership of the companys common stock is shown in terms
of beneficial ownership. A person generally
beneficially owns shares if he or she has either the
right to vote those shares or dispose of them. More than one
person may be considered to beneficially own the same shares.
In this proxy statement, unless otherwise noted, a person has
sole voting and dispositive power for those shares shown as
beneficially owned by him or her. The percentages shown in this
proxy statement compare the persons beneficially owned
shares with the total number of shares of the companys
common stock outstanding on March 1, 2006
Nominees, Continuing Directors and Executive Officers
The following table contains stockholding information for the
nominees for election as directors, the directors continuing in
office and the companys executive officers, and stock
units credited to their accounts under various compensation and
benefit plans as of March 1, 2006.
Common Stock | |
Beneficially Owned | |
| |
Percent of | |
Stock | |
Name |
Number(1) | |
Outstanding | |
Units(2)(3) | |
| |
| |
| |
Marla C. Gottschalk
9,009 |
* |
17,056 |
William H. Gray, III
3,259 |
* |
19,542 |
Patricia L. Higgins
0 |
* |
8,883 |
Michael F. Johnston
1,050,504 |
* |
963,933 |
Karl J. Krapek
0 |
* |
43,593 |
Charles L. Schaffer
0 |
* |
63,485 |
James D. Thornton
1,000 |
* |
8,883 |
Kenneth B. Woodrow
0 |
* |
22,612 |
Donald J. Stebbins
0 |
* |
326,121 |
James F. Palmer
239,581 |
* |
433,426 |
Heinz Pfannschmidt
299,849 |
* |
169,411 |
William G. Quigley III
26,561 |
* |
89,336 |
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
(21 Persons)
2,210,995 |
1.73 |
2,849,333 |
(1) |
Includes shares of common stock which the following executive
officers had a right to acquire ownership of pursuant to options
granted by the company exercisable on or within 60 days
after March 1, 2006: Mr. Johnston
(787,516 shares); Mr. Palmer (139,581 shares);
Dr. Pfannschmidt (230,564 shares); and
Mr. Quigley (26,561 shares). |
(2) |
For non-employee directors the amounts shown include stock units
credited under the Deferred Compensation Plan for
Non-Employee Directors
and the Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan, and are payable
following termination of board service. |
(3) |
For executive officers the amounts shown include Visteon stock
units credited under the Visteon Investment Plan and the
Visteon Deferred Compensation Plan, which are payable
following termination of employment, and restricted stock units
awarded under the Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan, which
vest after one to three years from award and will be settled in
cash. |
Other Beneficial Owners
The company believes that the following table is an accurate
representation of beneficial owners of more than 5% of any class
of the companys voting securities. The table is based upon
reports on Schedules 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission or other information believed to be reliable.
Name and Address |
Amount and Nature |
Percent of | |
Title of Class |
of Beneficial Owner |
of Ownership |
Class | |
| |
Common Stock
Brandes Investment Partners, L.P.
Brandes Investment Partners, Inc.
Brandes Worldwide Holdings, L.P.
Charles H. Brandes
Glenn R. Carlson
Jeffrey A. Busby
11988 El Camino Real, Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92130 |
11,957,251 shares held with shared voting power and
13,854,969 shares held with shared dispositive power |
10.8% |
Common Stock
Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.
1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401 |
6,841,463 shares held with sole voting and sole dispositive
power(1) |
5.31% |
Common Stock
Donald Smith & Co., Inc.
152 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019 |
11,681,500 shares held with sole voting power and
12,857,300 with sole dispositive power |
9.99% |
Common Stock
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
85 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004 |
11,442,547 shares held with shared voting power and
11,442,720 held with shared dispositive power(2) |
8.9% |
Common Stock
Schneider Capital Management Corporation
460 E. Swedesford Rd., Suite 1080
Wayne, PA 19087 |
4,471,900 shares held with sole voting power and 6,687,175
with sole dispositive power |
5.19% |
(1) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G, dated
February 1, 2006, filed by
Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc., all of the shares
reported are owned by certain investment companies, trusts and
accounts for which it serves as investment advisor and/or manger. |
(2) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G, dated
February 3, 2006, filed by The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. all of the shares reported
are owned by the investment banking division of the filer. |
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting
There was one late Form 4 filing during 2005 for James C.
Orchard related to a forfeiture of stock based awards following
his termination of employment with the company.
Legal Proceedings
In early 2005, purported class and shareholder derivative
actions were filed in federal and state courts in Michigan
against the company, the non-employee directors and certain
Named Executives. These actions include: (i) a purported
class action alleging that the company, certain of its current
and former officers and its independent registered public
accounting firm violated federal securities laws by making
materially misleading statements; (ii) purported
shareholder derivative actions alleging that certain of the
companys current and former officers and directors
breached their fiduciary duties in connection with the matters
alleged in the securities class action discussed immediately
above; and (iii) purported class actions alleging that
certain current and former employees, officers and directors
breached their fiduciary duties under the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act by, among other things, continuing to offer
the companys stock as an investment alternative under the
Visteon Investment Plan and the Visteon Savings Plan for Hourly
Employees and/or failing to disclose complete and accurate
information regarding the prudence of investing in the
companys stock. Pursuant to the indemnification provision
contained in the companys Amended and Restated By-laws,
the company is paying the expenses (including attorneys
fees) incurred by the defendants in defending these actions.
This section provides summary information regarding the
compensation of Michael F. Johnston, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer; Donald J. Stebbins, President and Chief
Operating Officer; James F. Palmer, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Heinz
Pfannschmidt, Executive Vice President and President,
Europe and South America; William G. Quigley III, Vice
President, Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Officer;
and Stacy L. Fox, former Senior Vice President, Corporate
Transactions and Legal Affairs (the Named
Summary Compensation Table
The following table summarizes compensation information for the
Named Executives for each of our past three fiscal years.
Annual Compensation | |
Long-Term Compensation | |
| |
| |
Awards | |
Payouts | |
| |
| |
Other Annual | |
Restricted | |
Securities | |
LTIP | |
All Other | |
Bonus | |
Compensation | |
Stock Awards | |
Underlying | |
Payouts | |
Compensation | |
Name and Principal Position |
Year | |
Salary($) | |
($)(1) | |
($)(2) | |
($)(3) | |
Options/SARs | |
($)(4) | |
($)(5) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Michael F. Johnston
2005 |
1,078,800 |
481,250 |
199,884 |
3,523,750 |
756,548 |
544,950 |
16,118 |
Chairman and
2004 |
991,467 |
0 |
261,557 |
2,380,090 |
213,500 |
509,414 |
15,858 |
Chief Executive Officer(6) |
2003 |
856,866 |
0 |
142,408 |
1,050,192 |
316,800 |
209,000 |
19,563 |
Donald J. Stebbins
2005 |
529,571 |
4,051,481 |
110,389 |
1,017,369 |
432,989 |
77,068 |
President and |
2004 |
Chief Operating Officer(6) |
2003 |
James F. Palmer
2005 |
748,367 |
428,750 |
26,778 |
1,564,998 |
238,745 |
17,078 |
Executive Vice President and |
2004 |
416,882 |
245,000 |
23,790 |
2,735,980 |
180,000 |
16,912 |
Chief Financial Officer(6) |
2003 |
Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt
2005 |
723,580 |
111,450 |
97,241 |
360,530 |
163,953 |
159,923 |
3,936 |
Executive Vice President and |
2004 |
680,948 |
0 |
100,949 |
504,010 |
61,600 |
161,966 |
4,008 |
President, Europe and |
2003 |
583,749 |
0 |
81,025 |
267,189 |
80,600 |
72,661 |
3,607 |
South America(7) |
William G. Quigley III
2005 |
371,736 |
603,750 |
14,159 |
339,251 |
59,686 |
284 |
Vice President, |
2004 |
Corporate Controller and |
2003 |
Chief Accounting Officer(6) |
Stacy L. Fox
2005 |
127,200 |
305,001 |
1,371,954 |
Former Senior Vice President, |
2004 |
506,300 |
0 |
25,006 |
232,650 |
51,900 |
126,626 |
4,448 |
Corporate Transactions and |
2003 |
479,266 |
0 |
20,026 |
250,614 |
75,500 |
57,500 |
5,272 |
Legal Affairs(6) |
(1) |
The Bonus column for 2005 includes: for
Mr. Johnston, an annual retention bonus ($481,250) paid
pursuant to the 2005-2007 long-term incentive program; for
Mr. Stebbins, a cash payment ($3,000,000), which is subject
to forfeiture in part based on continued employment, paid
pursuant to his employment agreement, a guaranteed 2005 annual
incentive bonus ($807,500) paid pursuant to his employment
agreement, and an annual retention bonus ($243,981) paid
pursuant to the 2005-2007 long-term incentive program; for
Mr. Palmer, a signing bonus ($245,000) paid pursuant to his
employment agreement and an annual retention bonus ($183,750)
paid pursuant to the 2005-2007 long-term incentive program; for
Dr. Pfannschmidt, an annual retention bonus ($111,450) paid
pursuant to the 2005-2007 long- term incentive program; and, for
Mr. Quigley, a signing bonus ($350,000) paid pursuant to
his employment agreement, a guaranteed 2005 annual incentive
bonus ($210,000) paid pursuant to his employment agreement, and
an annual retention bonus ($43,750) paid pursuant to the
2005-2007 long-term incentive program. |
(2) |
The Other Annual Compensation column includes the
amount of various reportable perquisites and other personal
benefits, including personal use of company aircraft in 2005 for
Mr. Johnston ($136,982), the cost of personal health and
safety protection equipment and services under the Executive
Security Program in 2005 for Mr. Stebbins ($29,163), leased
car payments in 2005 for Dr. Pfannschmidt ($50,820), and
other reimbursements made through executive, flexible perquisite
accounts in 2005 for Mr. Stebbins ($34,825),
Mr. Palmer ($17,412), Dr. Pfannschmidt ($25,465),
Mr. Quigley ($9,862), and Ms. Fox ($17,413). This
column also includes tax payments made by the company in 2005 on
behalf of each of Mr. Johnston ($21,060), Mr. Stebbins
($46,401), Mr. Palmer ($7,950), Mr. Quigley ($4,297),
and Ms. Fox ($7,588). Although the company adopted and
implemented an Executive Security Program in 2004, which, among
other things, requires Messrs. Johnston and Stebbins to use
the companys aircraft for both business and personal
travel, the amounts above reflect the companys current
methodology for estimating the |
incremental cost to the company
for personal use of such aircraft. For Ms. Fox, this column
also includes consulting fees ($280,000) paid pursuant to her
consulting agreement for 2005.
(3) |
The shares of restricted common
stock and restricted stock units described in the
Restricted Stock Awards column were granted under
the Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan and are listed at
the market value of our common stock at the time of the award.
The restricted stock units for 2005 were awarded as part of the
2005-2007 long-term incentive program, and will be paid in cash
on March 10, 2008 based on the fair market value of our
common stock on such date. On September 14, 2005, the
company also awarded 200,000 restricted stock units to
Mr. Johnston which will be paid in cash on
September 14, 2007 based on the fair market value of our
common stock on such date. On September 14, 2005, the
company also awarded 100,000 restricted stock units to
Mr. Palmer and 20,000 restricted stock units to
Mr. Quigley, both awards will be paid in cash, 50% on
September 14, 2006 and 50% on September 14, 2007,
based on the fair market values of our common stock on such
dates. On May 23, 2005 the company also awarded 162,519
restricted stock units to Mr. Stebbins pursuant to his
employment agreement discussed below. As of
December 31, 2005, Mr. Johnston owned
811,185 shares of restricted stock and restricted stock
units valued at $5,078,018; Mr. Stebbins owned 162,519
restricted stock units valued at $1,017,369; Mr. Palmer
owned 431,667 shares of restricted stock and restricted
stock units valued at $2,702,235; Dr. Pfannschmidt owned
170,931 shares of restricted stock and restricted stock
units valued at $1,070,028; and Mr. Quigley owned
66,017 shares of restricted stock and restricted stock
units valued at $413,266. For this valuation, each share of
restricted stock and restricted stock unit was valued at $6.26,
the closing price of our common stock on December 31, 2005
as reported on the New York Stock Exchange. Holders of
restricted stock and restricted stock units may receive the same
cash dividends, or dividend equivalents, as other stockholders
owning common stock. No dividends were paid in 2005.
(4) |
For 2005, the LTIP
Payouts column is comprised of those payments made to
eligible Named Executives under the 2003-2005 long-term
incentive program as a result of having achieved the qualitative
(but not quantitative) benchmarks under the companys
long-term incentive plan, discussed further below in the report
of the Organization and Compensation Committee.
(5) |
The All Other
Compensation column includes the taxable cost of medical,
dental and life insurance benefits. For 2005, this column also
includes payments ($76,558) to, or on behalf of,
Mr. Stebbins pursuant to the companys executive
relocation program, and a severance payment ($1,371,077) to
Ms. Fox pursuant to a separation and release agreement
described below.
(6) |
Mr. Johnston was appointed
Chief Executive Officer in July 2004 and Chairman in June 2005.
Mr. Stebbins joined the company in May 2005.
Mr. Palmer joined the company in June 2004.
Mr. Quigley joined the company in December 2004.
Ms. Fox resigned effective as of March 31, 2005.
(7) |
Dr. Pfannschmidts
dollar amounts have been converted from amounts which were paid
in a
non-U.S. dollar
denominated currency. |
Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights
The Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan permits grants of
stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock,
restricted stock units and other rights relating to our common
stock. In general, whether exercising stock options or stock
appreciation rights is profitable depends on the relationship
between the common stocks market price and the exercise
price of the stock option or stock appreciation rights. Stock
options or stock appreciation rights which are in the
money on a given date can be out of the money
if stock prices change on a subsequent date. We therefore
believe that placing a current value on outstanding options is
highly speculative and may not represent any benefit realized by
the option holder.
The following table gives more information regarding stock
options and stock appreciation rights granted to each of the
Named Executives in 2005.
Option/ SAR Grants in 2005(1)
Individual Grants | |
| |
Number of | |
% of Total | |
Securities | |
Options/SARs | |
Underlying | |
Granted to | |
Exercise or | |
Grant Date | |
Option/SARs | |
Employees in | |
Base Price | |
Expiration | |
Present | |
Name |
Granted(#) | |
Fiscal Year | |
($/Sh)(5) | |
Date | |
Value $(6) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Michael F. Johnston
656,548 |
(2) |
9.4 |
6.245 |
3/9/2010 |
1,443,749 |
100,000 |
(3) |
1.4 |
10.40 |
9/13/2010 |
366,300 |
Donald J. Stebbins
332,853 |
(2) |
4.8 |
6.26 |
5/22/2010 |
731,944 |
100,136 |
(4) |
1.4 |
6.26 |
5/22/2010 |
220,199 |
James F. Palmer
238,745 |
(2) |
3.4 |
6.245 |
3/9/2010 |
525,000 |
Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt
163,953 |
(2) |
2.4 |
6.245 |
3/9/2010 |
360,533 |
William G. Quigley III
59,686 |
(2) |
.9 |
6.245 |
3/9/2010 |
131,250 |
(1) |
Stock options are exercisable for shares of common stock of the
company. Stock appreciation rights are exercisable solely for a
cash payment. Any unexercised stock options and stock
appreciation rights expire after five years. If a holder of a
stock option or stock appreciation right retires, becomes
disabled, or dies, his or her stock options and/or stock
appreciation rights continue to be exercisable up to the normal
expiration date. In most other instances of employment
termination, all rights end upon such termination. Stock options
and stock appreciation rights are subject to certain conditions,
including not engaging in competitive activity, and generally
cannot be transferred. |
(2) |
of these stock option grants can be exercised one year after the
grant date,
% after two years, and 100% after three years. |
(3) |
50% of these stock appreciation rights grants can be exercised
one year after the grant date, and 100% after two years. |
(4) |
50% of these stock option grants can be exercised one year after
the grant date, and 100% after two years. |
(5) |
The exercise price of the stock options and stock appreciation
rights is the average of the high and low selling prices of our
common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant. |
(6) |
The Grant Date Present Value was determined using the
Black-Scholes methodology and the following weighted average
assumptions: (i) risk free interest rate of 3.25%;
(ii) option life equals 5 years; (iii) volatility
of 47.97%; (iv) risk of forfeiture of 3.00%; and
(v) dividend yield of 2.40%. The ultimate value of the
options/ SARs, if any, will depend on the future value of the
common stock and the optionees investment decisions,
neither of which can be accurately predicted. |
The following table provides information concerning the number
of securities underlying unexercised stock options and stock
appreciations rights, as well as the value of certain
unexercised stock options and stock appreciations rights (using
the closing price of our common stock as reported on the New
York Stock Exchange as of December 31, 2005, less the
applicable exercise price or prices), held by each of the Named
Executives as of December 31, 2005.
Aggregated Option/ SAR Exercises in 2005 and
December 31, 2005 Option/ SAR Values(1)
Value of Unexercised | |
Number of Securities | |
In-The-Money | |
Underlying Unexercised | |
Options/SARs at | |
Shares Acquired | |
Value | |
Options/SARs at FY-End(#) | |
FY-End ($) | |
Name |
On Exercise(#)(1) | |
Realized($) | |
Exercisable/Unexercisable | |
Exercisable/Unexercisable | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Michael F. Johnston
0 |
0 |
568,668/1,004,481 |
0/9,848 |
Donald J. Stebbins
0 |
0 |
0/432,989 |
0/0 |
James F. Palmer
0 |
0 |
60,000/358,745 |
0/3,581 |
Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt
0 |
0 |
149,046/231,887 |
0/2,459 |
William G. Quigley III
0 |
0 |
6,666/73,020 |
0/895 |
Stacy L. Fox
0 |
0 |
0/0 |
0/0 |
(1) |
No stock options or and stock appreciations rights were
exercised by the Named Executives during 2005. |
The following table summarizes information as of
December 31, 2005 relating to Visteons equity
compensation plans pursuant to which grants of stock options,
stock appreciation rights, stock rights, restricted stock,
restricted stock units and other rights to acquire shares of its
common stock may be made from time to time.
Equity Compensation Plan Information
Weighted- | |
Number of Securities | |
Number of Securities | |
Average Exercise | |
Remaining Available for | |
to be Issued Upon | |
Price of | |
Future Issuance Under | |
Exercise of | |
Outstanding | |
Equity Compensation | |
Outstanding Options, | |
Options, | |
Plans (excluding | |
Warrants and Rights | |
Warrants and | |
securities reflected in | |
Plan Category |
(a)(1) | |
Rights (b) | |
column(a)) (c)(2) | |
| |
| |
| |
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
15,014,139 |
$ |
10.68 |
1,702,334 |
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
15,014,139 |
1,702,334 |
(1) |
Excludes 2,216,711 unvested shares of restricted common stock
issued pursuant to the Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan.
Also excludes stock appreciation rights and restricted stock
units issued pursuant to the Visteon Corporation 2004 Incentive
Plan and Employees Equity Incentive Plan that by their terms may
only be settled in cash. |
(2) |
Excludes an indefinite number of securities that may be awarded
under the Visteon Corporation Restricted Stock Plan for
Non-Employee Directors.
Such Plan provides for an annual, automatic grant of 3,000
restricted shares or stock units to each
non-employee director
of the company. There is no maximum number of securities that
may be issued under this Plan, however, the Plan will terminate
on May 9, 2011 unless earlier terminated by the Board of
Directors. This plan was approved by stockholders on May 9,
2001. |
2005 2007 Long-Term Incentive Program
In 2005, the company implemented a long-term incentive program
for the 2005-2007 performance period for eligible employees,
including the Named Executives, in accordance with the Visteon
Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan. Awards under the 2005-2007
long-term incentive program are based on a predetermined
percentage of an employees base salary and are comprised
of several components designed to retain key employees and to
further align the interests of employees with Visteons
long-term business objectives and the interests of stockholders.
For the Named Executives, a half of their total 2005-2007
long-term incentive award was awarded in the form of stock
options and restricted stock units, which are included in the
Summary Compensation Table above, and a quarter of
their total program award is awarded in the form of a
performance cash bonus opportunity. The amount to be paid
relating to this performance cash bonus opportunity will be
based on Visteons performance relative to target return on
assets and product quality ratings metrics at the end of the
2005-2007 performance period, with each metric having equal
weighting. If less than the target performance metrics are
achieved, a performance cash award will be payable only if
either approximately 10% of the return on assets metric is
achieved or approximately 80% of the product quality ratings
metric is achieved.
In the table below, the Threshold amounts assume
that minimum performance goals for return on assets and quality
have been achieved. Participants may also receive cash payments
in excess of the target amounts if the performance goals are
exceeded. In the table below, the Maximum amounts
assume that 200% of the target return on assets metric is
achieved and 120% of the product quality ratings metric is
achieved. The plan limits the amount payable in respect of
performance cash awards to any Named Executive during any
calendar year to $10 million.
Long-Term Incentive Plans 2005 Awards
Estimated Future Performance Payouts | |
Performance or | |
Non-Stock Price-Based Plans | |
Other Period | |
| |
Until Maturation | |
Threshold | |
Target | |
Maximum | |
Name |
or Payout | |
($) | |
($) | |
($) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Michael F. Johnston
2005-2007 |
649,688 |
1,443,750 |
2,310,000 |
Donald J. Stebbins
2005-2007 |
329,375 |
731,944 |
1,171,110 |
James F. Palmer
2005-2007 |
236,250 |
525,000 |
840,000 |
Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt(1)
2005-2007 |
162,239 |
360,531 |
576,850 |
William G. Quigley III
2005-2007 |
59,063 |
131,250 |
210,000 |
(1) |
Currency conversion for non-USD denominated salary based on
February 6, 2006 currency exchange rate. |
In addition, a quarter of the total 2005-2007 long-term
incentive program opportunity was awarded in the form of a cash
bonus that will be paid in equal installments after the
conclusion of each of the three years of the performance period
so long as such employee continues to be employed in good
standing as of such dates. The purpose of this bonus award was
to retain key members of management as the company undergoes
structural changes to its business model. Amounts earned by the
Named Executives for 2005 are included in the Summary
Compensation Table above.
Deferred Compensation Plan
Prior to June 2005, U.S. based executive officers were
eligible to defer up to 50% of their base salary and up to 100%
of bonuses under the Visteon Deferred Compensation Plan. Amounts
deferred into the Visteon stock fund of the plan were
allocated based on the price of the companys common stock
at the time of deferral, and the value of this account is
directly related to the performance of the companys common
stock. Amounts deferred under the plan are generally payable in
a year specified by the employee at the time of deferral or, if
earlier, on or after the first day of the seventh month
following termination of employment. In June 2005, the plan was
closed to further deferrals.
Retirement Benefits
The company maintains the Visteon Corporation Pension Plan (the
VPP), a defined benefit plan qualified under
Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (the
Code). It covers primarily salaried employees of the
company not covered by another pension plan. The
non-contributory feature of the VPP automatically covers all
eligible employees. The non-contributory feature of the VPP
provides a monthly benefit, payable in the form of a life
annuity, equal to a flat rate times years of employment. The
highest flat rate in effect on December 31, 2005 is $47.45.
Participants who satisfy the requirements for early retirement,
age 55 with 10 years of service or 30 years of
service, are eligible for an additional, temporary monthly
benefit payable until age 62. Following three months of
employment, a participant may elect to be covered by the
contributory feature of the plan and receive a contributory
benefit in lieu of the non-contributory benefit. The
contributory benefit, payable in the form of a life annuity, is
equal to 1.5% of Final Average Monthly Salary times years of
employment while a contributory participant plus 0.4% of Final
Average Monthly Salary in excess of the Social Security
Breakpoint times years of employment (not to exceed
35 years) while a contributory participant. Final Average
Monthly Salary is the highest average monthly salary paid as of
any five consecutive December 31 dates during the last 120
consecutive months that an employee contributes. The Social
Security Breakpoint is equal to 150% of the average of the
Social Security Wage Base for the last 35 years including
the current plan year. Normal retirement is age 65 and
portions of early retirement benefits are available at
age 62 unreduced for age. Projected contributory benefits
payable at age 65 under the current formula are shown in
Table 1-A.
Credited service earned under the non-contributory and
contributory features of the plan will cease as of June 30,
2006. If the employee was contributing to the plan as of
June 30, 2006, future December 31 base pay will
continue to be recognized for purposes of determining the Final
Average Monthly Salary. Early retirement supplements payable to
age 62 will not be a feature of the plan for employees
whose last day of employment is on or after July 1, 2006.
Effective July 1, 2006, salaried employees will accrue
monthly cash balance benefits under the pension plan. The Cash
Balance benefit is based on a hypothetical account which grows
with 4% pay credits and interest credits based on the
30-year Treasury bond
rate. The monthly benefit payable from the cash balance feature
is reduced for early commencement if payment begins before
age 65.
Salaried employees hired on or after January 1, 2002
participate in the VPP BalancePlus Program, a feature of the
VPP. The monthly benefit payable from the BalancePlus Program is
based on the greater of the Cash Balance benefit or the Pension
Equity benefit. The Cash Balance benefit is based on a
hypothetical account which grows with 4% pay credits and
interest credits based on the
30-year Treasury bond
rate. The Pension Equity benefit is based on a hypothetical
account at age 65 equal to 12.5% of Final Average Monthly
Salary times credited service. Projected benefits payable at
age 65 under the current BalancePlus formula are shown in
Table 1-B. Credited service earned under the Pension Equity
feature of the plan will cease as of June 30, 2006,
although changes in base pay will continue to be recognized for
purposes of determining the Final Average Monthly Salary. The
monthly benefit payable from the BalancePlus Program is reduced
for early commencement if payment begins before age 65.
Since the VPP is a qualified plan, it is subject to the rules of
the Code. The Code limits the amount of benefits that may be
paid by a qualified plan and it limits the amount of Salary that
may be recognized in computing plan benefits. In 2005, the
maximum annual salary the plan may recognize is $210,000.
Visteon also has implemented the Pension Parity Plan
(PPP), an unfunded, non-qualified pension plan. The
PPP restores any benefits lost due to the limitations on
benefits and compensation imposed by the Code. The qualified
plan changes that take effect on July 1, 2006 also apply to
the Pension Parity Plan.
Table 1-A
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Visteon Corporation Pension Plan
and the Pension Parity Plan
(Salaried Employees Hired Prior to January 1, 2002,
Includes all Credited Service Earned Before July 1,
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
24,100 |
32,200 |
40,200 |
48,300 |
56,300 |
52,500 |
70,100 |
87,600 |
105,200 |
122,700 |
80,900 |
108,000 |
135,000 |
162,100 |
189,100 |
109,300 |
145,900 |
182,400 |
219,000 |
255,500 |
137,700 |
183,800 |
229,800 |
275,900 |
321,900 |
166,100 |
221,700 |
277,200 |
332,800 |
388,300 |
194,500 |
259,600 |
324,600 |
389,700 |
454,700 |
222,900 |
297,500 |
372,000 |
446,600 |
521,100 |
251,300 |
335,400 |
419,400 |
503,500 |
587,500 |
279,700 |
373,300 |
466,800 |
560,400 |
653,900 |
308,100 |
411,200 |
514,200 |
617,300 |
720,300 |
336,500 |
449,100 |
561,600 |
674,200 |
786,700 |
364,900 |
487,000 |
609,000 |
731,100 |
853,100 |
393,300 |
524,900 |
656,400 |
788,000 |
919,500 |
421,700 |
562,800 |
703,800 |
844,900 |
985,900 |
Table 1-B
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Visteon Corporation Pension Plan BalancePlus
and the Pension Parity Plan
(Salaried Employees Hired on or After January 1,
Includes all Credited Service Earned Before July 1,
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
15,900 |
21,200 |
26,500 |
31,800 |
37,100 |
31,800 |
42,400 |
53,000 |
63,600 |
74,200 |
47,700 |
63,600 |
79,500 |
95,400 |
111,300 |
63,600 |
84,800 |
106,000 |
127,200 |
148,400 |
79,500 |
106,000 |
132,500 |
159,000 |
185,500 |
95,400 |
127,200 |
159,000 |
190,800 |
222,600 |
111,300 |
148,400 |
185,500 |
222,600 |
259,700 |
127,200 |
169,600 |
212,000 |
254,400 |
296,800 |
143,100 |
190,800 |
238,500 |
286,200 |
333,900 |
159,000 |
212,000 |
265,000 |
318,000 |
370,900 |
174,900 |
233,200 |
291,500 |
349,800 |
408,000 |
190,800 |
254,400 |
318,000 |
381,500 |
445,100 |
206,700 |
275,600 |
344,500 |
413,300 |
482,200 |
222,600 |
296,800 |
370,900 |
445,100 |
519,300 |
238,500 |
318,000 |
397,400 |
476,900 |
556,400 |
Visteon provides a non-qualified, unfunded pension benefit under
the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) to
certain eligible executives. For eligible executives hired prior
to January 1, 2002, the SERP provides an additional
monthly benefit, in the form of a life annuity, equal to the
participants Final Average Monthly Salary (without regard
to the Code compensation limit) times years of employment times
a percentage determined by job classification at retirement. The
percentages range between 0.20% and 0.90%. Projected benefits
payable at age 65 under the current SERP formula are shown
in Table 2-A.
Credited service earned under the SERP will cease as of
June 30, 2006. Effective July 1, 2006, eligible
executives will accrue SERP benefits under a formula used for
eligible executives hired on or after January 1, 2002,
as described in the following paragraph.
Eligible executives hired on or after January 1, 2002
participate in the BalancePlus SERP feature of the
SERP. The BalancePlus SERP provides an additional monthly
benefit based upon a hypothetical account balance that is in
excess of the amount calculated under the VPP BalancePlus
Program and the Pension Parity Plan. The account balance from
the BalancePlus SERP before offset is calculated under the
formulas in the BalancePlus Program with the following
modifications: 1) Annual Salary is calculated without
regard to the Code compensation limit; 2) Final Average
Monthly Salary is increased by the average of the three highest
consecutive Annual Incentive amounts; and 3) a 15% benefit
multiplier is used under the Pension Equity formula in lieu of
the 12.5% benefit multiplier. The Pension Equity account under
the BalancePlus SERP has its own early retirement reduction
factors, which are applied at early retirement before offsetting
the amount calculated under the BalancePlus Program and the
Pension Parity Plan. The additional monthly benefit is payable
in the same form as paid under the BalancePlus Program.
Projected benefits payable at age 65 under the current
BalancePlus SERP are shown in Table 2-B.
Table 2-A
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
(Salaried Employees Hired Prior to January 1, 2002,
Includes all Credited Service Earned Before July 1,
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
3,000 |
4,000 |
5,000 |
6,000 |
7,000 |
6,000 |
8,000 |
10,000 |
12,000 |
14,000 |
18,000 |
24,000 |
30,000 |
36,000 |
42,000 |
24,000 |
32,000 |
40,000 |
48,000 |
56,000 |
52,500 |
70,000 |
87,500 |
105,000 |
122,500 |
63,000 |
84,000 |
105,000 |
126,000 |
147,000 |
78,800 |
105,000 |
131,300 |
157,500 |
183,800 |
96,000 |
128,000 |
160,000 |
192,000 |
224,000 |
121,500 |
162,000 |
202,500 |
243,000 |
283,500 |
135,000 |
180,000 |
225,000 |
270,000 |
315,000 |
148,500 |
198,000 |
247,500 |
297,000 |
346,500 |
162,000 |
216,000 |
270,000 |
324,000 |
378,000 |
175,500 |
234,000 |
292,500 |
351,000 |
409,500 |
189,000 |
252,000 |
315,000 |
378,000 |
441,000 |
202,500 |
270,000 |
337,500 |
405,000 |
472,500 |
Table 2-B
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
(Salaried Employees Hired on or After January 1,
Includes all Credited Service Earned Before July 1,
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
10,800 |
14,400 |
18,000 |
21,600 |
25,200 |
21,600 |
28,800 |
36,000 |
43,200 |
50,400 |
32,400 |
43,200 |
54,000 |
64,800 |
75,700 |
43,200 |
57,600 |
72,100 |
86,500 |
100,900 |
54,000 |
72,100 |
90,100 |
108,100 |
126,100 |
64,800 |
86,500 |
108,100 |
129,700 |
151,300 |
75,700 |
100,900 |
126,100 |
151,300 |
176,500 |
86,500 |
115,300 |
144,100 |
172,900 |
201,800 |
97,300 |
129,700 |
162,100 |
194,500 |
227,000 |
108,100 |
144,100 |
180,100 |
216,200 |
252,300 |
118,900 |
158,500 |
198,200 |
237,800 |
277,500 |
129,700 |
172,900 |
216,200 |
259,500 |
302,700 |
140,500 |
187,300 |
234,200 |
281,100 |
328,000 |
151,300 |
201,800 |
252,300 |
302,700 |
353,200 |
162,100 |
216,200 |
270,300 |
324,300 |
378,400 |
Annuity Based on GAR94 Unisex Table and 5% Interest.
Target Bonus of 80% of Base Pay Assumed/ 50% Payout of Target
Visteon provides a non-qualified, unfunded temporary pension
from the Executive Separation Allowance Plan (ESAP)
to eligible executives who separate employment under certain
circumstances. For eligible executives hired prior to
January 1, 2002, the ESAP provides a temporary monthly
benefit, payable to age 65, equal to the participants
highest base salary times a percentage, not to exceed 60% equal
to the sum of i) 15%, ii) 6% for each year that such
participants age at separation exceeds 55 (not to exceed
30%), and iii) 1% for each year of service in excess of 15. This
amount is offset by any payments paid or payable from any other
private retirement plan of the company other than the SERP.
Executives hired on or after January 1, 2002, or who were
promoted to the level of an eligible executive after
June 30, 2004, are not eligible to participate in the ESAP.
Projected ESAP benefits payable commencing at age 55 are
shown in Table 3-A. Projected ESAP benefits commencing at
age 60 are shown in Table 3-B.
Table 3-A
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Executive Separation Allowance Plan
Assuming Benefits Commence at Age 55
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
30,000 |
40,000 |
50,000 |
60,000 |
70,000 |
45,000 |
60,000 |
75,000 |
90,000 |
105,000 |
60,000 |
80,000 |
100,000 |
120,000 |
140,000 |
75,000 |
100,000 |
125,000 |
150,000 |
175,000 |
90,000 |
120,000 |
150,000 |
180,000 |
210,000 |
105,000 |
140,000 |
175,000 |
210,000 |
245,000 |
120,000 |
160,000 |
200,000 |
240,000 |
280,000 |
135,000 |
180,000 |
225,000 |
270,000 |
315,000 |
150,000 |
200,000 |
250,000 |
300,000 |
350,000 |
165,000 |
220,000 |
275,000 |
330,000 |
385,000 |
180,000 |
240,000 |
300,000 |
360,000 |
420,000 |
195,000 |
260,000 |
325,000 |
390,000 |
455,000 |
210,000 |
280,000 |
350,000 |
420,000 |
490,000 |
225,000 |
300,000 |
375,000 |
450,000 |
525,000 |
Table 3-B
Projected Total Annual Retirement Benefits
From the Executive Separation Allowance Plan
Assuming Benefits Commence at Age 60
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
30 | |
35 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
45,000 |
50,000 |
55,000 |
60,000 |
60,000 |
90,000 |
100,000 |
110,000 |
120,000 |
120,000 |
135,000 |
150,000 |
165,000 |
180,000 |
180,000 |
180,000 |
200,000 |
220,000 |
240,000 |
240,000 |
225,000 |
250,000 |
275,000 |
300,000 |
300,000 |
270,000 |
300,000 |
330,000 |
360,000 |
360,000 |
315,000 |
350,000 |
385,000 |
420,000 |
420,000 |
360,000 |
400,000 |
440,000 |
480,000 |
480,000 |
405,000 |
450,000 |
495,000 |
540,000 |
540,000 |
450,000 |
500,000 |
550,000 |
600,000 |
600,000 |
495,000 |
550,000 |
605,000 |
660,000 |
660,000 |
540,000 |
600,000 |
660,000 |
720,000 |
720,000 |
585,000 |
650,000 |
715,000 |
780,000 |
780,000 |
630,000 |
700,000 |
770,000 |
840,000 |
840,000 |
675,000 |
750,000 |
825,000 |
900,000 |
900,000 |
The table below shows the years of credited service earned by
the Named Executives under the Visteon retirement plans as of
December 31, 2005:
Credited Service (years) | |
| |
Michael F. Johnston
5.4 |
* |
Donald Stebbins
0.616 |
** |
James Palmer
1.582 |
*** |
William Quigley III
1.0 |
Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt
4.2 |
Stacy L. Fox
5.3 |
* |
Michael F. Johnston will receive additional retirement benefits
from the SERP determined by crediting an additional year of
service for each year of service credited under the terms of the
VPP as shown above. |
** |
Donald J. Stebbins will receive additional retirement benefits
from the SERP determined by crediting an additional year of
service for each year of service credited under the terms of the
VPP as shown above. In addition, a $1,200,000 opening balance
was credited to Mr. Stebbins BalancePlus SERP account. |
*** |
James F. Palmer will receive additional retirement benefits from
the SERP determined by crediting an additional year of service
for each year of service credited up to a maximum of 5
additional years under the terms of the VPP as shown above. |
Visteon Holdings GmbH, an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of
the company, has agreed to provide Dr. Pfannschmidt with a
pension payable as a 60% joint and survivor annuity commencing
at age 65 equal to 0.5% of final five year average annual
base compensation up to the Final Average Social Security
Contribution Ceiling (SSCC), plus 1.5% of final five
year average annual base compensation in excess of SSCC times
years of pensionable service. Early retirement benefits are
payable commencing after age 55, reduced by 4.8% for every
year before age 62. In the event of disability or
pre-retirement death, the pension would be calculated by
projecting service to age 65. In addition to the 60%
survivor annuity, ancillary orphans benefits are also
provided. As of December 31, 2005, Dr. Pfannschmidt
had earned 4.167 years of pensionable service.
Table 4
Projected Annual Retirement Benefits
for Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
5 | |
10 | |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
6,200 |
12,500 |
18,700 |
24,900 |
31,100 |
8,100 |
16,200 |
24,300 |
32,400 |
40,500 |
10,000 |
20,000 |
29,900 |
39,900 |
49,900 |
11,900 |
23,700 |
35,600 |
47,400 |
59,300 |
13,700 |
27,500 |
41,200 |
54,900 |
68,600 |
15,600 |
31,200 |
46,800 |
62,400 |
78,000 |
19,400 |
38,700 |
58,100 |
77,400 |
96,800 |
26,900 |
53,700 |
80,600 |
107,400 |
134,300 |
30,600 |
61,200 |
91,800 |
122,400 |
153,000 |
34,400 |
68,700 |
103,100 |
137,400 |
171,800 |
38,100 |
76,200 |
114,300 |
152,400 |
190,500 |
41,900 |
83,700 |
125,600 |
167,400 |
209,300 |
Executive Retiree Health Care Plan |
The company will provide an executive retiree health care
benefit upon their retirement from the company for designated
executives. Pursuant to the program, such executives will be
entitled to retiree health care benefits after completing
5 years of service with the company that are similar to
those available to the companys employees who are eligible
under the Visteon Retiree Medical Plan. Messrs. Johnston,
Stebbins and Palmer are eligible for this program.
The Named Executives, as well as most U.S. salaried
employees, are entitled to participate in the
Visteon Investment Plan (VIP), Visteons
401(k) investment and savings plan. Prior to 2006, Named
Executives, as well as other U.S. salaried employees, also
participated in the Visteon Savings Parity Plan
(VSPP), pursuant to which Visteon provided benefits
substantially equal to benefits that could not be provided under
the VIP because of limitations under the Code. In December 2005,
the VSPP was terminated and all accrued benefits were
distributed to participants.
Employment Arrangements
Agreement with Mr. Johnston. In 2000, the company
entered into an employment agreement with Michael F. Johnston
that provides terms of employment, compensation, incentive plan
compensation, benefits and perquisites, pensions, employment
termination, non-competition and confidentiality, and
change in control provisions.
Mr. Johnstons agreement is extended automatically
each year unless, not later than ninety days prior to each such
date, the company or Mr. Johnston shall have given notice
not to extend the term. The agreement also may be terminated
under certain specified circumstances including the termination
by either party upon 90 days notice.
Agreement with Mr. Stebbins. The company entered
into a letter agreement effective as of May 23, 2005
(the Effective Date), with Mr. Stebbins that
provides for the terms of his employment as President and Chief
Operating Officer. The letter agreement provides that
Mr. Stebbins will receive an initial annual base salary of
$850,000 and an initial payment of $3,000,000, which may be
refundable on a pro rata basis if his employment is terminated
for Cause or without Good Reason (each
as defined therein) prior to the third anniversary of the
Effective Date. Mr. Stebbins is also entitled to
participate in the companys annual incentive performance
cash bonus program, with a guaranteed minimum payment of
$807,500 for 2005, and the companys long-term incentive
program, with pro-rata payments for the 2004-2006 and
2005-2007 performance
Mr. Stebbins will be credited with two years of benefit
service for each one year of actual benefit service through the
SERP. In addition, the company will credit Mr. Stebbins
with an opening balance in the SERP of $1,200,000.00.
Mr. Stebbins aggregate accrued benefit payable from
all qualified and nonqualified retirement plans upon retirement
from the company will not be less than the greater of the
actuarial equivalent value of (a) the aggregate benefit
payable to him under the VPP, the SERP, and the PPP minus the
$1,200,000.00 opening balance and interest credits attributable
thereto or (b) the $1,200,000.00 SERP opening balance plus
interest credits accrued to the date of retirement.
Mr. Stebbins will forfeit the aforementioned benefits if,
prior to his five year anniversary with the company he is
terminated by the company for Cause (other than due to his death
or Disability, which shall have the meaning set
forth in the long term disability benefit plan of the company in
which Mr. Stebbins participates), or he terminates
employment with the company for other than Good Reason.
The letter agreement has a term of two years, with the agreement
automatically renewable for successive one year terms unless
either party gives written notice not less than 90 days
prior to expiration that it/he does not wish to renew. If the
company gives such notice prior to Mr. Stebbins
10th anniversary with the company, Mr. Stebbins shall
be entitled to severance benefits upon termination of employment
on the same basis as provided for a termination without
Cause or resignation for Good Reason
during the term of the agreement. If the company gives such
notice after Mr. Stebbins 10th anniversary with
the company, Mr. Stebbins shall not be entitled to such
severance. The Executive retains the right to resign at any time
for any reason, just as company retains the right to sever the
employment relationship at any time, with or without Cause.
However, if Mr. Stebbins is terminated by the company
without Cause or resigns from the companys employ for Good
Reason during the term of the letter agreement,
Mr. Stebbins will be entitled to the following separation
benefits (provided Mr. Stebbins signs a release of all
claims against the company and its representatives):
(i) the benefits of the Executive Severance Plan; plus,
(ii) should said termination without Cause or for Good
Reason occur during the first 12 months of
Mr. Stebbins employment, (A) six additional
months of base salary; (B) retention (or payment) of
Mr. Stebbins entire signing bonus; (C) prior
year earned but unpaid annual and long term performance cash;
and (D) pro-rata portion of current year annual and
long-term performance cash.
If the current Chief Executive Officer leaves his position for
any reason on or after Mr. Stebbins second
anniversary with the company, and another candidate is selected
to fill that position, Mr. Stebbins may elect to terminate
his employment within three months of such decision or
appointment, and receive the severance benefits for a
termination without Cause or resignation with Good Reason, as
well as immediate full vesting of any outstanding stock options
or stock appreciation rights and restricted stock or restricted
stock units.
Agreement with Mr. Palmer. The company entered into
an at will employment memorandum dated as of
June 2, 2004 with Mr. Palmer. The memorandum provides
for his employment as Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer. He received an initial annual base
salary for 2004 of $700,000 and a sign-on bonus of $245,000,
payable in April 2005, an award of options to
purchase 75,000 shares of the companys common
stock, which shall vest annually over three years in equal
installments, an award of 100,000 restricted stock units, which
shall vest in four equal parts upon the 2nd,
3rd, 4th, and 5th anniversaries, and an award of
100,000 shares of restricted stock, which shall vest after
five years, each in accordance with the Visteon Corporation 2004
Incentive Plan. Mr. Palmer is also entitled to participate
in the companys annual incentive cash bonus program, with
a guaranteed payment for fiscal 2004 of 35% of his annual base
salary, and long-term incentive program, each as administered
under the 2004 Incentive Plan, and he will generally receive
health and welfare and other benefits consistent with the
position. The memorandum also provides that Mr. Palmer will
be entitled to a severance payment of at least twelve months of
his base salary if his employment with the company is terminated
without cause prior to the first anniversary of his hire date.
The memorandum also provides that Mr. Palmer will be
credited with two years of service for every year of actual
service with Visteon under the SERP.
Agreement with Dr. Pfannschmidt. A wholly owned
subsidiary of the company has entered into a service agreement
with Dr. Heinz Pfannschmidt that provides terms of his
appointment, compensation, incentive plan compensation, benefits
and perquisites, employment termination, non-competition and
confidentiality. Dr. Pfannschmidts agreement is
subject to termination by either party upon at least
24 months notice. The company provided written notice of
termination of the agreement on March 20, 2006.
Dr. Pfannschmidt is entitled to amounts that would have
otherwise been payable under the agreement over the
24 month period following notice of termination, either in
a lump sum or in installments.
Agreement with Mr. Quigley. The company entered into
an at will employment memorandum dated as of
December 7, 2004 with Mr. Quigley. The memorandum
provides for his employment as Vice President, Corporate
Controller and Chief Accounting Officer. The memorandum provides
that Mr. Quigley will receive an initial annual base salary
of $350,000, a sign-on bonus of $350,000, payable in
installments, 200,000 stock options and 25,000 restricted stock
units, which shall vest after three years, each in accordance
with the 2004 Incentive Plan. Mr. Quigley is also entitled
to participate in the companys annual incentive cash bonus
program, with a guaranteed payment of $210,000 for 2005, and
long-term incentive program, each as administered under the 2004
Incentive Plan, and he will generally receive health and welfare
and other benefits consistent with the position. The memorandum
also provides that Mr. Quigley will be entitled to a
severance payment of at least twelve months of his base salary
if his employment with the company is terminated without cause
prior to the first anniversary of his hire date, and a severance
payment of at least twelve months of his base salary plus
$175,000 if his employment with the company is terminated
without cause prior to the third anniversary, but after the
first anniversary, of his hire date.
Change in Control and Separation Arrangements
Change in Control Agreements. The company has entered
into Change in Control agreements with each of
Messrs. Johnston, Stebbins, Palmer and Quigley, as well as
certain other officers, that specify two triggering events:
(i) a change in control and (ii) within three years
(executive officers) or two years (certain other officers) after
the change in control one of the following events occurs:
participants employment is terminated without cause; a
negative material change in made in participants duties
and responsibilities; participants compensation or
benefits are decreased and such decrease is unrelated to company
performance; participant is required to materially relocate his
or her residence or principal office location against his or her
will; or the participant is not offered a comparable position
with the successor entity. Each of the executive officers and
certain other officers also has 30 days at the end of the
first year after a change in control to terminate his or her
employment for any reason and still receive the benefits under
the agreement.
Each participant is entitled to the following benefits upon
occurrence of the triggering events: base salary, pro-rated
annual bonus and any accrued vacation pay through date of
termination; a severance payment in the amount of three times
(executive officers) or one and one-half times (certain other
officers) base salary plus target bonus; all unvested options
and restricted stock will vest and become immediately
exercisable, all awards under the Visteon Corporation 2004
Incentive Plan become payable immediately on a pro-rated basis;
any compensation previously deferred, together with accrued
interest or earnings, will be distributed as a lump sum payout;
participants SERP benefits will be funded through a trust
or other mechanism which is protected from the persons
controlling the company after the occurrence of the change in
control; and health, dental and life insurance will remain in
force over the cash severance benefit period. Change in control
payments for executive officers will be grossed up for the
payment, if any, of additional federal taxes
(Code Section 280(G) Excess Parachute
Payment). Other officers will not be grossed up; however,
any officer whose contractual entitlements would be greater if
such entitlements were to reduce the officers safe harbor
level under the golden parachute excise tax provisions of the
Code (thereby avoiding the imposition of the excise tax), will
have his or her payment so reduced. An officer in this group
whose contractual entitlements after payment of applicable
excise taxes would be greater than his or her safe harbor amount
would not incur such a reduction.
Executive Severance Plan. In 2005, the company adopted
the Visteon Executive Severance Plan (the Severance
Plan). The Severance Plan provides for severance benefits
to certain officers elected by the Board of Directors and senior
management employees of the company whose employment is
subsequently involuntarily terminated, subject to certain
exceptions. These severance benefits include a cash payment
equal to one year of base salary, the reimbursement of medical
coverage premiums under COBRA for one year following
termination, the payment of the unexpended value of his or her
flexible perquisites account, the provision of outplacement
services for up to six months, the pro ration of restricted
stock and restricted stock unit awards granted more than
180 days prior to date of termination, and the continued
exercisability of vested stock options for up to one year
following termination. If the eligible executive does not
execute an acceptable release and waiver of claims, such
executive will be entitled to the foregoing severance benefits
except that the cash payment will be reduced to an amount equal
to four weeks of base salary, and such executive will not
receive the remaining value of his or her flexible perquisites
account nor be entitled to outplacement services.
Agreements with Ms. Fox. On March 10, 2005, the
company entered into a Resignation Agreement (the
Resignation Agreement) and Consulting Agreement (the
Consulting Agreement) with Ms. Fox. The
Resignation Agreement provided for the terms of
Ms. Foxs resignation from regular employment with
Visteon and its affiliates effective as of March 31, 2005.
Pursuant to the Resignation Agreement, the company paid
Ms. Fox a severance payment of $1.36 million and
accelerated the vesting date relating to 43,000 shares of
restricted stock previously awarded to Ms. Fox under the
2004 Incentive Plan. The foregoing payment and acceleration are
in lieu of any other incentive compensation amounts or bonus
previously awarded to Ms. Fox that had not been paid.
Ms. Fox also agreed to release any claims she may have
against the company or its affiliates and agents, continue to
maintain the confidentiality of the companys information
and refrain from soliciting or hiring employees of Visteon or
its subsidiaries.
Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, Ms. Fox agreed to
provide consulting services and other assistance as may be
required or requested by the companys executives,
attorneys and/or other representatives, up to a maximum of
160 hours per month. Ms. Fox received a retainer of
$40,000 per month for a total of 7 months, as well as
reimbursement for travel and business expenses reasonably
incurred. The agreement was terminated on October 31, 2005.
The Organization and Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors oversees the companys programs for compensating
executive officers and other key management employees, including
the administration of the companys equity-based
compensation plans, and approves the salaries and other
incentive awards to executive officers. During 2005, the
Committee held eight meetings. As described above, the Committee
operates under a written charter and is composed entirely of
independent directors (consistent with the listing standards of
the New York Stock Exchange).
Compensation Policies and Objectives
The Committee believes that Visteons executive
compensation program supports the companys strategic
objectives and provides strong alignment of the interests of its
executives with these objectives as well as the creation of
stockholder value. Visteons executive compensation
programs are designed to accomplish the following key goals.
Pay for Performance. The performance measures used in
compensating executive officers are aligned with Visteons
key business objectives, which include improved profit before
taxes, return on assets and product quality. |
Competitiveness. Visteons compensation program is
targeted to deliver compensation at the median of the
competitive market when performance is at expected levels, which
is considered essential in order to retain a strong executive
team and allow the company to attract talent to the organization. |
Retention of Key Executives. In recognition of the
challenging environment in 2005 and escalating attrition due to
the uncertainty facing the company prior to the finalization of
the agreement with Ford, 25% of the Long-Term incentive
opportunity was delivered as a time-based award to retain senior
management. The portion allocated to retention is paid in
increments in each year of the three year performance
period. |
Alignment with Stockholder Value. The compensation of
executive officers is comprised of significant long-term
performance and equity-based elements. The equity-based awards
have been structured to have minimal stockholder dilution
through the use of cash-settled restricted stock units and stock
appreciation rights. In addition, the company maintains stock
ownership guidelines for its officers as described below. |
Components of Executive Officer Compensation for Fiscal
In 2005, the executive officers compensation was composed
of a base salary, an annual incentive bonus opportunity,
long-term incentive bonus and equity award opportunities,
certain retention awards, and other employee benefits and
perquisites. Visteons compensation program is generally
targeted to deliver compensation at the median of the
competitive market when performance is at expected levels, or on
exception to attract and retain key executives. In 2005, the
Committee reviewed comprehensive tally sheets and other
information for all executive officers. The tally sheets and
other information reviewed included all compensable pay and
benefit programs normally included in our proxy statement, as
well as healthcare, retirement, severance, perquisites, aircraft
usage, change in control payments and stock ownership
guidelines. The Committee believes that the aggregate
compensation and benefits for the companys executive
officers for 2005 was appropriate and based on market
competitive practices at the times such programs were
In late 2005, the company conducted a global compensation study
to analyze certain officer and
non-officer level
positions, to determine appropriate incentive opportunities in
keeping with the companys smaller size. Incentive
compensation changes reflecting the results of this study are
being implemented for 2006.
For each executive officer, base salary compensation was
reviewed in relation to job responsibilities, skills,
experience, peer relationships and competitive industry
practice. The competitive compensation assessment was based on
executive positions in other comparably sized auto supply,
technology and general industry companies. The company uses
several executive compensation surveys, conducted by leading
independent consulting firms. These compensation surveys include
many of the companies in the Peer Group Index (see Stock
Performance Graph on page 28), subject to their
participation. In 2005, the base salaries of several executives
were increased on the basis of these surveys and other factors.
Annual Incentive Compensation |
The annual incentive award for fiscal 2005 consisted of a
performance-based cash bonus opportunity. The measures for
determining annual incentive awards were profit before taxes and
free cash flow. Individual awards can be modified up or down by
specified individual goals in the areas of business results,
leadership behavior and development of people. However, for
fiscal 2005, the company did not meet the threshold performance
requirements necessary for annual incentive awards to be paid,
and consequently no such awards were paid.
Long-Term Incentive Compensation |
During 2005, the company made awards relating to the 2005-2007
performance period of stock options, restricted stock units, and
performance-based and time-based cash opportunity awards. These
stock options vest ratably over a three-year period. The
restricted stock units will be paid in cash upon vesting after
three years based on the fair market value of Visteons
common stock as of such vesting date in 2008. Holders of
restricted stock units receive dividend equivalents in cash;
however, no dividends were paid in 2005.
Fifty percent of the total 2005-2007 cash bonus opportunity can
be earned upon the achievement by the company in 2007 of
specified metrics for return on assets, weighted at 50% of this
opportunity, and product quality rating metrics, weighted at 50%
of this opportunity. The remaining fifty percent of the
2005 2007 cash bonus opportunity was designed to
retain eligible employees and is dependent solely on the
employee remaining with Visteon as of the end of each fiscal
year of the performance cycle. Cash payments will be paid in
one-third increments in each of 2006, 2007 and 2008.
For the 2003-2005 performance period, the long-term incentive
awards included a performance-based cash bonus opportunity,
stock options and time-based restricted stock awards. In
February 2006, the company paid approximately 25% of a
participants total performance-based cash award
opportunity based on the achievement of a J. D. Powers product
quality metric for 2005; the remainder of the performance-based
cash award was not paid because the company did not achieve the
minimum return on assets metric for 2005. In addition,
restrictions on shares of restricted stock issued in 2003 as a
part of the 2003-2005 long-term incentive program lapsed as of
February 10, 2006.
Other Compensation Components |
Executive officers participate in the companys retirement
and savings and health and welfare plans on the same basis as
other similarly situated employees, except for the supplemental
pension and savings arrangements described below under
Executive Compensation Retirement
Benefits. In addition, executive officers receive a
monthly cash car allowance and a flexible perquisite account
that may be used for certain discretionary purposes as well as
other perquisites from time to time approved by the Committee.
The company maintains an Executive Security Program that
requires the Chief Executive Officer and the
Chief Operating Officer to use the corporate-owned aircraft
for personal and business travel, and provides the benefit of
various personal health and safety protections.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Compensation for Fiscal
Mr. Johnstons, the companys Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, base salary for 2005 was $1.05 million,
the same annual rate he received in 2004. At
Mr. Johnstons request the Committee did not review
his base salary for 2005. As discussed above, Mr. Johnston
did not receive a cash bonus payment under the 2005 annual
incentive program (with a target payment of $1,207,500), but
received a cash payment of $481,250 for the fiscal 2005 portion
of the time-based retention cash component of the 2005-2007
long-term incentive program. Mr. Johnston also received a
cash bonus payment of $544,950 pursuant to the 2003-2005
long-term incentive program discussed above, out of a target
opportunity of $2,100,000. Also, pursuant to the 2005-2007
long-term incentive program, the Chief Executive Officer
received a stock option grant of 656,548 shares, a
restricted stock unit award of 231,185 units, a target
performance cash bonus award opportunity of $1,443,750, and a
time-based retention cash award opportunity of $1,443,750,
($481,250 of which was paid as described above). Finally, in
2005, after consultation with Towers Perrin, Mr. Johnston
received a special transaction award of 100,000 stock
appreciation rights, which vest in 50% increments in 2006 and
2007, and 200,000 restricted stock units, which vest in full in
2007, as recognition of his significant accomplishments in
facilitating the strategic and structural transactions with Ford
Motor Company that position the company for future viability.
Stock Ownership Requirements
The company has adopted stock ownership goals for officers at
the vice president level and above. The goal for these officers
is to own common stock worth a multiple of salary, ranging from
one times salary up to five times salary for the Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, within five years from adoption or
their hire date, if later. All of the Named Executives employed
by the company for five years or more are in compliance with the
stock ownership guidelines.
Tax Deductibility of Compensation
The Committee has also considered the companys ability to
deduct from taxable income certain performance based
compensation under section 162(m) of the Code. The
Committee generally intends that all compensation paid by the
company be deductible, which includes awards earned or granted
under the Incentive Plan. The Committee, however, reserves the
right to pay nondeductible compensation if, in its sole
discretion, it deems it necessary or desirable. For the
companys top five Named Executives, salaries in excess of
$1 million and non-performance-based restricted stock or
restricted stock units will not be exempt from
section 162(m) of the Code.
During 2005, the company experienced major change while engaged
in its restructuring, and experienced higher than normal
attrition during a period of uncertainty. The companys
target is to deliver compensation at the market median and
believes this should enable Visteon to retain talent when
financial and operational goals are achieved. Looking forward,
the committee believes the compensation programs in place will
allow the company to attract and retain key talent and reward
employees for achieving the companys financial and
operational goals.
Organization and Compensation Committee |
Karl J. Krapek (Chairman) |
William H. Gray, III |
Patricia L. Higgins |
Charles L. Schaffer |
James D. Thornton |
The following graph compares the cumulative total return on the
companys common stock over a five year period with the
cumulative total return on the S & P 500 Composite
Index and a Peer Group Index that Visteon has developed. The
Peer Group Index is composed of ArvinMeritor, Inc.,
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc.,
Borg-Warner Automotive, Inc., Dana Corporation, Johnson
Controls, Inc., Lear Corporation and Magna International, Inc.
Delphi Corporation has been removed from the peer group index
presented by the company previously as it ceased to be a
publicly traded company. At this time, no company has been
determined to be a suitable replacement of the removed company.
The graph assumes an initial investment of $100 and reinvestment
of cash dividends. The comparisons in this table are required by
the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not intended to
forecast or be indicative of possible future performance of the
common stock or the referenced indices.
Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return
12/29/00 | |
12/31/01 | |
12/31/02 | |
12/31/03 | |
12/31/04 | |
12/30/05 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Visteon Corporation
$ |
100.00 |
$ |
132.88 |
$ |
62.90 |
$ |
97.48 |
$ |
93.82 |
$ |
60.12 |
S & P 500 Index
$ |
100.00 |
$ |
88.11 |
$ |
68.64 |
$ |
88.10 |
$ |
97.68 |
$ |
102.42 |
Peer Group Index
$ |
100.00 |
$ |
140.46 |
$ |
134.34 |
$ |
203.69 |
$ |
215.90 |
$ |
213.38 |
The Audit Committee operates under a written charter adopted by
the Board of Directors. Visteon management has the primary
responsibility for the companys internal controls and the
financial reporting process. The independent auditors are
responsible for performing an independent audit of the
companys consolidated financial statements and issuing an
opinion on the conformity of those audited financial statements
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America, and for auditing managements assessment
of Visteons internal control over financial reporting. The
independent auditors also express an opinion, based on an audit,
on the effectiveness of Visteons internal control over
financial reporting. The Audit Committee oversees and monitors
these processes and reports to the Board of Directors on its
findings. During 2005, the Audit Committee held twenty-one
Auditor Independence
During the year, the Audit Committee met and held discussions
with Visteon management and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The
Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with Visteon management
and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP the audited financial statements
contained in the companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2005, as well as the companys
internal control over financial reporting. The Audit Committee
also discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP the matters
required to be discussed under the Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61 (Communications with Audit Committees).
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP submitted to the Audit Committee the
written disclosures and the letter required by Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions
with audit Committees). The Audit Committee discussed with
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP the firms independence and
considered whether the provision of non-audit services by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to the company is compatible with
maintaining the independence of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The
Audit Committee concluded that the independence of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from Visteon and management is not
compromised by the provision of such non-audit services.
Based on these reviews and discussion, the Audit Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial
statements be included in the companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2005, and filed with the SEC.
Audit Committee |
Charles L. Schaffer (Chairman) |
Marla C. Gottschalk |
Karl J. Krapek |
Kenneth B. Woodrow |
The Audit Committee Report does not constitute soliciting
material, and shall not be deemed to be filed or incorporated by
reference into any other Visteon filing under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, except to the extent that Visteon specifically
incorporates this Audit Committee Report by reference into any
such filing.
Audit Fees
The Audit Committee selects, subject to shareholder
ratification, our independent auditors for each fiscal year.
During the year ended December 31, 2005,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was employed principally to perform
the annual audit of the companys consolidated financial
statements and internal control over financial reporting
(including managements assessment) and to provide other
services. Fees paid to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for each of
the past two years are listed in the following table:
Audit | |
Audit | |
All Other | |
Year Ended December 31, |
Services Fees | |
Related Fees | |
Tax fees | |
Fees | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
$ |
10,970,000 |
$ |
698,000 |
$ |
1,851,000 |
$ |
45,000 |
$ |
9,007,000 |
$ |
559,000 |
$ |
3,319,000 |
$ |
210,000 |
Audit services fees include fees for services performed to
comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 and Generally
Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) as adopted by the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and approved by the
SEC, including the recurring audit of the companys
consolidated financial statements. This category also includes
fees for audits provided in connection with statutory filings or
services that generally only the principal auditor reasonably
can provide to a client, such as procedures related to the audit
of income tax provisions and related reserves, and consents,
assistance, and review of documents filed with the SEC.
Audit-related fees include fees associated with assurance and
related services that are reasonably related to the performance
of the audit or review of the companys financial
statements. This category includes fees related to assistance in
financial due diligence related to mergers and acquisitions,
consultations regarding Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP), reviews and evaluations of the impact of new
regulatory pronouncements, special studies related to deferred
taxes, and audit services performed related to benefit/pension
Tax fees primarily include fees associated with tax compliance,
as well as domestic and international tax planning. This
category also includes fees for services rendered related to
comprehensive tax compliance and planning for international
service employees.
All other fees pertain to administrative services for
international service employees.
Audit Committee Pre-Approval Process and Policies
The Audit Committee has adopted procedures for pre-approving all
audit and non-audit services provided by the independent
auditor. These procedures include reviewing and approving a
budget for audit and permitted non-audit services by category.
The Audit Committee specifically approves, in advance, each
audit service relating to Visteons consolidated financial
statements and internal control over financial reporting. Audit
Committee pre-approval is also required to engage the
independent auditor for any additional service that is not
included in the approved budget. The Audit Committee considers
whether such services are consistent with the SECs rules
on auditor independence. The Audit Committee also considers
whether the independent auditor is best positioned to provide
the most effective and efficient service, for reasons such as
its familiarity with the companys business, people,
culture, accounting systems, risk profile, and whether the
services enhance the companys ability to manage or control
risks and improve audit quality. The Audit Committee may
delegate pre-approval authority to one or more members of the
Audit Committee. Lastly, the Audit Committee periodically
monitors the services rendered and actual fees paid and
commitments to be paid to the independent auditors.
The next proposal on the agenda for the Annual Meeting will be
ratifying the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP by the
Audit Committee as the companys independent auditors for
fiscal year 2006.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP served in this capacity for fiscal
year 2005, and has reported on the companys 2005
consolidated financial statements.
Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the
companys independent auditors, are expected to be present
at the Annual Meeting. They will have the opportunity to make a
statement at the meeting if they desire to do so and are
expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.
For information regarding fees paid to PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP, see Audit Fees on page 30.
The Board of Directors Recommends that You Vote for the
Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys
Independent Auditors for Fiscal Year 2006.
The next proposal on the agenda for the Annual Meeting will be
to approve amendments to the Visteon Corporation 2004
Incentive Plan (the Incentive Plan). The Incentive
Plan was originally adopted effective as of June 28, 2000
as the 2000 Incentive Plan, and approved by stockholders on
May 9, 2001. The Incentive Plan was amended and restated on
March 16, 2004, and approved by stockholders on
May 12, 2004. The Board of Directors, following the
approval and recommendation of the Organization and Compensation
Committee, adopted the proposed amendments to the Incentive Plan
on March 16, 2006, subject to stockholder approval at the
Annual Meeting.
The amendments to the Incentive Plan include the following
changes from the existing plan:
increase the maximum number of shares of common stock that may
be issued under the Incentive Plan by 7,000,000 shares to
decrease the maximum number of shares of common stock that may
be awarded under the Incentive Plan pursuant to stock rights,
restricted stock, restricted stock, restricted stock units (but
only to the extent that each such restricted stock unit may be
settled by the delivery of shares of common stock) and other
stock-based awards to 3,662,332 from 5,171,383; |
change the maximum term of an option or stock appreciation right
awarded under the plan in 2006 and thereafter to seven years
from five years; |
prohibit the transfer of awards by participants for
consideration; and |
provide that the Organization and Compensation Committee will
not, without shareholder approval, grant substitute awards to
replace outstanding options with a higher grant price than the
substitute awards. |
As of December 31, 2005, without taking into account any
increase in the number of shares available under the Incentive
Plan, there were approximately 859,881 shares not subject
to outstanding awards under the Incentive Plan. Subject to the
overall plan limit, approximately 100,000 shares would be
available for awards of stock rights, restricted stock,
restricted stock units (only to the extent that each such
restricted stock unit may be settled by the delivery of common
stock) and other stock-based awards pursuant to the Incentive
Plan, as amended.
Our Organization and Compensation Committee believes that
increasing the total number of shares available for awards under
the plan is necessary to ensure that a sufficient number of
shares will be available to fund our employee compensation
programs over the next two to three years. Our Organization and
Compensation Committee believes that making a significant
portion of the compensation of certain employees, whose efforts
can affect the value of Visteon depend upon the long-term
performance of our common stock, encourages those employees to
work in a way that maximizes stockholder value. The Incentive
Plan is also designed to help retain and attract key employees
and consultants.
To facilitate approval of this proposal and address any
shareholder concerns regarding the number of options and/or
shares the company intends to grant in any given year, the
company commits to its shareholders that the number of shares
(including those subject to options) to be awarded under the
Incentive Plan for 2006-2008 will not exceed, on average, 3.2%
of the total number of shares outstanding for each fiscal year.
For purposes of calculating the number of shares awarded in a
year, restricted stock, stock units or other awards that will be
settled in stock will count as the equivalent of 1.5 shares.
Summary of the Incentive Plan
The following is only a summary of the Incentive Plan, as
proposed to be amended, and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to its full text, a copy of which is attached as
Appendix C to this proxy statement.
The Incentive Plan is administered by the Organization and
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. The Incentive
Plan provides for the payment of performance cash awards and the
grant of incentive and nonqualified stock options, stock
appreciation rights, performance stock rights (stock
rights), restricted stock, restricted stock units and
various other rights based on stock (individually, an
award or collectively, awards). Salaried
employees, as well as certain non-employees, of Visteon with
potential to contribute to the future success of Visteon or its
subsidiaries will be eligible to receive awards under the
Incentive Plan. The Organization and Compensation Committee has
the discretion to select the employees to whom awards will be
granted, to determine the type, size and terms and conditions
applicable to each award and the authority to interpret,
construe and implement the provisions of the Incentive Plan. The
Organization and Compensation Committees decisions will be
binding. The Organization and Compensation Committee also may
delegate to a committee of Visteon officers the selection of
eligible employees and the determination of the amount of
individual awards for employees and certain non-employees who
are not executive officers of Visteon, within limitations
prescribed by the Organization and Compensation Committee.
The total number of shares of our common stock that may be
subject to awards under the Incentive Plan, referred to as the
overall limit, is 21,800,000, subject to adjustment
as provided in the Incentive Plan. For calendar years after
2003, no more than 1,000,000 shares of our common stock may
be subject to stock options (with or without any related stock
appreciation rights) or to stand-alone stock appreciation rights
awarded to any covered employee, which generally
means our chief executive officer and the next four most highly
paid executive officers, in any one calendar year. Common stock
issued under the Incentive Plan may be either authorized but
unissued shares (subject to a maximum limit of
2,000,000 shares), treasury shares or any combination
thereof. For calendar years after 2003, no more than
1,000,000 shares of common stock may be available as awards
pursuant to performance-based stock rights, restricted stock and
restricted stock units granted under the Incentive Plan to any
covered employee in any one calendar year, and no more than
3,662,332 shares in total may be issued pursuant to stock
rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units (only to the
extent that each such restricted stock unit may be settled by
the delivery of common stock) and other stock-based awards. Any
shares of common stock subject to an award that lapses, expires
or is otherwise terminated without the issuance of such shares
may become available for future awards.
Options to purchase shares of our common stock, which may be
incentive or nonqualified stock options, may be granted under
our Incentive Plan at an exercise price (the option
price) at least equal to the average of the highest and
lowest prices at which Visteon common stock was traded on the
New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant. Each option
represents the right to purchase one share of common stock at
the specified option price.
Options granted after December 31, 2005 will expire not
later than seven years after the date on which they are granted.
Options granted after December 31, 2003 and on or prior to
December 31, 2005 will expire not later than five years
after the date on which they are granted. Options granted on or
prior to December 31, 2003 will expire not later than
10 years after the date on which they are granted. Options
become exercisable at such times and in such installments as
determined by the Organization and Compensation Committee.
Payment of the option price can either be made in full at the
time of exercise by check or wire transfer, or, if the
Organization and Compensation Committee so determines and the
participant so elects, in installments. Unless the Organization
and Compensation Committee determines otherwise, payment in full
or in part may also be made by tendering to Visteon shares of
our common stock (if owned at least six months) having a fair
market value equal to the option price (or such portion thereof).
Stock Appreciation Rights |
An award of a stock appreciation right may be granted under the
Incentive Plan. Generally, one stock appreciation right is
granted with respect to one share of our common stock. The stock
appreciation right entitles the participant, upon the exercise
of the stock appreciation right, to receive an amount equal to
the appreciation in the underlying share of common stock. The
appreciation is equal to the difference between (1) the
base value of the stock appreciation right (i.e.,
the option price on the date the stock appreciation right is
granted), and (2) the average of the highest and lowest
prices at which Visteon common stock was traded on the New York
Stock Exchange on the date the stock appreciation right is
exercised. Upon the exercise of a vested stock appreciation
right, the exercising participant will be entitled to receive
the appreciation in the value of one share of common stock as so
determined, payable at the discretion of the Organization and
Compensation Committee in cash, shares of common stock, or some
combination thereof, subject to the availability of our shares
of common stock.
Stock appreciation rights granted after December 31, 2005
will expire not later than seven years after the date on which
they are granted. Stock appreciation rights granted after
December 31, 2003 and on or prior to December 31, 2005
will expire not later than five years after the date on which
they are granted. Stock appreciation rights granted on or prior
to December 31, 2003 will expire not later than
10 years after the date on which they are granted. Stock
appreciation rights become exercisable at such times and in such
installments as determined by the Organization and Compensation
Tandem Options/ Stock Appreciation Rights |
An option and a stock appreciation right may be granted in
tandem with each other. An option and a stock appreciation
right are considered to be in tandem with each other because the
exercise of the option aspect of the tandem unit automatically
cancels the right to exercise the stock appreciation right
aspect of the tandem unit, and vice versa. The option may be an
incentive stock option or a nonqualified stock option, as
determined by the Organization and Compensation Committee.
Descriptions of the terms of the option and the stock
appreciation right aspects of a tandem option/stock appreciation
right are provided above.
Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of
Options |
Awards granted under the Incentive Plan may result in federal
income tax consequences to Incentive Plan participants and
Visteon. Some of those federal income tax consequences with
respect to options are generally set forth in the following
An employee who is granted an incentive stock option that
qualifies under Section 422 of the Code will not recognize
income at the time of grant or exercise of such option. Visteon
will not be entitled to a federal income tax deduction upon the
grant or exercise of an incentive stock option. However, upon
the exercise of an incentive stock option, any excess in the
fair market price of the common stock over the option price
constitutes a tax preference item that may have alternative
minimum tax consequences for the employee. When the employee
sells the shares more than one year after the date of transfer
of the shares and more than two years after the date of grant of
the incentive stock option, the employee will normally recognize
a long-term capital
gain or loss equal to the difference, if any, between the sales
price of the shares and the aggregate option price. In such
event, Visteon will not be entitled to a federal income tax
deduction with respect to the exercise of the incentive stock
option or the sale of the shares. If the employee does not hold
the shares for the required period, when the employee sells the
shares, the employee will recognize ordinary compensation income
and possibly capital gains or losses in such amounts as are
prescribed by the Code and Visteon will generally be entitled to
a federal income tax deduction in the amount of such ordinary
compensation income.
An employee who is granted a nonqualified stock option will not
recognize income at the time of grant of the option. In general,
when the employee exercises a nonqualified stock option, the
employee will recognize ordinary compensation income equal to
the difference, if any, between the option price paid and the
fair market value, as of the date of option exercise, of the
shares of common stock the employee receives. The tax basis of
the shares to the employee will be equal to the option price
paid, plus the amount includible in the employees gross
income, and the employees holding period for such shares
will commence on the date of exercise. Subject to the Code,
Visteon will generally be entitled to a federal income tax
deduction in respect of a nonqualified stock option in an amount
equal to the ordinary compensation income recognized by the
employee upon the exercise of the nonqualified stock option.
Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units |
Subject to the limits discussed above, the Organization and
Compensation Committee may authorize the award of restricted
stock and restricted stock units to employees under the
Incentive Plan. Restricted stock awards are issuances of our
common stock to employees that are subject to restrictions on
transfer and forfeiture if one or more specified performance
goals or minimum periods of service are not attained. Restricted
stock units may also be awarded in lieu of, or in addition to,
restricted stock awards and consist of a unit credited to a
hypothetical account, valued based on the fair market value of
our common stock, and subject to forfeiture if one or more
specified performance goals or minimum periods of service are
not attained. Prior to the expiration of the restriction period,
a grantee that has received a restricted stock award generally
has the rights of a stockholder of Visteon, including the right
to vote and to receive cash dividends on the shares subject to
the award. If the Organization and Compensation Committee so
determines, the holder of a restricted stock unit may receive
cash payments equivalent in value to dividends paid on our
common stock, either at the time the dividends are otherwise
payable or upon the payment of the final award relating to such
restricted stock unit. The Organization and Compensation
Committee will determine in advance of each award the terms and
conditions applicable to each award of restricted stock and
restricted stock units, including the applicable performance
criteria or minimum periods of service required, and whether
awards of restricted stock units will be settled in cash or in
shares of common stock, and may make certain adjustments to the
performance criteria and the amount of final awards.
Performance Stock Rights and Other Stock Awards |
Subject to the limits discussed above, the Organization and
Compensation Committee may authorize the award of performance
stock rights to employees under the Incentive Plan. Performance
stock rights represent the right to receive shares of our common
stock if one or more specified performance goals are attained.
If the Organization and Compensation Committee so determines,
the holder of a performance stock right may receive cash
payments equivalent in value to dividends paid on our common
stock, either at the time the dividends are otherwise payable or
upon the payment of the final award relating to such performance
stock right. The Organization and Compensation Committee will
determine in advance of each award the terms and conditions
applicable to each award of performance stock right, including
the applicable performance criteria, and whether awards of
performance stock rights may be settled in cash or other stock
equivalents, and may make certain adjustments to the performance
criteria and the amount of final awards.
The Organization and Compensation Committee also may grant other
stock-based awards to such employees as it may select. These
awards may include awards of restricted stock, stock units,
phantom stock and options not otherwise specifically
addressed above. The Organization and Compensation Committee may
determine the time or times at which these awards will be made,
the number of shares of common stock or stock units and the like
to be granted or covered pursuant to such awards, including,
whether such awards will be payable or paid in cash, common
stock or otherwise, and whether the awards will be granted as a
bonus for no consideration other than services rendered.
The Organization and Compensation Committee may award or
authorize performance cash awards to such employees as it may
select, and in such amounts as it may designate, subject to the
terms of the Incentive Plan. The Organization and Compensation
Committee determines the performance period and performance
criteria for a performance cash award. Within 90 days of
the beginning of a performance period, the Organization and
Compensation Committee decides the targeted performance level at
which a target award may be earned. The Organization and
Compensation Committee decides the target award based on the
employees level of responsibility and other factors. The
target award, designated as a percentage of base salary, is
based on achieving 100% of the performance goals established by
the Organization and Compensation Committee for the performance
period. The Organization and Compensation Committee also decides
any minimum performance level below which no cash award would be
paid. The maximum amount that may be granted to a covered
employee as a final award with respect to one or more
performance cash awards during any calendar year is $10,000,000.
As soon as practicable following the completion of the
performance period, the Organization and Compensation Committee
determines the extent to which the participant achieved the
performance goals and the amount of compensation to be awarded
as a final award by applying the applicable performance formula
against the accomplishment of the related performance goals. The
Organization and Compensation Committee may, in its sole
discretion, reduce the amount of any final award to any
participant or increase the amount of any final award to any
participant who is not a covered employee. In making such
adjustments, the Organization and Compensation Committee shall
take into account the extent to which the performance goals were
achieved, individual performance, and such other factors as the
Organization and Compensation Committee may deem relevant, such
as a change in circumstances or unforeseen events during the
performance period.
Under the Incentive Plan, in the event of a merger,
consolidation, reorganization, stock split, stock dividend or
other event affecting our common stock, such adjustments as may
be necessary (as determined by the Organization and Compensation
Committee) to reflect such change will be made to prevent
dilution or enlargement of the rights with respect to the
overall limit, the option limit, the annual and aggregate stock
right limits, the number of shares of common stock covered by
each outstanding award, any other references in the Incentive
Plan to a number of shares and the price per share in respect
Unless otherwise determined by the Organization and Compensation
Committee, an individuals rights under the Incentive Plan
may not be assigned or transferred (except in the event of
death). An individuals rights under the Incentive Plan are
subject to forfeiture for competitive activity or activity that
is not in our best interest.
All administrative expenses of the Incentive Plan will be paid
for by the company and its participating subsidiaries.
Amendment and Termination of Plan |
Unless terminated earlier by the Board of Directors, the
Incentive Plan will terminate on May 11, 2014. The Board of
Directors may at any time terminate, modify or amend the
Incentive Plan; provided, however, that the Board may not,
without the approval of the stockholders, (1) increase the
overall limit, the option limit, the performance cash limit or
the annual and aggregate limits applicable to stock rights,
restricted stock, restricted stock units and other stock-based
awards, (2) extend the term of the plan, (3) permit a
member of the Organization and Compensation Committee to
participate, or (4) decrease the grant price of any
outstanding option or stock appreciation right.
The Incentive Plan provides for acceleration of vesting and
distribution of some plan awards in the event of a change of
control of the company.
Other Information
Since it is within the discretion of the Organization and
Compensation Committee to determine which employees will receive
grants under the Incentive Plan and the type and amount thereof,
these matters cannot be specified at present. While nearly all
of the approximately 17,000 salaried employees of Visteon and
its subsidiaries are eligible under the literal terms of the
Incentive Plan to receive grants under the plan, it is presently
contemplated (and has been the Organization and Compensation
Committees practice in the past) that grants of stock
options and stock appreciation rights, and to a lesser extent if
at all, grants of restricted stock and restricted stock units,
would be made primarily to senior and middle managers, including
the Named Executives, which currently includes approximately 300
employees. For stock option, stock appreciation rights and
restricted stock unit grants as well as other benefits awarded
to our Named Executives in 2005 under our Incentive Plan see
Executive Compensation beginning on page 10.
On March 15, 2006, the New York Stock Exchange reported a
closing price of $4.53 for our common stock.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR
the approval of the amendments to the Visteon Corporation
2004 Incentive Plan.
The next proposal on the agenda for the Annual Meeting will be
to approve an amendment to the Visteon Corporation
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan (the Directors
Plan). The Directors Plan was originally adopted effective
February 11, 2004, and approved by stockholders on
May 12, 2004. The Board of Directors, following the
approval and recommendation of the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors, amended the
Directors Plan on February 9, 2006, subject to stockholder
approval at the Annual Meeting. The amendment to the Directors
Plan increases the annual stock unit grant from $10,000 to
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, which is
responsible for establishing
non-employee director
compensation, reviewed trends and practices with respect to
director compensation, including a study performed by an outside
consultant, and determined that amending the Directors Plan is
in the best interests of the company and its stockholders. By
maintaining non-employee director compensation that is
competitive with its peers, the company will be better able to
retain and attract qualified directors. Also, we believe that
awarding more of director compensation in stock units that must
be held until service on the Board ends will further align the
economic interests of the directors with long-term stockholders
of the company. If the amendment to the Directors Plan is
approved, the Board of Directors will cease new awards of
restricted stock under the Visteon Corporation Restricted Stock
Plan for Non-Employee Directors.
Summary of the Directors Plan
The following is only a summary of the Directors Plan, as
proposed to be amended, and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to its full text, a copy of which is attached as
Appendix D to this proxy statement.
The Directors Plan is intended to be self-administering.
However, an administrative committee composed of the
non-participating members of the Board has the authority
(i) to interpret and administer the Directors Plan;
(ii) establish, amend, suspend or waive rules of
regulations of the Directors Plan; and (iii) take any other
action it deems necessary for administration of the Directors
Plan. Also, the Organization and Compensation Committee has
discretion to determine if distributions under the Directors
Plan will be made in common stock or cash.
All administrative expenses of the Directors Plan will be paid
for by the company.
Under the Directors Plan, a participant is defined as each
member of the board who is not an officer or employee of the
company or any of its subsidiaries and who has a book-entry
account under the plan. There are currently seven eligible
participants under the Directors Plan, and each participant will
receive an award as of the day after the Annual Meeting.
Stock Unit Awards and Dividend Equivalents |
Under the Directors Plan, as of the day immediately after the
date of the companys annual stockholders meetings, each
participant will have credited to a book-entry account of the
company a number of Visteon stock units equal to the result
obtained by dividing (A) $70,000 by (B) the average of
the high and low prices of a share of our common stock sold on
the New York Stock Exchange on such date.
Each month each participant will have credited to a book-entry
account of the company a number of Visteon stock units
determined by dividing the participants deemed dividends
for such month by the average of the high and low prices a share
of our common stock sold on the New York Stock Exchange on the
last trading day of such month.
Each participant remains 100% vested in all amounts credited to
his or her account under the Directors Plan. Distributions of
amounts in a participants account will be made either in a
single sum or ten annual installments, at the advance election
of the participant, commencing upon the later of
(1) January 15th of the calendar year following
the calendar year in which the participant terminates service as
a non-employee director of the company, or (2) the first
business day of the seventh month following the month in which
the participant terminates service as a director of the company.
The Directors Plan will terminate on May 12, 2014, unless
terminated earlier by the Board of Directors. No amendment or
termination of the Directors Plan will adversely affect the
rights of any participant or beneficiary to benefits then
accrued without the written consent of the affected participant
or beneficiary.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR
the approval of the amendment to the Visteon Corporation
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan.
The next proposal on the agenda for the Annual Meeting will be a
shareholder proposal relating to the annual election of
directors. In accordance with SEC rules, the text of the
shareholder proposal is printed exactly as it was submitted.
John Chevedden, 2215 Nelson Avenue, Redondo Beach, California
90278, has informed the company that he intends to present for
consideration at the Annual Meeting the following proposal on
behalf of Mr. Leeds, and has furnished the following
statement in support of the proposal:
5 Elect Each Director Annually
RESOLVED: Shareholders request that our Directors take
the necessary steps, in the most expeditious manner possible, to
adopt annual election of each director. This includes complete
transition from the current staggered system to 100% annual
election of each director in one election cycle if practicable.
Also to transition solely through direct action of our board if
Jack Leeds, 44930 Dunbarton Drive, Novi, MI 48375 submitted this
Thirty-three (33) shareholder proposals on this topic won
an impressive 66% average yes-vote in 2005 through
late-September. The Council of Institutional Investors, whose members have $3 trillion invested,
recommends adoption of this proposal topic.
We as Visteon shareholders gave 85% support to the 2005 edition
of this proposal topic.
Progress Begins with One Step |
It is important to take one step forward and adopt the above
RESOLVED statement since our 2005 governance standards were not
impeccable. For instance in 2005 it was reported (and certain
concerns are noted):
The Corporate Library
(TCL) a
pro-investor research firm rated our company F in
Accounting. |
Restatements will be required for 2002, 2003 and 2004 based on
an October 2005 investigation by an outside law firm. |
We were allowed to vote on individual directors only one in
Accountability concern. |
Yet our directors can be elected with a single yes-vote from our
120 million shares under plurality voting. |
We had no Independent Chairman and not even a Lead
Director Independent oversight concern. |
Hon. Gray, the Chairman of our Nomination Committee had
13-years tenure on the
JPMorgan Board (JPM) rated D overall by
the Corporate Library. |
Plus Hon. Gray had
5-year tenure on the
Pfizer Board (PFE) also rated D. |
Poison pill: A 2004 shareholder proposal asked our company
to require shareholder approval of all poison pills. Our Board
adopted such a policy with the nonsense loophole that the board
can override the policy and adopt a pill without shareholder
approval. According to The Corporate Library this loophole
undermines the shareholder approval requirement, and does not
constitutes full implementation of the proposal. |
These less-than-best practices reinforce the reason to take one
step forward now and adopt annual election of each director.
Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, 1993-2001 said: In my view its best for the
investor if the entire board is elected once a year. Without
annual election of each director shareholders have far less
control over who represents them.
Take on the Street by Arthur Levitt
Elect Each Director Annually
Yes on 5
The Board of Directors Recommends that You
Vote Against this Proposal for the Reasons Set Forth
The Board of Directors and its Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee (composed of entirely independent
directors) have carefully considered this proposal and have
concluded that a classified board is in the best interests of
the company and shareholders at this time. The Board is divided
into three classes, with three directors in each class standing
for election at every third annual meeting of stockholders. The
three-year staggered terms are designed to provide stability,
enhance long-term planning and ensure that a majority of the
companys directors at any given time have experience as
directors of the company. This ensures that the Board has solid
knowledge of the companys complex business and products,
as well as its product strategy. Directors who have experience
with the company and knowledge about its business and affairs
are better positioned to make the fundamental decisions that are
best for the company and its stockholders. The classified board
structure can also enhance the independence of the non-employee
directors who sit on the Board by providing them with a longer
assured term of office, and this longer term reduces
managements ability to pressure directors to act too
quickly. With three-year terms, directors do not have to
continually consider an upcoming nomination for re-election the
following year.
The classified Board is also designed to safeguard the company
against the unsolicited efforts of a third party to take control
of the company, and not pay fair value for the business and
assets of the company. The classified board structure enhances
the ability of the Board of Directors to negotiate the best
results for all stockholders in such circumstances. It does not
preclude a take-over, but it can afford the company time to
evaluate the adequacy and fairness of any take-over proposal,
negotiate with the sponsor on behalf of all shareholders and
weigh alternatives, including the continued operation of the
companys business.
Additionally, directors have fiduciary duties that do not depend
on how they are elected. Directors who are elected to three-year
terms are just as accountable to stockholders as directors who
are elected on annual basis. Thus, accountability depends on the
selection of responsible and experienced individuals, not on
whether they serve terms of one year or three years. We believe
that the classified Board protects the interests of all Visteon
stockholders and that the continuity and depth of knowledge that
results from a classified Board of Directors provides the proper
environment in which to foster the creation of long-term value
for all stockholders.
For these Reasons, the Board of Directors Recommends that
You Vote Against this Proposal.
Other Matters
Neither the company nor its directors intend to bring before the
Annual Meeting any matters other than the election of the two
directors, the ratification of the companys independent
auditors, approval of amendments to equity plans, and the
consideration of a shareholder proposal. Also, they have no
present knowledge that any other matters will be presented by
others for action at the meeting.
Stockholder proposals that are intended to be included in the
companys proxy materials for the 2007 Annual Meeting
must be presented pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission
Rule 14a-8 and
received by the Secretary of the company no later than
December 1, 2006.
A stockholder that intends to present business at the 2007
Annual Meeting other than pursuant to
Rule 14a-8, which
may not be included in the companys proxy materials, must
comply with the requirements set forth in the companys
by-laws. Among other things, a stockholder must give written
notice of its intent to bring business before the 2007 Annual
Meeting to the company no later than December 1, 2006.
However, if the date for the 2007 Annual Meeting is more than 30
calendar days prior to, or after, May 10, 2007, then such
written notice must be received no later than the tenth day
following the day on which we announce the annual meeting date
to the public. This written notice must contain specified
information as set forth in the companys by-laws.
You may recommend any person to be a director by writing to the
Secretary of the company. The deadline for submitting written
notice nominating a director is the same as that set forth above
for other matters proposed to be presented at the 2007 Annual
Meeting. This notice also must include, among other things, the
name, age, address, occupations and stockholdings of the
proposed nominee.
To the extent permitted, the company may exercise discretionary
voting authority under proxies it solicits to vote in accordance
with its best judgment on any such stockholder proposal or
The company has adopted a code of business conduct and ethics
entitled, Ethics and Integrity Policy, which is
applicable to the directors and all employees of the company,
including the principal executive officer, the principal
financial officer and the principal accounting officer. A copy
of the ethics policy as well as Corporate Governance Guidelines
and Board Committee Charters are available on our website at, by contacting our Shareholder Relations
department in writing at One Village Center Drive, Van Buren
Township, MI 48111; by phone (877) 367-6092; or via email
Visteons 2005 Annual Report, including its Annual Report
on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2005 (and consolidated
financial statements), is being mailed to you with this proxy.
Stockholders may obtain, at no charge, an additional copy of
our Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2005, including exhibits thereto,
by contacting our Shareholder Relations department in writing at
One Village Center Drive, Van Buren Township, MI 48111; by phone
(877) 367-6092; or via email at Our periodic and current
reports, including our Annual Report on
Form 10-K, and any
amendments thereto are also available through our internet
website at
Securities and Exchange Commission rules allow us to send a
single set of our annual report and proxy statement to any
household at which two or more stockholders reside if we believe
the stockholders are members of the same family. These rules
benefit both you and Visteon. It reduces the volume of duplicate
information received at your household and helps to reduce
Visteons printing and mailing expenses. Each stockholder
will continue to receive a separate proxy card or voting
instruction card.
If your household received a single set of disclosure documents
for this year, but you would prefer to receive your own copy,
please contact our transfer agent, The Bank of New York, by
calling their toll free number, (877) 881-5962.
If you would like to receive your own set of Visteons
annual disclosure documents in future years, follow the
instructions described below. Similarly, if you share an address
with another Visteon stockholder and together both of you would
like to receive only a single set of Visteons annual
disclosure documents, follow these instructions:
If your Visteon shares are registered in your own name, please
contact our transfer agent, The Bank of New York, and inform
them of your request by calling them at (877) 881-5962,
writing to them at Visteon Corporation Shareholder
Services, c/o The Bank of New York, P.O. Box 11258,
New York, NY 10286 or by email at
If a broker or other nominee holds your Visteon shares, please
contact ADP and inform them of your request by calling them at
(888) 603-5847 or writing to them at Householding
Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. Be
sure to include your name, the name of your brokerage firm and
your account number.
Visteon Director Independence Guidelines
A director will be deemed independent, and to have
no direct or indirect material relationship with the company
(either directly or as a partner, shareholder or officer of an
organization that has a relationship with the company), if
he/she meets all of the following criteria:
1. Has not been an employee of Visteon or its subsidiaries
within the last three years. |
2. Is not currently a partner or employee of Visteons
internal or external auditor or a former partner or employee of
Visteons internal or external auditor or was within the
last three years (but is no longer) a partner or employee of
Visteons internal or external auditor who personally
worked on Visteons audit within that time. |
3. Has not been employed by a company in which,
concurrently with such employment, an executive officer of
Visteon served on the compensation committee of such company
within the last three years. |
4. Has not received more than $100,000 per year in
direct compensation from Visteon or its subsidiaries within the
last three years, other than director or committee fees and
pensions or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
service (and not contingent on continued service). |
5. Is not currently an executive officer or employee of a
company that, within the past three years, has made payments to,
or received payments from, Visteon or its subsidiaries for
property or services in an amount which, in any single fiscal
year, exceeded the greater of $1 million or 2% of such
other companys consolidated gross revenues for such year. |
6. Has no immediate family member(1) who (i) has been
employed by Visteon as an officer, (ii) is a current
partner of Visteons internal or external auditor or a
current employee of Visteons internal or external auditor
who participates in the audit, assurance or tax compliance (but
not tax planning) practice, (iii) is a former partner or
employee of Visteons internal or external auditor who
personally worked on Visteons audit within the last three
years, (iv) has been employed as a an officer of another
company where a Visteon executive officer served on the
compensation committee of that company within the last three
years, (v) received more than $100,000 per year in
direct compensation from Visteon or its subsidiaries other than
pensions or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
service (and not contingent on continued service), or
(vi) is currently an officer of a company that has made
payments to, or received payments from, Visteon or its
subsidiaries for property or services in an amount which, during
any twelve month period, exceeded the greater of $1 million
or 2% of such other companys consolidated gross revenues
for such year, in each case, within the last three years. |
7. Is not currently an executive officer of a tax-exempt
organization that has received, within the preceding three
years, contributions from Visteon or its subsidiaries in any
single fiscal year in excess of the greater of $1 million
or 2% of such charitable organizations consolidated gross
revenues for such year. |
8. Does not have any other relationships with the Company
or with members of senior management that the Board determines
to be material. |
March 9, 2005
(1) |
A directors immediate family shall include his or her
spouse, parents, children, siblings, mothers and
fathers-in-law, sons
and daughters-in-law
and brothers and
sisters-in-law and
anyone (other than domestic employees) who shares such
directors home. |
1. Purpose. The Audit Committees purpose shall
be to assist the Board of Directors in its oversight of the
integrity of the Corporations financial statements, the
Corporations compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements, the independent auditors qualifications and
independence, and the performance of the Corporations
internal audit function and its independent auditors. The Audit
Committee shall be directly responsible for the appointment,
compensation, retention and oversight of the work of any
independent auditors, and each such auditor shall report
directly to the Audit Committee.
2. Composition. The Audit Committee shall be
comprised of three or more directors, as determined from
time-to-time by the
Board of Directors, and at least one member must be an
Financial Expert as defined by SEC rules. Members of
the Audit Committee and its Chairman shall be appointed from
time-to-time by the
Board of Directors and shall serve for such period of time as
may be determined by the Board of Directors.
Each member of the Audit Committee must:
(i) be financially literate (or become so within a
reasonable time after his or her appointment to the Audit
Committee); |
(ii) meet the independence standards as set forth in
relevant law and the rules of the New York Stock Exchange; |
(iii) not serve on the audit committees of more than two
other public companies unless the Board of Directors has
determined that such simultaneous service would not impair the
ability of such director to effectively serve on the Audit
Committee. |
3. Meetings. The Audit Committee shall meet with
such frequency and at such intervals as it shall determine is
necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities. A
majority of the total number of members of the Audit Committee
shall constitute a quorum for transacting business. The Audit
Committee, in its discretion, may ask members of management or
others to attend its meetings (or portions thereof) and to
provide pertinent information as necessary. The Audit Committee
shall maintain minutes of its meetings and records relating to
those meetings or other actions and provide copies of such
minutes or records to the Board of Directors.
4. Duties and Responsibilities. In carrying out its
duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committees policies
and procedures should remain flexible, so that it may be in a
position to best react or respond to changing circumstances or
conditions. While there is no blueprint to be
followed by the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee shall have
the following authority and responsibilities.
(a) The Audit Committee shall have the sole authority and
responsibility to select, evaluate and, if necessary, replace
the independent auditor and to approve all audit, review and
attest engagement fees and terms. At each annual meeting of
stockholders, the Audit Committee shall make a recommendation to
the stockholders whether to ratify the appointment of the
independent auditor. The Audit Committee (or a designated member
of the Audit Committee in the case of clause (i)) shall
either (i) pre-approve each engagement of the
Corporations independent auditor to perform services other
than audit, review or attest services for the Corporation or
(ii) establish a detailed pre-approval policy and procedure
pursuant to which management of the Corporation may engage the
Corporations independent auditor to perform services other
than audit, review or attest services. |
(b) Obtain and review at least annually a formal written
report from the independent auditor describing: the auditing
firms internal quality-control procedures; any material
issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control or
peer reviews of the firm, or, within the preceding five years,
by any inquiry or investigation by any governmental or
professional authorities relating to any audit conducted by the
firm. The Audit Committee will also review steps taken by the
auditing firm to address any findings in any of the foregoing
reviews. Also, in order to assess auditor independence, the
Audit Committee will undertake the following: |
receive from the auditors, on a periodic basis, a formal written
statement delineating all relationships between the auditors and
the Corporation consistent with Independence Standards Board
Standards; |
review, and actively discuss with the Board, if necessary, and
the auditors, on a periodic basis, any disclosed relationships
or services that may impact the objectivity and independence of
the auditors; |
recommend, if necessary, that the Board take certain action to
satisfy itself of the auditors independence; and |
review and evaluate the qualifications, performance and
independence of the lead partner of the independent
auditors firm. |
(c) Meet to review and discuss with management and the
independent auditor the annual audited financial statements,
quarterly financial statements and the Corporations
disclosure under Managements Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Review
and resolve disagreements between management and the independent
auditor concerning financial reporting. |
(d) Consider and approve, if appropriate, the initial
selection of and major changes to auditing and accounting
principles and practices proposed by management. Discuss with
the independent auditors any significant changes in auditing
standards or audit scope impacting the audit. |
(e) Establish regular systems of reporting to the Audit
Committee by finance management, the independent auditors and
the internal auditors regarding any significant judgments made
in managements preparation of the financial statements,
and any significant issues encountered during the course of the
review or audit. |
(f) Review and accept, if appropriate, the annual audit
plan of the Corporations internal auditors and independent
auditors, including the scope of audit activities, and monitor
such plans progress and results during the year. |
(g) Oversee the adequacy and effectiveness of the
accounting and internal control policies and procedures through
inquiry and discussions with the internal auditors, independent
auditors and management of the Corporation, including the
Disclosure Committee, as appropriate. The Audit Committee shall
establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of
complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters, including procedures for the confidential,
anonymous submission by employees of the Corporation of concerns
regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters. |
(h) Review, with the General Counsel, any legal matter that
could have a significant impact on the financial statements. |
(i) Discuss with management and the independent auditor, as
appropriate, earnings press releases and financial information
and earnings guidance provided to analysts and to rating
agencies. |
(j) Discuss with management and the independent auditor, as
appropriate, any significant audit problems or difficulties and
managements response, and the Corporations related
risk assessment and risk management policies, including the
Corporations major financial risk exposure and steps taken
by management to monitor and mitigate such exposure. |
(k) Prepare and publish an annual Audit Committee report in
the Corporations proxy statement. |
(l) Set clear policies for the hiring of employees or
former employees of the Corporations independent auditor. |
(m) Meet separately, on a periodic basis, with each of
management, the internal auditors and the independent auditors. |
(n) Review and recommend for approval to the Board of
Directors an annual compliance plan with respect to the
Corporations Ethics Policy, and amendments to such policy
as necessary. |
(o) Retain such outside counsel, experts and other advisors
as the Audit Committee may deem appropriate in its sole
discretion. The Audit Committee shall have sole authority to
approve related fees and retention terms for such engagements. |
(p) Perform such additional activities, and consider such
other matters, within the scope of its responsibilities, as the
Audit Committee or the Board of Directors deems necessary or
appropriate. |
(q) Report to the Board of Directors after each Audit
Committee meeting. |
(r) Conduct and present to the Board of Directors an annual
performance evaluation of the Audit Committee. The Audit
Committee shall review at least annually the adequacy of this
Charter and recommend any proposed changes to the Board of
Directors for approval. |
* * *
While the Audit Committee has the duties and responsibilities
set forth in this charter, the Audit Committee is not
responsible for planning or conducting the audit or for
determining whether the Corporations financial statements
are complete and accurate and are in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and applicable rules and
February 9, 2005
(as proposed to be amended)
Section 1. PURPOSE AND
(a) Purpose. This Plan, known as the Visteon
Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan, is intended to provide an
incentive to certain employees and certain non-employees who
provide services to Visteon Corporation and its
subsidiaries, in order to encourage them to remain in the employ
of the Company and its subsidiaries and to increase their
interest in the Companys success. It is intended that this
purpose be effected through awards or grants of stock options
and various other rights with respect to shares of the
Companys common stock, and through performance cash
awards, as provided herein, to such eligible employees.
(b) Definitions. The following terms shall have the
following respective meanings unless the context requires
(1) The term Affiliate or
Affiliates shall have the meaning set forth in
Rule 12b-2
promulgated under Section 12 of the Exchange Act. |
(2) The term Beneficial Owner shall mean
beneficial owner as set forth in
Rule 13d-3 under
the Exchange Act. |
(3) The term Board shall mean the Board of
Directors of Visteon Corporation. |
(4) The term Change in Control shall mean the
occurrence of any one of the following: |
(A) any Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly
or indirectly, of securities of the Company (not including in
the securities beneficially owned by such Person any securities
acquired directly from the Company or its Affiliates)
representing 40% or more of the combined voting power of the
Companys then outstanding securities, excluding any Person
who becomes such a Beneficial Owner in connection with a
transaction described in clause (i) of
paragraph (C) below; |
(B) within any twelve (12) month period, the following
individuals cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
number of directors then serving: individuals who, on the
effective date of this Plan, constitute the Board and any new
director (other than a director whose initial assumption of
office is in connection with an actual or threatened election
contest, including but not limited to a consent solicitation,
relating to the election of directors of the Company) whose
appointment or election by the Board or nomination for election
by the Companys stockholders was approved or recommended
by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then
still in office who either were directors on the date hereof or
whose appointment, election or nomination for election was
previously so approved or recommended; |
(C) there is consummated a merger or consolidation of the
Company or any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company with
any other corporation, other than (i) a merger or
consolidation which results in the directors of the Company
immediately prior to such merger or consolidation continuing to
constitute at least a majority of the board of directors of the
Company, the surviving entity or any parent thereof or
(ii) a merger or consolidation effected to implement a
recapitalization of the Company (or similar transaction) in
which no Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly or
indirectly, of securities of the Company (not including in the
securities Beneficially Owned by such Person any securities
acquired directly from the Company or its Affiliates)
representing 40% or more of the combined voting power of the
Companys then outstanding securities; |
(D) the stockholders of the Company approve a plan of
complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or there is
consummated an agreement for the sale or disposition by the
Company of more than 50% of the Companys assets, other
than a sale or disposition by the Company of more than 50% of
the Companys assets to an entity, at least 50% of the
combined voting power of the voting securities of which are
owned by stockholders of the Company in substantially the same
proportions as their ownership of the Company immediately prior
to such sale; or |
(E) any other event that the Board, in its sole discretion,
determines to be a Change in Control for purposes of this Plan. |
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control
shall not be deemed to have occurred by virtue of the
consummation of any transaction or series of integrated
transactions immediately following which the record holders of
the common stock of the Company immediately prior to such
transaction or series of transactions continue to have
substantially the same proportionate ownership in an entity
which owns all or substantially all of the assets of the Company
immediately following such transaction or series of transactions. |
(5) The term Code shall mean the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, or any successor thereto, as the same may
be amended and in effect from time to time. |
(6) The term Committee shall mean the committee
appointed pursuant to Section 2 to administer the Plan. |
(7) The term Company shall mean Visteon
Corporation. |
(8) The term Covered Executive shall mean the
Chief Executive Officer and the other four highest compensated
officers of the Company or any Subsidiary at year-end whose
compensation is required to be reported in the Summary
Compensation Table of the Companys Proxy Statement. |
(9) The term Employee shall mean an employee of
the Company or any Subsidiary. The term Employee
shall also be deemed to include any person who is an employee of
any joint venture corporation or partnership, or comparable
entity, in which the Company or Subsidiary has a substantial
equity interest, provided such person was an employee of the
Company or Subsidiary immediately prior to becoming employed by
such entity, and designated non-employees who provide services
to the Company or a Subsidiary. |
(10) The term Exchange Act shall mean the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or any successor thereto, as
the same may be amended and in effect from time to time. |
(11) The term Fair Market Value shall mean the
average of the highest and lowest sale prices at which a share
of Stock shall have been sold regular way on the New York Stock
Exchange on the date of grant of any Option or Stock
Appreciation Right or other relevant valuation date. In the
event that any Option or Stock Appreciation Right shall be
granted, or other relevant valuation date shall occur, on a date
on which there were no such sales of Stock on the New York Stock
Exchange, the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock shall be
deemed to be the average of the highest and lowest sale prices
on the next preceding day on which there were such sales. |
(12) The term Final Award shall mean the amount
of compensation to be awarded finally to the Participant who
holds a Performance Cash Right pursuant to Section 3, the
number of shares of Stock to be awarded finally to the
Participant who holds a Performance Stock Right pursuant to
Section 5, the number of shares of Restricted Stock to be
retained by the Participant who holds Restricted Stock pursuant
to Section 6, or the number of shares of Stock or the
amount of compensation to be awarded finally to a Participant
who holds Restricted Stock Units pursuant to Section 6, in
each case as determined by the Committee taking into account the
extent to which the Performance Goals have been satisfied. |
(13) The term Option or Options
shall mean the option to purchase Stock in accordance with
Section 7 and such other terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by the Committee. An Option may be either an
incentive stock option, as such term is defined in
the Code, or shall otherwise be designated as an option entitled
to favorable treatment under the Code (ISO) or a
nonqualified stock option (NQO). ISOs
and NQOs are individually called an Option and
collectively called Options. |
(14) The term Other Stock-Based Awards shall
mean awards of Stock or other rights made in accordance with
Section 8. |
(15) The term Participant shall mean an
Employee who has been designated for participation in the Plan. |
(16) The term Performance Cash Right shall mean
the right to receive, pursuant to Section 3, a cash payment
as described in the Participants award agreement, taking
into account the Target Award and the Performance Formula, upon
the attainment of one or more specified Performance Goals,
subject to the terms and provisions of the award agreement and
the Plan. |
(17) The term Performance Goals shall mean,
with respect to any Performance Cash Right, Performance Stock
Right, performance-based Restricted Stock or performance-based
Restricted Stock Unit granted to a Participant who is a Covered
Executive, a performance measure that is based upon one or more
of the following objective business criteria established by the
Committee with respect to the Company and/or any Subsidiary,
division, business unit or component thereof: asset charge,
asset turnover, return on sales, capacity utilization, capital
employed in the business, capital spending, cash flow, cost
structure improvements, complexity reductions, customer loyalty,
diversity, earnings growth, earnings per share, economic value
added, environmental health and/or safety, facilities and
tooling spending, hours per component, increase in customer
base, inventory turnover, market price appreciation, market
share, net cash balance, net income, net income margin, net
operating cash flow, operating profit margin, order to delivery
time, plant capacity, process time, profits before tax, quality,
customer satisfaction, return on assets, return on capital,
return on equity, return on net operating assets, return on
sales, revenue growth, safety, sales margin, sales volume, total
stockholder return, production per employee, warranty
performance to budget, variable margin and working capital. With
respect to any Right granted to a Participant who is not a
Covered Executive, performance goals may be based on one or more
of the business criteria described above or any other criteria
based on individual, business unit, group or Company performance
selected by the Committee. The Performance Goals may be
expressed in absolute terms or relate to the performance of
other companies or to an index. |
(18) The term Performance Formula shall mean a
formula to be applied in relation to the Performance Goals in
determining the amount of cash earned under a Performance Cash
Right granted pursuant to Section 3, the number of shares
of Stock earned under a Performance Stock Right granted pursuant
to Section 5, performance-based Restricted Stock granted
pursuant to Section 6, or the amount of cash or shares of
Stock earned under performance-based Restricted Stock Units
granted pursuant to Section 6, in each case expressed as a
percentage of the Target Award. |
(19) The term Performance Period shall mean the
period of time for which performance with respect to one or more
Performance Goals with respect to any Performance Cash Right,
Performance Stock Right, Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock
Unit award is to be measured, with such period commencing not
earlier than 90 days prior to the date of grant of such
Right. |
(20) The term Performance Stock Right shall
mean the right to receive, pursuant to Section 5 and
without payment to the Company, up to the number of shares of
Stock described in the Participants award agreement upon
the attainment of one or more specified Performance Goals,
subject to the terms and provisions of the award agreement and
the Plan. |
(21) The term Person shall have the meaning
given in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act, as modified
and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof, except that
such term shall not include (A) the Company or any of its
subsidiaries, (B) a trustee or other fiduciary holding
securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company or any
of its Affiliates, (C) an underwriter temporarily holding
securities pursuant to an offering of such securities, or
(D) a corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by the
stockholders of the Company in substantially the same
proportions as their ownership of Stock of the Company. |
(22) The term Plan shall mean this Visteon
Corporation 2004 Incentive Plan (formerly known as the Visteon
Corporation 2000 Incentive Plan) as the same may be amended and
in effect from time to time. |
(23) The term Plan Awards shall mean awards of
cash or grants of Performance Stock Rights, Restricted Stock,
Restricted Stock Units, Options, Stock Appreciation Rights and
various other rights with respect to shares of Stock. |
(24) The term Restricted Stock means Stock
issued to a Participant pursuant to Section 6 that is
subject to forfeiture if one or more specified Performance Goals
or minimum periods of service are not attained. |
(25) The term Restricted Stock Unit means an
award granted pursuant to Section 6 consisting of a unit
credited to a hypothetical account, valued based on the Fair
Market Value of Visteon Stock, and is subject to forfeiture if
one or more specified Performance Goals or minimum periods of
service are not attained. |
(26) The term Right shall mean a Performance
Cash Right, Performance Stock Right, a Restricted Stock award,
or a Restricted Stock Unit, as required by the context. |
(27) The term Stock Appreciation Right shall
mean the right to receive, without payment to the Company, an
amount of cash or Stock as determined in accordance with
Section 7, based on the amount by which the Fair Market
Value of a share of Stock on the relevant valuation date exceeds
the grant price. |
(28) The term Subsidiary shall mean
(A) any corporation a majority of the voting stock of which
is owned directly or indirectly by the Company or (B) any
limited liability company a majority of the membership interest
of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company. |
(29) The term Stock shall mean shares of the
Companys common stock, par value $1.00 per share. |
(30) The term Target Award shall mean the
amount of compensation to be earned by a Participant under a
Performance Cash Right or the number of shares of Stock, subject
to adjustment pursuant to Section 13, to be earned by a
Participant under a Performance Stock Right, if all of the
Performance Goals with respect to such Right are achieved. |
(a) Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the
Organization & Compensation Committee of the Board
consisting of not less than two (2) members of the Board
who meet the outside director requirements of
Section 162(m) of the Code and the non-employee
director requirements of
Rule 16b-3(b)(3)
of the Exchange Act, or by any other committee appointed by the
Board, provided the members of such committee meet such
requirements. The Committee shall administer the Plan and
perform such other functions as are assigned to it under the
Plan. The Committee is authorized, subject to the provisions of
the Plan, from time to time, to establish such rules and
regulations as it may deem appropriate for the proper
administration of the Plan, and to make such determinations
under, and such interpretations of, and to take such steps in
connection with, the Plan and the Plan Awards as it may deem
necessary or advisable, in each case in its sole discretion. The
Committees decisions and determinations under the Plan
need not be uniform and may be made selectively among
Participants, whether or not they are similarly situated. Any
authority granted to the Committee may also be exercised by the
Board, except to the extent that the grant or exercise of such
authority would cause any qualified performance based award to
cease to qualify for exemption under Section 162(m) of the
Code. To the extent that any permitted action taken by the Board
conflicts with any action taken by the Committee, the Board
action shall control.
(b) Delegation of Authority. The Committee may
delegate any or all of its powers and duties under the Plan,
including, but not limited to, its authority to make awards
under the Plan or to grant waivers pursuant to Section 10,
to one or more other committees (including a committee
consisting of two or more corporate officers) as it shall
appoint, pursuant to such conditions or limitations as the
Committee may establish; provided, however, that the
Committee shall not delegate its authority to (1) act on
matters affecting any Participant who is subject to the
reporting requirements of Section 16(a) of the Exchange
Act, or the liability provisions of Section 16(b) of the
Exchange Act (any such Participant being called a
Section 16 Person) or (2) amend or modify
the Plan pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(b). To
the extent of any such delegation, the term
Committee when used herein shall mean and include
any such delegate.
(c) Eligibility of Committee Members. No person
while a member of the Committee or any other committee of the
Board administering the Plan shall be eligible to hold or
receive a Plan Award.
(a) Grant of Performance Cash Rights. The Committee,
at any time and from time to time while the Plan is in effect,
may grant or authorize the granting of Performance Cash Rights
to such officers of the Company and any Subsidiary and other
Employees, whether or not members of the Board, as it may select
and in such amount as it shall designate, subject to the
provisions of this Section 3.
(b) Maximum Awards. The maximum amount granted to a
Covered Executive as a Final Award with respect to all
Performance Cash Rights granted during a calendar year shall be
$10 million.
(c) Terms and Provisions of Performance Cash Rights.
Prior to the grant of any Performance Cash Right, the Committee
shall determine the terms and provisions of such Right,
including, without limitation (1) the Target Award;
(2) one or more Performance Goals to be used to measure
performance under such Right, and the Performance Formula to be
applied against the Performance Goals in determining the amount
of compensation earned under such Right as a percentage of the
Target Award; (3) the Performance Period, and (4) the
effect of the Participants termination of employment,
death or disability. Within 90 days of commencement of a
Performance Period, the Committee may establish a minimum
threshold objective for any Performance Goal for such
Performance Period which, if not met, would result in no Final
Award being made to any Participant with respect to such
Performance Goal for such Performance Period. During and after
the Performance Period, but prior to the Committees final
determination of the Participants Final Award as provided
in subsection (d), the Committee may adjust the Performance
Goals, Performance Formula and Target Award and otherwise modify
the terms and provisions of a Right granted to a Participant who
is not a Covered Executive, subject to the terms and conditions
of the Plan. Each Right shall be evidenced by an award agreement
or notification in such form as the Committee may determine.
(d) Final Awards. As soon as practicable following
the completion of the Performance Period relating to any
Performance Cash Right, but not later than 12 months
following such completion, the Committee shall determine the
extent to which the Performance Goals have been achieved and the
amount of compensation to be awarded as a Final Award to the
Participant who holds such Right. In making such determination,
the Committee shall apply the applicable Performance Formula for
the Participant for the Performance Period against the
accomplishment of the related Performance Goals. The Committee
may, in its sole discretion, reduce the amount of any Final
Award that otherwise would be awarded to any Participant for any
Performance Period. In addition, the Committee may, in its sole
discretion, increase the amount of any Final Award that
otherwise would be awarded to any Participant who is not a
Covered Executive. Any such determination shall take into
account (A) the extent to which the Performance Goals
provided in such Right were, in the Committees sole
opinion, achieved, (B) the individual performance of such
Participant during the related Performance Period and
(C) such other factors as the Committee may deem relevant,
including, without limitation, any change in circumstances or
unforeseen events, relating to the Company, the economy or
otherwise, since the date of grant of such Right. The Committee
shall notify such Participant of such Participants Final
Award as soon as practicable following such determination.
(e) Following the determination of each Final Award, unless
the Participant has elected to defer all or a portion of the
Final Award in accordance with the procedures set forth in the
Visteon Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan, the Final Award
will be payable to the Participant in cash.
(a) Stock Subject to Plan. The Stock that may be
issued under the Plan may be either authorized and unissued
(subject to a maximum of 2,000,000 shares) or held in the
treasury of the Company. The maximum number of shares of Stock
that may be issued with respect to Plan Awards, subject to
adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Section 13,
shall be 21,800,000. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (1) the
aggregate number of shares that may be issued upon exercise of
ISOs shall not exceed 10,280,000 shares, subject to
adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Section 13;
(2) the maximum number of shares subject to Options, with
or without any related Stock Appreciation Rights, or Stock
Appreciation Rights (not related to Options) that may be granted
pursuant to Section 7 to any Covered Executive during any
calendar year prior to 2004 shall be 500,000, and for calendar
years after 2003 shall be 1,000,000, subject to adjustment in
accordance with the provisions of Section 13; (3) the
maximum number of shares of Stock that are issued or may be
issued with respect to all Performance Stock Rights, Restricted
Stock Awards, Restricted Stock Units and Other Stock-Based
Awards granted pursuant to Sections 5, 6 and 8 shall be
3,662,332, subject to adjustment in accordance with the
provisions of Section 13; and (4) the maximum number
of shares of Stock that may be issued pursuant to such
Performance Stock Rights and performance-based Restricted Stock
Awards when combined with the number of performance-based
Restricted Stock Units granted pursuant to Section 6
(whether such Restricted Stock Units are settled in cash or in
Stock), to any Covered Executive during any calendar year prior
to 2004 shall be 500,000 shares, and for calendar years
after 2003 shall be 1 million shares and/or units, subject
to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of
Section 13.
(b) Computation of Stock Available for Plan Awards.
For the purpose of computing the total number of shares of Stock
remaining available for Plan Awards at any time while the Plan
is in effect, and for the purpose of determining the maximum
number of shares of Stock that remain available to be issued
with respect to Performance Stock Rights, Restricted Stock
Awards, Restricted Stock Units, and Other
Stock-Based Awards
under clause (3) of subsection (a) there shall be
debited against the total number of shares determined to be
available pursuant to subsections (a) and (c) of this
Section 4, (1) the maximum number of shares of Stock
subject to issuance upon exercise of Options or Stock
Appreciation Rights granted under this Plan, (2) the
maximum number of shares of Stock issued or issuable under
Performance Stock Rights, Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted
Stock Units granted under this Plan, and (3) the number of
shares of Stock related to Other Stock-Based Awards granted
under this Plan, as determined by the Committee in each case as
of the dates on which such Plan Awards were granted, provided,
however, that a Restricted Stock Unit or Other Stock-Based Award
that is or may be settled only in cash shall not be counted
against any of the share limits under this Section 4,
except as required by Section 162(m) of the Code to
preserve the status of an award as performance-based
compensation as set forth under clause (4) of
subsection (a) above.
(c) Terminated, Expired or Forfeited Plan Awards.
The shares involved in the unexercised, undistributed or
unvested portion of any terminated, expired or forfeited Plan
Award shall be made available for further Plan Awards. Any
shares of Stock made available for Plan Awards pursuant to this
subsection (c) shall be in addition to the shares
available pursuant to subsection (a) of this
Section 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event any
Option or Stock Appreciation Right granted to a Covered
Executive is canceled, the number of shares of Stock subject to
such canceled Option or Stock Appreciation Right shall continue
to count against the individual limit specified in
subsection (a), in accordance with the requirements of Code
Section 162(m).
(a) Grant of Performance Stock Rights. The
Committee, at any time and from time to time while the Plan is
in effect, may grant, or authorize the granting of, Performance
Stock Rights to such officers of the Company and any Subsidiary,
and other Employees, whether or not members of the Board, as it
may select and for such numbers of shares as it shall designate,
subject to the provisions of this Section 5 and
Section 4.
(b) Terms and Provisions of Performance Stock
Rights. Prior to the grant of any Performance Stock Right,
the Committee shall determine the terms and provisions of each
Right, including, without limitation (1) the Target Award;
(2) one or more Performance Goals to be used to measure
performance under such Right, and the Performance Formula to be
applied against the Performance Goals in determining the number
of shares of Stock earned under such Right as a percentage of
the Target Award; (3) the Performance Period; (4) the
period of time, if any, during which the disposition of shares
of Stock issuable under such Right shall be restricted as
provided in subsection (a) of Section 11,
provided, however, that the Committee may establish
restrictions applicable to any Right at the time of or at any
time prior to the granting of the related Final Award rather
than at the time of granting such Right; and (5) the effect
of the Participants termination of employment, death or
disability. Within 90 days of commencement of a Performance
Period, the Committee may establish a minimum threshold
objective for any Performance Goal for such Performance Period
which, if not met, would result in no Final Award being made to
any Participant with respect to such Performance Goal for such
Performance Period. During and after the Performance Period, but
prior to the Committees final determination of the
Participants Final Award as provided in
subsection (d), the Committee may adjust the Performance
Goals, Performance Formula and Target Award and otherwise modify
the terms and provisions of a Right granted to a Participant who
is not a Covered Executive, subject to the terms and conditions
of the Plan. Each Right shall be evidenced by an award agreement
or notification in such form as the Committee may determine.
(c) Dividend Equivalents on Rights. If the Committee
shall determine, each Participant to whom a Right is granted
shall be entitled to receive payment of the same amount of cash
that such Participant would have received as cash dividends if,
on each record date during the Performance Period relating to
such Right, such Participant had been the holder of record of a
number of shares of Stock equal to 100% of the related Target
Award (as adjusted pursuant to Section 13). Any such
payment may be made at the same time as a dividend is paid or
may be deferred until the date that a Final Award is determined,
as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. Such cash
payments are hereinafter called dividend equivalents.
(d) Final Awards.
(1) As soon as practicable following the completion of the
Performance Period relating to any Performance Stock Right, but
not later than 12 months following such completion, the
Committee shall determine the extent to which the Participant
achieved the Performance Goals and the number of shares of Stock
to be awarded as a Final Award to the Participant who holds such
Right. Each Final Award shall represent only full shares of
Stock, and any fractional share that would otherwise result from
such Final Award calculation shall be disregarded. In making
such determination, the Committee shall apply the applicable
Performance Formula for the Participant for the Performance
Period against the accomplishment of the related Performance
Goals. The Committee may, in its sole discretion, reduce the
amount of any Final Award that otherwise would be awarded to any
Participant for any Performance Period. In addition, the
Committee may, in its sole discretion, increase the amount of
any Final Award that otherwise would be awarded to any
Participant who is not a Covered Executive. Any such
determination shall take into account (A) the extent to
which the Performance Goals provided in such Right was, in the
Committees sole opinion, achieved, (B) the individual
performance of such Participant during the related Performance
Period and (C) such other factors as the Committee may deem
relevant, including, without limitation, any change in
circumstances or unforeseen events, relating to the Company, the
economy or otherwise, since the date of grant of such Right. The
Committee shall notify such Participant of such
Participants Final Award as soon as practicable following
such determination. |
(2) Following the determination of each Final Award, the
Company shall issue or cause to be issued certificates for the
number of shares of Stock representing such Final Award,
registered in the name of the Participant who received such
Final Award. Such Participant shall thereupon become the holder
of record of the number of shares of Stock evidenced by such
certificates, entitled to dividends, voting rights and other
rights of a holder thereof, subject to the terms and provisions
of the Plan, including, without limitation, the provisions of
this subsection (d) and Sections 10, 11 and 13.
The Committee may require that such certificates bear such
restrictive legend as the Committee may specify and be held by
the Company in escrow or otherwise pursuant to any form of
agreement or instrument that the Committee may specify. If the
Committee has determined that deferred dividend equivalents
shall be payable to a Participant with respect to any
Performance Stock Right pursuant to subsection (c) of
this Section 5, then concurrently with the issuance of such
certificates, the Company shall deliver to such Participant a
cash payment or additional shares of Stock in settlement of such
dividend equivalents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Committee, in its sole discretion, may permit a Participant to
defer receipt of a Final Award and to instead receive stock
units under the Visteon Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan
that represent hypothetical shares of Stock of the Company, or
such other deemed investment made available by the Committee for
this purpose. Any such election, if permitted by the Committee,
must be made at such time and in such form as prescribed by the
Committee, and is subject to such other terms and conditions as
the Committee, in its sole discretion, may prescribe. |
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of this
subsection (d) or any other provision of the Plan, the
Committee may specify that a Participants Final Award
shall not be represented by certificates for shares of Stock but
shall be represented by rights approximately equivalent (as
determined by the Committee) to the rights that such Participant
would have received if certificates for shares of Stock had been
issued in the name of such Participant in accordance with
subsection (d) (such rights being called Stock
Equivalents). Subject to the provisions of Section 13
and the other terms and provisions of the Plan, if the Committee
shall so determine, each Participant who holds Stock Equivalents
shall be entitled to receive the same amount of cash that such
Participant would have received as dividends if certificates for
shares of Stock had been issued in the name of such Participant
pursuant to subsection (d) covering the number of
shares equal to the number of shares to which such Stock
Equivalents relate. Notwithstanding any other provision of the
Plan to the contrary, the Stock Equivalents representing any
Final Award may, at the option of the Committee, be converted
into an equivalent number of shares of Stock or, upon the
expiration of any restriction period imposed on such Stock
Equivalents, into cash, under such circumstances and in such
manner as the Committee may determine. |
(a) Grant of Restricted Stock. The Committee, at any
time and from time to time while the Plan is in effect, may
grant, or authorize the granting of, Restricted Stock to such
officers of the Company and any Subsidiary, and other Employees,
whether or not members of the Board, as it may select. In lieu
of, or in addition to, such Restricted Stock, the Committee may
grant, or authorize the granting of, awards denominated in the
form of Restricted Stock Units to such eligible Employees.
(b) Terms and Provisions of Restricted Stock and
Restricted Stock Units. Subject to the provisions of the
Plan, the Committee shall have the authority to determine the
time or times at which Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock
Units shall be granted and the number of shares of Restricted
Stock or the number of Restricted Stock Units to be granted
(subject to the provisions of Section 4). Prior to the
grant of any Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, the
Committee shall determine such time-based or performance-based
restrictions as the Committee shall deem appropriate, and all
other terms and conditions of such Restricted Stock and
Restricted Stock Units, including, without limitation
(1) the number of shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted
Stock Units to be issued; (2) in the case of time-based
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, the minimum period
of service required for the Participant to receive a Final
Award; (3) in the case of performance-based Restricted
Stock or performance-based Restricted Stock Units, one or more
Performance Goals to be used to measure performance with respect
to such Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units; (4) the
Performance Period applicable to any such performance-based
award; (5) whether Final Awards pursuant to such Restricted
Stock Units shall be payable in Stock, cash or otherwise;
(6) the period of time, if any, during which the
disposition of the Restricted Stock or Final Award pursuant to a
Restricted Stock Unit is restricted as provided in
subsection (a) of Section 10,
provided, however, that the Committee may establish
restrictions applicable to Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock
Units at the time of or at any time prior to the granting of the
related Final Award rather than at the time of granting such
Right; and (7) the effect of the Participants
termination of employment, death or disability. Within
90 days of commencement of a Performance Period, the
Committee may establish a minimum threshold objective for any
Performance Goal for such Performance Period which, if not met,
would result in no Final Award being made to any Participant
with respect to such Performance Goal for such Performance
Period. During and after the Performance Period, but prior to
the Committees final determination of the
Participants Final Award as provided in
subsection (d), the Committee may adjust the Performance
Goals and otherwise modify the terms and provisions of the
Restricted Stock grant or Restricted Stock Unit to a Participant
who is not a Covered Executive, subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan. Each grant of Restricted Stock or
Restricted Stock Units shall be evidenced by an award agreement
or notification in such form as the Committee may determine.
(c) Dividend and Dividend Equivalents.
(1) During any period that Restricted Stock has been issued
to the Participant and remains outstanding, the Participant
shall be entitled to receive all dividends and other
distributions paid with respect to the Restricted Stock. If any
such dividends or distributions are paid in Stock and such
distribution occurs when the restrictions applicable to such
shares are still in effect, such shares shall be subject to the
same restrictions as the Restricted Stock with respect to which
they were paid. |
(2) If the committee shall determine, each Participant to
whom a Restricted Stock Unit is granted and remains outstanding
shall be entitled to receive payment of the same amount of cash
that such Participant would have received as cash dividends as
if, on each record date during the minimum period of service or
the Performance Period related to the Restricted Stock Unit,
such Participant had been the holder of record of a number of
shares of Stock equal to 100% of the Restricted Stock Units (as
adjusted pursuant to Section 13). Any such payment may be
made at the same time as a dividend is paid, or may be deferred
until the date that a Final Award is determined, as determined
by the Committee in its sole discretion. Such cash payments are
hereinafter called dividend equivalents. |
(d) Voting Rights. Subject to the restrictions
established by the Committee pursuant to the Plan, Participants
shall be entitled to vote Restricted Shares granted under this
Section 6, unless and until such shares are forfeited
pursuant to subsection (e) below. Participants shall
have no voting rights with respect to Restricted Stock Units.
(e) Final Awards. As soon as practicable following
the completion of the Performance Period relating to any
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Unit, but not later than
12 months following such completion, the Committee shall
determine (1) the extent to which the Participant achieved
the minimum period of service, with respect to time-based
awards, or the applicable Performance Goals, with respect to
performance-based awards, (2) the number of shares of
Restricted Stock to be retained as a Final Award by the
Participant who holds such Restricted Stock, (3) the number
of shares of Restricted Stock to be forfeited by such
Participant, (4) the number of shares of Stock or amount of
other compensation to be issued as a Final Award to the
Participant who holds Restricted Stock Units, and (5) the
number of Restricted Stock Units to be forfeited by such
Participant. Each Final Award shall represent only full shares
of Stock and any fractional share that would otherwise result
from such Final Award calculation shall be forfeited. In making
such determination, the Committee shall apply the applicable
minimum period of service or Performance Goals that the
Committee had established. The Committee may, in its sole
discretion, increase the amount of any Final Award that
otherwise would be awarded to any Participant who is not a
Covered Executive by determining that the Participant should be
allowed to retain some or all of the Restricted Stock that would
otherwise be forfeited, or should receive Stock or other
consideration for Restricted Stock Units that would otherwise be
forfeited, notwithstanding the fact that the minimum period of
service or Performance Goals were not satisfied in full. Any
such determination shall take into account (A) the extent
to which the Performance Goals that relate to such Restricted
Stock or Restricted Stock Units were, in the Committees
sole opinion, achieved, (B) the individual performance of
such Participant during the related period of service or
Performance Period and (C) such other factors as the
Committee may deem relevant, including, without limitation, any
change in circumstances or unforeseen events, relating to the
Company, the economy or otherwise, since the date of grant of
such Restricted Stock. The Committee shall notify such
Participant of such Participants Final Award as soon as
practicable following such determination.
(f) Election of Deferred Stock Units. The Committee,
in its sole discretion, may permit a Participant to defer or
otherwise exchange receipt of a Final Award relating to
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units and to instead
receive stock units under the Visteon Corporation Deferred
Compensation Plan that represent hypothetical shares of Stock of
the Company, or such other deemed investment made available by
the Committee for this purpose. Any such election, if permitted
by the Committee, must be made at such time and in such form as
prescribed by the Committee. If the Committee so permits and a
Participant makes an appropriate election, the
Participants right to receive a benefit from the Visteon
Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan based on such stock units
is contingent upon attainment of the applicable minimum period
of service or Performance Goals and such other terms and
conditions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
Section 7. OPTIONS AND
(a) Grant of Options.
(1) The Committee, at any time and from time to time while
the Plan is in effect, may authorize the granting of Options to
such officers of the Company and any Subsidiary and other
Employees, whether or not members of the Board, as it may
select, and for such numbers of shares as it shall designate,
subject to the provisions of this Section 7 and
Section 4. Each Option granted pursuant to the Plan shall
be designated at the time of grant as either an ISO or an NQO. |
(2) The date on which an Option shall be granted shall be
the date of authorization of such grant or such later date as
may be determined by the Committee at the time such grant is
authorized. Any individual may hold more than one Option. |
(b) Price. In the case of each Option granted under
the Plan the option price shall be the Fair Market Value of
Stock on the date of grant of such Option; provided,
however, that the Committee may in its discretion fix an
option price in excess of the Fair Market Value of Stock on such
(c) Grant of Stock Appreciation Rights.
(1) The Committee, at any time and from time to time while
the Plan is in effect, may authorize the granting of Stock
Appreciation Rights to such officers of the Company and any
Subsidiary and other Employees, whether or not members of the
Board, as it may select, and for such numbers of shares as it
shall designate, subject to the provisions of this
Section 7 and Section 4. Each Stock Appreciation Right
may relate to all or a portion of a specific Option granted
under the Plan and may be granted concurrently with the Option
to which it relates or at any time prior to the exercise,
termination or expiration of such Option (a Tandem
SAR), or may be granted independently of any Option, as
determined by the Committee. If the Stock Appreciation Right is
granted independently of an Option, the grant price of such
right shall be the Fair Market Value of Stock on the date of
grant; provided, however, that the Committee may, in its
discretion, fix a grant price in excess of the Fair Market Value
of Stock on such grant date. |
(2) Upon exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right, the
Participant shall be entitled to receive, without payment to the
Company, either (A) that number of shares of Stock
determined by dividing (i) the total number of shares of
Stock subject to the Stock Appreciation Right being exercised by
the Participant, multiplied by the amount by which the Fair
Market Value of a share of Stock on the day the right is
exercised exceeds the grant price (such amount being hereinafter
referred to as the Spread), by (ii) the Fair
Market Value of a share of Stock on the exercise date; or
(B) cash in an amount determined by multiplying
(i) the total number of shares of Stock subject to the
Stock Appreciation Right being exercised by the Participant, by
(ii) the amount of the Spread; or (C) a combination of
shares of Stock and cash, in amounts determined as set forth in
clauses (A) and (B) above, as determined by the
Committee in its sole discretion; provided, however,
that, in the case of a Tandem SAR, the total number of shares
which may be received upon exercise of a Stock Appreciation
Right for Stock shall not exceed the total number of shares
subject to the related Option or portion thereof, and the total
amount of cash which may be received upon exercise of a Stock
Appreciation Right for cash shall not exceed the Fair Market
Value on the date of exercise of the total number of shares
subject to the related Option or portion thereof. |
(d) Terms and Conditions.
(1) Each Option and Stock Appreciation Right granted under
the Plan shall be exercisable on such date or dates, during such
period, for such number of shares and subject to such further
conditions as shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of
the award agreement with respect to such Option and Stock
Appreciation Right; provided, however, that a Tandem SAR
shall not be exercisable prior to or later than the time the
related Option could be exercised; and provided, further,
that in any event no Option or Stock Appreciation Right granted
prior to 2004 shall be exercised beyond ten years from the date
of grant, no Option or Stock Appreciation Right granted after
2003 but prior to 2006 shall be exercised beyond five years from
the date of grant, and no Option or Stock Appreciation Right
granted after 2005 shall be exercised beyond seven years from
the date of grant. |
(2) The Committee may impose such conditions as it may deem
appropriate upon the exercise of an Option or a Stock
Appreciation Right, including, without limitation, a condition
that the Stock Appreciation Right may be exercised only in
accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Committee
from time to time. |
(3) With respect to Options issued with Tandem SARs, the
right of a Participant to exercise the Tandem SAR shall be
cancelled if and to the extent the related Option is exercised,
and the right of a Participant to exercise an Option shall be
cancelled if and to the extent that shares covered by such
Option are used to calculate shares or cash received upon
exercise of the Tandem SAR. |
(4) If any fractional share of Stock would otherwise be
payable to a Participant upon the exercise of an Option or Stock
Appreciation Right, the Participant shall be paid a cash amount
equal to the same fraction of the Fair Market Value of the Stock
on the date of exercise. |
(e) Award Agreement. Each Option and Stock
Appreciation Right shall be evidenced by an award agreement or
notification in such form and containing such provisions not
inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan as the Committee
from time to time shall approve.
(f) Payment for Option Shares.
(1) Payment for shares of Stock purchased upon exercise of
an Option granted hereunder shall be made, either in full or, if
the Committee shall so determine and at the election of the
Participant, in installments, in such manner as is provided in
the applicable award agreement. |
(2) Unless the Committee shall provide otherwise in any
award agreement, any payment for shares of Stock purchased upon
exercise of an Option granted hereunder may be made in cash, by
delivery of shares of Stock beneficially owned by the
Participant, or by a combination of cash and Stock, at the
election of the Participant or through a cashless exercise
executed through a broker; provided, however, that any
shares of Stock so delivered shall have been beneficially owned
by the Participant for a period of not less than six months
prior to the date of exercise. Any such shares of Stock so
delivered shall be valued at their Fair Market Value on the date
of such exercise. The Committee shall determine whether and if
so the extent to which actual delivery of share certificates to
the Company shall be required. |
(a) Grants of Other Stock-Based Awards. The
Committee, at any time and from time to time while the Plan is
in effect, may grant Other Stock-Based Awards to such officers
of the Company and its Subsidiaries and other Employees, whether
or not members of the Board, as it may select. Such Plan Awards
pursuant to which Stock is or may in the future be acquired, or
Plan Awards valued or determined in whole or part by reference
to, or otherwise based on, Stock, may include, but are not
limited to, awards of restricted Stock (in addition to or
in lieu of Restricted Stock under Section 6) or Plan Awards
denominated in the form of stock units (in addition
to or in lieu of Restricted Stock Units under Section 6),
grants of so-called phantom stock and options
containing terms or provisions differing in whole or in part
from Options granted pursuant to Section 7. Other
Stock-Based Awards may be granted either alone, in addition to,
in tandem with or as an alternative to any other kind of Plan
Award, grant or benefit granted under the Plan or under any
other employee plan of the Company, including a plan of any
acquired entity.
(b) Terms and Conditions. Subject to the provisions
of the Plan, the Committee shall have the authority to determine
the time or times at which Other Stock-Based Awards shall be
made, the number of shares of Stock or stock units and the like
to be granted or covered pursuant to such Plan Awards (subject
to the provisions of Section 4) and all other terms and
conditions of such Plan Awards, including, but not limited to,
whether such Plan Awards shall be payable or paid in cash, Stock
or otherwise.
(c) Consideration for Other Stock-Based Awards. In
the discretion of the Committee, any Other Stock-Based Award may
be granted as a Stock bonus for no consideration other than
services rendered.
Section 9. |
In order to facilitate the granting of Plan Awards to
Participants who are foreign nationals or who are employed
outside of the United States of America, the Committee may
provide for such special terms and conditions, including without
limitation substitutes for Plan Awards, as the Committee may
consider necessary or appropriate to accommodate differences in
local law, tax policy or custom. Such substitutes for Plan
Awards may include a requirement that the Participant receive
cash, in such amount as the Committee may determine in its sole
discretion, in lieu of any Plan Award or share of Stock that
would otherwise have been granted to or delivered to such
Participant under the Plan. The Committee may approve any
supplements to, or amendments, restatements or alternative
versions of the Plan as it may consider necessary or appropriate
for purposes of this Section 9 without thereby affecting
the terms of the Plan as in effect for any other purpose, and
the Secretary or other appropriate officer of the Company may
certify any such documents as having been approved and adopted
pursuant to properly delegated authority; provided,
however, that no such supplements, amendments, restatements
or alternative versions shall include any provision that is
inconsistent with the terms of the Plan as then in effect.
Participants subject to the laws of a foreign jurisdiction may
request copies of, or the right to view, any materials that are
required to be provided by the Company pursuant to the laws of
such jurisdiction.
Section 10. |
(a) Effect of Competitive Activity. Anything
contained in the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, if the
employment of any Participant shall terminate, for any reason
other than death, while any Plan Award granted to such
Participant is outstanding hereunder, and such Participant has
not yet received the Stock or cash covered by such Plan Award or
otherwise received the full benefit of such Plan Award, such
Participant, if otherwise entitled thereto, shall receive such
Stock, cash or benefit only if, during the entire period from
the date of such Participants termination to the date of
such receipt, such Participant shall have (1) made himself
or herself available, upon request, at reasonable times and upon
a reasonable basis, to consult with, supply information to and
otherwise cooperate with the Company or any Subsidiary with
respect to any matter that shall have been handled by him or her
or under his or her supervision while he or she was in the
employ of the Company or of any Subsidiary, and
(2) refrained from engaging in any activity that is
directly or indirectly in competition with any activity of the
Company or any Subsidiary.
(b) Nonfulfillment of Competitive Activity Conditions:
Waivers Under the Plan. In the event of a Participants
nonfulfillment of any condition set forth in
subsection (a) of this Section 10, such
Participants rights under any Plan Award shall be
forfeited and cancelled forthwith; provided, however,
that the nonfulfillment of such condition may at any time
(whether before, at the time of or subsequent to termination of
employment) be waived in the following manner:
(1) with respect to any such Participant who at any time
shall have been a Section 16 Person, such waiver may be
granted by the Committee upon its determination that in its sole
judgment there shall not have been and will not be any
substantial adverse effect upon the Company or any Subsidiary by
reason of the nonfulfillment of such condition; and |
(2) with respect to any other such Participant, such waiver
may be granted by the Committee (or any delegate thereof)
upon its determination that in its sole judgment there shall not
have been and will not be any such substantial adverse effect. |
(c) Effect of Detrimental Conduct. Anything
contained in the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, all
rights of a Participant under any Plan Award shall cease on and
as of the date on which it has been determined by the Committee
that such Participant at any time (whether before or subsequent
to termination of such Participants employment) acted in a
manner detrimental to the best interests of the Company or any
(d) Tax and Other Withholding. Prior to any
distribution of cash, Stock or Other Stock-Based Awards
(including payments under Section 5(c)) to any Participant,
appropriate arrangements (consistent with the Plan and any rules
adopted hereunder) shall be made for the payment of any taxes
and other amounts required to be withheld by federal, state or
local law.
(e) Substitution. The Committee, in its sole
discretion, may substitute a Plan Award (except ISOs) for
another Plan Award or Plan Awards of the same or different type;
provided, however, that the Committee shall not, without
shareholder approval, substitute Options or any other Plan Award
for outstanding Options with a higher price than the substitute
Option or other Plan Award.
Section 11. |
(a) Restrictions on Transfer of Rights or Final
Awards. No Performance Cash Right, Performance Stock Right,
Restricted Stock Unit or, until the expiration of any
restriction period imposed by the Committee, no shares of Stock
acquired under the Plan, shall be transferred, pledged, assigned
or otherwise disposed of by a Participant, except as permitted
by the Plan, without the consent of the Committee, otherwise
than by will or the laws of descent and distribution;
provided, however, that the Committee may permit, on such
terms as it may deem appropriate, use of Stock included in any
Final Award as partial or full payment upon exercise of an
Option under the Plan or a stock option under any other stock
option plan of the Company prior to the expiration of any
restriction period relating to such Final Award.
(b) Restrictions on Transfer of Options or Stock
Appreciation Rights. Unless the Committee determines
otherwise, no Option or Stock Appreciation Right shall be
transferable by a Participant otherwise than by will or the laws
of descent and distribution, and during the lifetime of a
Participant the Option or Stock Appreciation Right shall be
exercisable only by such Participant or such Participants
guardian or legal representative; provided, however, that no
Option or Stock Appreciation Right shall be transferred for
(c) Restrictions on Transfer of Certain Other
Stock-Based Awards. Unless the Committee determines
otherwise, no Other Stock-Based Award shall be transferable by a
Participant otherwise than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution, and during the lifetime of a Participant any such
Other Stock-Based Award shall be exercisable only by such
Participant or such Participants guardian or legal
(d) Attachment and Levy. No Plan Award shall be
subject, in whole or in part, to attachment, execution or levy
of any kind, and any purported transfer in violation hereof
shall be null and void. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, no domestic relations order purporting to authorize a
transfer of a Plan Award, or to grant to any person other than
the Participant the authority to exercise or otherwise act with
respect to a Plan Award, shall be recognized as valid.
Anything contained in the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding,
a Participant may file with the Company a written designation of
a beneficiary or beneficiaries under the Plan, subject to such
limitations as to the classes and number of beneficiaries and
contingent beneficiaries and such other limitations as the
Committee from time to time may prescribe. A Participant may
from time to time revoke or change any such designation of
beneficiary. If a Participant designates his spouse as a
Beneficiary, such designation automatically shall become null
and void on the date of the Participants divorce or legal
separation from such spouse. Any designation of a beneficiary
under the Plan shall be controlling over any other disposition,
testamentary or otherwise; provided, however, that if the
Committee shall be in doubt as to the entitlement of any such
beneficiary to receive any Right, Final Award, Restricted Stock,
Restricted Stock Unit, Option, Stock Appreciation Right, or
Other Stock-Based Award, or if applicable law requires the
Company to do so, the Committee may recognize only the legal
representative of such Participant, in which case the Company,
the Committee and the members thereof shall not be under any
further liability to anyone. In the event of the death of any
Participant, the term Participant as used in the
Plan shall thereafter be deemed to refer to the beneficiary
designated pursuant to this Section 12 or, if no such
designation is in effect, the executor or administrator of the
estate of such Participant, unless the context otherwise
Section 13. MERGER,
(a) Adjustments. In the event of any merger,
consolidation, reorganization, stock split, stock dividend or
other event affecting Stock, an appropriate adjustment shall be
made in the total number of shares available for Plan Awards and
in all other provisions of the Plan that include a reference to
a number of shares or units, and in the numbers of shares or
units covered by, and other terms and provisions (including but
not limited to the grant or exercise price of any Plan Award) of
outstanding Plan Awards.
(b) Committee Determinations. The foregoing
adjustments and the manner of application of the foregoing
provisions shall be determined by the Committee in its sole
discretion. Any such adjustment may provide for the elimination
of any fractional share which might otherwise become subject to
a Plan Award.
(a) Acceleration and Modification. The Committee, in
the event of the death of a Participant or in any other
circumstance, may accelerate distribution of any Plan Award in
its entirety or in a reduced amount, in cash or in Stock, or
modify any Plan Award, in each case on such basis and in such
manner as the Committee may determine in its sole discretion.
(b) Change in Control. Notwithstanding any other
provision of the Plan, unless the Committee determines otherwise
at the time of grant, upon the occurrence of a Change in
Control, (1) any Plan Awards outstanding as of the date of
such Change in Control that relate to Performance Periods that
have been completed as of the date of the Change in Control, but
that have not yet been paid, shall be paid in accordance with
the terms of such Plan Awards, (2) any Plan Awards
outstanding as of the date of such Change in Control that relate
to Performance Periods that have not been completed as of the
date of the Change in Control, and that are not then vested,
shall become fully vested if vesting is based solely upon the
length of the employment relationship as opposed to the
satisfaction of one or more Performance Goals, and (3) any
other Plan Awards outstanding as of the date of such Change in
Control that relate to Performance Periods that have not been
completed as of the date of the Change in Control, and that are
not then vested, shall be treated as vested and earned pro rata,
as if the Performance Goals for the Target Award associated with
a Performance Cash Right or a Performance Stock Right or the
Performance Goals with respect to Restricted Stock, Restricted
Stock Units or Other Stock Based Awards are attained as of the
effective date of the Change in Control, by taking the product
of (A) the Target Award (in the case of a Performance Cash
Right or a Performance Stock Right) or the number of shares of
Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or Other Stock Based
Awards granted to the Participant, and (B) a fraction, the
numerator of which is the number of full or partial months that
have elapsed from the beginning of the Performance Period to the
date of the Change in Control and the denominator of which is
the total number of months in the original Performance Period;
provided, however, that any such Plan Award shall be
immediately vested and payable to the Participant to the extent
of the foregoing formula, and shall be free of all restrictions
and conditions that would otherwise apply to such Plan Award.
The foregoing provisions are subject to the terms of any
employment contract governing the employment of a Participant to
the extent that such contract provides greater rights to the
Participant in the event of a Change in Control.
(c) Maximum Payment Limitation. If any portion of
the payments or benefits described in this Plan or under any
other agreement with or plan of the Company (in the aggregate,
Total Payments), would constitute an excess
parachute payment, then the Total Payments to be made to
the Participant shall be reduced such that the value of the
aggregate Total Payments that the Participant is entitled to
receive shall be one dollar ($1) less than the maximum amount
which the Participant may receive without becoming subject to
the tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code or which the
Company may pay without loss of deduction under
Section 280G(a) of the Code; provided that this Section
shall not apply in the case of a Participant who has in effect a
valid employment contract providing that the Total Payments to
the Participant shall be determined without regard to the
maximum amount allowable under Section 280G of the Code.
The terms excess parachute payment and
parachute payment shall have the meanings assigned
to them in Section 280G of the Code, and such
parachute payments shall be valued as provided
therein. Present value shall be calculated in accordance with
Section 280G(d)(4) of the Code. Within forty (40) days
following delivery of notice by the Company to the Participant
of its belief that there is a payment or benefit due the
Participant which will result in an excess parachute payment as
defined in Section 280G of the Code, the Participant and
the Company, at the Companys expense, shall obtain the
opinion (which need not be unqualified) of nationally recognized
tax counsel selected by the Companys independent auditors
and acceptable to the Participant in his sole discretion (which
may be regular outside counsel to the Company), which opinion
sets forth (A) the amount of the Base Period Income,
(B) the amount and present value of Total Payments and
(C) the amount and present value of any excess parachute
payments determined without regard to the limitations of this
Section. As used in this Section, the term Base Period
Income means an amount equal to the Participants
annualized includible compensation for the base
period as defined in Section 280G(d)(1) of the Code.
For purposes of such opinion, the value of any noncash benefits
or any deferred payment or benefit shall be determined by the
Companys independent auditors in accordance with the
principles of Sections 280G(d)(3) and (4) of the Code,
which determination shall be evidenced in a certificate of such
auditors addressed to the Company and the Participant. Such
opinion shall be addressed to the Company and the Participant
and shall be binding upon the Company and the Participant. If
such opinion determines that there would be an excess parachute
payment, the payments hereunder that are includible in Total
Payments or any other payment or benefit determined by such
counsel to be includible in Total Payments shall be reduced or
eliminated as specified by the Participant in writing delivered
to the Company within thirty days of his receipt of such opinion
or, if the Participant fails to so notify the Company, then as
the Company shall reasonably determine, so that under the bases
of calculations set forth in such opinion there will be no
excess parachute payment. If such legal counsel so requests in
connection with the opinion required by this Section, the
Participant and the Company shall obtain, at the Companys
expense, and the legal counsel may rely on in providing the
opinion, the advice of a firm of recognized executive
compensation consultants as to the reasonableness of any item of
compensation to be received by the Participant. If the
provisions of Sections 280G and 4999 of the Code (or any
successor provisions) are repealed without succession, then this
Section shall be of no further force or effect.
Section 15. RIGHTS AS A
Except with respect to shares of Restricted Stock, a Participant
shall not have any rights as a stockholder with respect to any
share covered by any Plan Award until such Participant shall
have become the holder of record of such share.
Section 16. |
(a) Term. Unless terminated earlier pursuant to
subsection (b), the Plan shall terminate on
May 11, 2014.
(b) Amendment, Modification and Termination of Plan.
The Board may, from time to time, amend or modify the Plan or
any outstanding Plan Award, including without limitation, to
authorize the Committee to make Plan Awards payable in other
securities or other forms of property of a kind to be determined
by the Committee, and such other amendments as may be necessary
or desirable to implement such Plan Awards, or may terminate the
Plan or any provision thereof; provided, however, that no
such action of the Board, without approval of the stockholders,
may (1) increase the total number of shares of Stock with
respect to which Plan Awards may be granted under the Plan or
the individual limits specified in Section 4(a),
(2) increase the total amount that may be paid to an
individual with respect to a Performance Cash Award, as
specified in Section 3(b), (3) extend the term of the
Plan as set forth in paragraph (a) of this
Section 16, (4) permit any person while a member of
the Committee or any other committee of the Board administering
the Plan to be eligible to receive or hold a Plan Award, or
(5) permit the Company to decrease the grant price of any
outstanding Option or Stock Appreciation Right.
(c) Limitation and Survival. No amendment to or
termination of the Plan or any provision hereof, and no
amendment or cancellation of any outstanding Plan Award, by the
Board or the stockholders of the Company, shall, without the
written consent of the affected Participant, adversely affect
any outstanding Plan Award. The Committees authority to
act with respect to any outstanding Plan Award shall survive
termination of the Plan.
(d) Amendments for Changes in Law. Notwithstanding
the foregoing provisions, the Board shall have the authority to
amend outstanding Plan Awards and the Plan to take into account
changes in law and tax and accounting rules as well as other
developments, and to grant Plan Awards that qualify for
beneficial treatment under such rules, without stockholder
(a) Indemnification. Each person who is or shall
have been a member of the Board, the Committee, or of any other
committee of the Board administering the Plan or of any
committee appointed by the foregoing committees, shall be
indemnified and held harmless by the Company against and from
any and all loss, cost, liability or expense that may be imposed
upon or reasonably incurred by such person in connection with or
resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding to which
such person may be or become a party or in which such person may
be or become involved by reason of any action taken or failure
to act under the Plan and against and from any and all amounts
paid by such person in settlement thereof (with the
Companys written approval) or paid by such person in
satisfaction of a judgment in any such action, suit or
proceeding, except a judgment in favor of the Company based upon
a finding of such persons lack of good faith;
subject, however, to the condition that, upon the
institution of any claim, action, suit or proceeding against
such person, such person shall in writing give the Company an
opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend the same
before such person undertakes to handle and defend it on such
persons behalf. The foregoing right of indemnification
shall not be exclusive of any other right to which such person
may be entitled as a matter of law or otherwise, or any power
that the Company may have to indemnify or hold such person
(b) Exculpation. Each member of the Board, the
Committee, or of any other committee of the Board administering
the Plan or any committee appointed by the foregoing committees,
and each officer and employee of the Company, shall be fully
justified in relying or acting in good faith upon any
information furnished in connection with the administration of
the Plan by any appropriate person or persons other than such
person. In no event shall any person who is or shall have been a
member of the Board, the Committee, or of any other committee of
the Board administering the Plan or of any committee appointed
by the foregoing committees, or an officer or employee of the
Company, be held liable for any determination made or other
action taken or any omission to act in reliance upon any such
information, or for any action (including the furnishing of
information) taken or any failure to act, if in good faith.
Section 18. EXPENSES OF
The entire expense of offering and administering the Plan shall
be borne by the Company and its participating Subsidiaries;
provided, that the costs and expenses associated with the
redemption or exercise of any Plan Award, including but not
limited to commissions charged by any agent of the Company, may
be charged to the Participants.
Section 19. FINALITY OF
Each determination, interpretation, or other action made or
taken pursuant to the provisions of the Plan by the Board, the
Committee or any committee of the Board administering the Plan
or any committee appointed by the foregoing committees, shall be
final and shall be binding and conclusive for all purposes and
upon all persons, including, but without limitation thereto, the
Company, the stockholders, the Committee and each of the members
thereof, and the directors, officers, and employees of the
Company and its Subsidiaries, the Participants, and their
respective successors in interest.
Section 20. NO RIGHTS TO
(a) No Right to Employment. Nothing contained in
this Plan, or in any booklet or document describing or referring
to the Plan, shall be deemed to confer on any Participant the
right to continue as an Employee or director of the Company or
Subsidiary, whether for the duration of any Performance Period,
the duration of any vesting period under a Plan Award, or
otherwise, or affect the right of the Company or Subsidiary to
terminate the employment of any Participant for any reason.
(b) No Right to Award. No Employee or other person
shall have any claim or right to be granted a Plan Award under
the Plan. Having received an Award under the Plan shall not give
a Participant or any other person any right to receive any other
Plan Award under the Plan. A Participant shall have no rights in
any Plan Award, except as set forth herein and in the applicable
award grant.
The Plan and all actions taken hereunder shall be governed by,
and the Plan shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of
the State of Delaware without regard to the principle of
conflict of laws. Titles and headings to Sections are for
purposes of reference only, and shall in no way limit, define or
otherwise affect the meaning or interpretation of the Plan.
(a) Restrictions on Resale. Notwithstanding any
other provision of the Plan, no person who acquires Stock
pursuant to the Plan may, during any period of time that such
person is an affiliate of the Company (within the meaning of the
rules and regulations of the Securities Exchange Commission)
sell or otherwise transfer such Stock, unless such offer and
sale or transfer is made (1) pursuant to an effective
registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933
(1933 Act), which is current and includes the
Stock to be sold, or (2) pursuant to an appropriate
exemption from the registration requirements of the
1933 Act, such as that set forth in Rule 144
promulgated pursuant thereto.
(b) Registration, Listing and Qualification of Shares of
Common Stock. Notwithstanding any other provision of the
Plan, if at any time the Committee shall determine that the
registration, listing or qualification of the Stock covered by a
Plan Award upon any securities exchange or under any foreign,
federal, state or local law or practice, or the consent or
approval of any governmental regulatory body, is necessary or
desirable as a condition of, or in connection with, the granting
of such Plan Award or the purchase or receipt of Stock in
connection therewith, no Stock may be purchased, delivered or
received pursuant to such Plan Award unless and until such
registration, listing, qualification, consent or approval shall
have been effected or obtained free of any condition not
acceptable to the Committee. Any person receiving or purchasing
Stock pursuant to a Plan Award shall make such representations
and agreements and furnish such information as the Committee may
request to assure compliance with the foregoing or any other
applicable legal requirements. The Company shall not be required
to issue or deliver any certificate or certificates for Stock
under the Plan prior to the Committees determination that
all related requirements have been fulfilled. The Company shall
in no event be obligated to register any securities pursuant to
the 1933 Act or applicable state or foreign law or to take
any other action in order to cause the issuance and delivery of
such certificates to comply with any such law, regulation, or
(as proposed to be amended)
Section 1. EFFECTIVE
The Board of Directors of Visteon Corporation have adopted this
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan, effective May 12,
2004, for the benefit of the non-employee directors of Visteon
When used herein the following words and phrases shall have the
meanings set forth below unless the context clearly indicates
(a) Account means the recordkeeping
account maintained by the Company in the name of the
Participant. An Account is established for record keeping
purposes only and not to reflect the physical segregation of
assets on the Participants behalf, and may consist of such
subaccounts or balances as the Committee may determine to be
necessary or appropriate, including the following: |
1. Mandatory Deferral Subaccount means
the Visteon Stock Units that are credited to the
Participants Account as a result of the Participants
Mandatory Deferrals. |
2. Dividend Subaccount means the Visteon
Stock Units that are credited to the Participants Account
as a result of deemed dividends on Visteon Stock Units credited
to the Participants Account. |
(b) Administrative Committee means the
non-participating members of the Board. |
(c) Board means the Board of Directors
of the Company. |
(d) Code means the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as interpreted by regulations and rulings issued
pursuant thereto, all as amended and in effect from time to time. |
(e) Company means Visteon Corporation,
or any successor thereto. |
(f) Company Stock means the common stock
of the Company, par value $1.00. |
(g) Exchange means the New York Stock
Exchange. |
(h) Outside Director means a member of
the Board who is not an officer or a common-law employee of the
Company or any subsidiary thereof. |
(i) Participant means each Outside
Director who has an Account under the Plan. |
(j) Plan means the Visteon Corporation
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan, as amended from time to
time. |
(k) Plan Year means the period beginning
on the effective date of the Plan and ending on
December 31, 2004 and thereafter, the twelve month period
beginning on January 1 and ending December 31 of each year. |
(l) Visteon Stock Units mean the
hypothetical shares of Company Stock that are credited to a
Participants Account in accordance with Sections 4
and 5. |
(a) General Authority. The Administrative
Committee shall have the full power and discretionary authority
to: (1) interpret and administer the Plan and any
instrument relating to or made under the Plan;
(2) establish, amend, suspend or waive such rules and
regulations and appoint such agents as it shall deem appropriate
for the proper administration of the Plan; and (3) make any
other determination, and take any other action, that the
Administrative Committee deems necessary or desirable for the
administration of the Plan. The decisions and determinations of
the Administrative Committee need not be uniform and may be made
differently among Participants, and shall be final, binding and
conclusive on all interested parties.
(b) Recordkeeping. The Administrative
Committee shall be responsible for maintaining all Accounts;
provided that the Administrative Committee may in its discretion
appoint or remove a third-party recordkeeper to maintain the
Accounts as provided herein.
(c) Effectiveness of Elections. Any elections
or beneficiary designations made under this Plan shall be
effective only upon the delivery of the appropriate form to the
Secretary of the Company and its acceptance by the
Administrative Committee.
Section 4. MANDATORY
(a) Mandatory Deferrals. On the day after the
date of each regular annual meeting of stockholders of the
Company, the Mandatory Deferral Account of each Participant who
is then an Outside Director shall be credited with a number of
additional Visteon Stock Units equal to the result obtained by
(i) dividing (A) $70,000 by (B) the average of
the high and low prices at which a share of Company Stock shall
have been sold regular way on the Exchange on such date and
(ii) rounding the quotient to four decimal places (each, a
Mandatory Deferral).
(b) Vesting. Each Participant shall at all
times be 100% vested in his or her Mandatory Deferral Subaccount.
Section 5. DIVIDEND
(a) Conversion to Visteon Stock Units. Any
cash dividends that would have been payable in any month on the
Visteon Stock Units credited to a Participants Account had
such units been actual shares of Company Stock shall be
converted, for recordkeeping purposes, into whole and fractional
Visteon Stock Units, with fractional units calculated to four
decimal places, with the resulting Visteon Stock Units credited
to the Participants Dividend Subaccount. The conversion
shall be accomplished by dividing the Participants deemed
dividends for the month by the average of the high and low
prices at which a share of Common Stock shall have been sold
regular way on the Exchange on the last day of such month on
which the Exchange is open to transact trades.
(b) Vesting. Each Participant shall at all
times be 100% vested in his or her Dividend Subaccount.
(a) Distribution Election. Distribution of a
Participants vested Account shall be made or commence to
be made on the later of (i) on or about January 15 of the
calendar year following the calendar year in which, or
(ii) the first day of the seventh month following the date
on which, the Participant terminates service as an Outside
Director of the Company, in the form or forms elected by the
Participant. The Participant may elect to have a distribution
made either in (i) a single sum, or (ii) ten
(10) annual installments. With respect to Mandatory
Deferrals in 2004, a Participant may make an election regarding
distribution within thirty (30) days after initial
stockholder approval of this Plan. Otherwise, elections shall be
irrevocable with respect to deferrals (and dividends thereon)
for the Plan Year for which it is made, and shall be effective
on the first day of the Plan Year following its acceptance by
the Administrative Committee. An election shall continue in
effect for amounts deferred in subsequent Plan Years (and
dividends thereon) unless modified by the Participant in
accordance with this Section 6. A Participant may modify an
existing election effective on the first day of the Plan Year
following the date on which the revised election is accepted by
the Administrative Committee, and such revised election shall
apply to amounts deferred after the effective date of such
election. A Participant who fails to make any distribution
election shall be deemed to have elected the single sum payment
1. Single Sum Distribution. If the
Participant has elected the single sum distribution option, the
Company, in accordance with directions from the Administrative
Committee, will distribute to the Participant shares of Company
Stock equal to the number of Visteon Stock Units credited to the
Participants Account (and cash in lieu of any fractional
unit) for which such election is in effect; provided that the
Organization and Compensation Committee of the Board may direct
that all or any part of the Participants distribution be
satisfied in cash rather than by a distribution of Company
Stock, in which case the cash payment shall be determined by
multiplying the number of Visteon Stock Units in the
Participants Account that are the subject of the cash
payment by the average of the high and low prices at which a
share of Company Stock shall have been sold regular way on the
Exchange on the 5th trading day preceding the date on which
distribution is made. |
2. Installment Distributions. If the
Participant has elected the installment distribution option, the
first installment will be paid on the later of (i) on or
about the January 15 of the calendar year following the calendar
year in which, or (ii) the first day of the seventh month
following the date on which, the Participant terminates service
as an Outside Director, and each subsequent installment will be
paid on or about January 15 of each succeeding year during the
installment period. The annual installment distribution amount
for any year shall be initially determined on a share basis by
dividing the number of Visteon Stock Units credited to the
Participants Account as of January 1 of the year for which
the distribution is being made and for which such an election is
in effect by the number of installment payments remaining to be
made, and then rounding the quotient obtained for all but the
final installment to the next lowest whole number. The Company,
in accordance with directions from the Administrative Committee,
will distribute to the Participant shares of Company Stock equal
to the number of Visteon Stock Units that are being
redeemed as part of the installment (and cash in lieu of any
fractional unit); provided that the Organization and
Compensation Committee of the Board may direct that all or any
part of the installment distribution be satisfied in cash rather
than by a distribution of Visteon Stock, in which case the cash
payment shall be determined by multiplying the number of Visteon
Stock Units in the Participants Account that are the
subject of the cash payment by the average of the high and low
prices at which a share of Company Stock shall have been sold
regular way on the Exchange on the 5th trading day
preceding the date on which distribution is made. |
(b) Securities Restrictions. With respect to
any shares of Company Stock distributed to a Participant, the
Participant will not sell or otherwise dispose of such Company
Stock except pursuant to an effective registration statement
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
Act), and applicable state securities laws, which
the Company may but shall not be required to file, or in a
transaction which, in the opinion of counsel for the Company, is
exempt from such registration, and a legend may be placed on the
certificates for the Company Stock to such effect. In addition,
in the event of any underwritten public offering of the
Companys securities pursuant to an effective registration
statement filed under the Act and upon the request of the
Company or the underwriters managing any underwritten offering
of the Companys securities, the Participant shall not
directly or indirectly sell, make any short sale of, loan,
hypothecate, pledge, offer, grant or sell any option or other
contract for the purchase of, or otherwise dispose of or
transfer, or agree to engage in any of the foregoing
transactions with respect to, any shares of Company Stock (other
than those included in the registration) acquired under this
Plan without the prior written consent of the Company or such
underwriters, as the case may be, for such period of time (not
to exceed 180 days) from the effective date of such
registration as may be requested by the Company or such managing
(a) Death Benefits. If a Participant dies
before his or her entire Account has been distributed, then the
remainder of the Participants Account shall be distributed
in a lump sum to the Participants beneficiary as soon as
practicable following the date of the Participants death.
(b) Designation of Beneficiary. Each
Participant may designate one or more beneficiaries in such form
and manner specified by the Administrative Committee, which
beneficiary shall be entitled to receive the balance of the
Participants Account as provided under
subsection (a) above in the event of the
Participants death. The Participant may from time to time
revoke or change the beneficiary without the consent of any
prior beneficiary by filing a new designation with the Secretary
of the Company. The last such designation received by the
Secretary of the Company shall be controlling. If no beneficiary
designation is in effect at the time the Participant dies, or if
no designated beneficiary survives the Participant, the
Participants beneficiary shall be the Participants
Section 8. SOURCE OF
Benefits accumulated under the Plan shall constitute an
unfunded, unsecured promise by the Company to provide such
payments in the future, as and to the extent such amounts become
payable. Benefits attributable to service as an Outside Director
shall be paid from the general assets of the Company, and no
person shall, by virtue of this Plan, have any interest in such
assets, other than as an unsecured creditor of the Company.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Plan, neither the
Participant nor his or her beneficiary or beneficiaries,
including, without limitation, the Participants executors
and administrators, heirs, legatees, distributees, and any other
person or persons claiming any benefits through the Participant
under this Plan shall have any right to assign, transfer,
pledge, hypothecate, sell, transfer, alienate and encumber or
otherwise convey the right to receive any benefits hereunder,
which benefits and the rights thereto are expressly declared to
be nontransferable. The right to receive benefits under this
Plan also shall not be subject to execution, attachment,
garnishment, or similar legal, equitable or other process for
the benefit of the Participants or beneficiarys
creditors. Any attempted assignment, transfer, pledge
hypothecation or other disposition of the Participants or
beneficiarys rights to receive benefits under this Plan or
the levy of any attachment, garnishment or similar process
thereupon, shall be null and void and without effect.
Section 10. CHANGE IN
In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, the value of
the Participants Account, determined as of the date of the
Change in Control, shall be immediately paid to the Participant
in a single sum cash payment, notwithstanding any prior
distribution election made by the Participant. For purposes of
this Section 10, the term Change in Control means the
occurrence of any one of the following events:
(a) any Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly
or indirectly, of securities of the Company (not including in
the securities beneficially owned by such Person any securities
acquired directly from the Company or its Affiliates)
representing 40% or more of the combined voting power of the
Companys then outstanding securities, excluding any Person
who becomes such a Beneficial Owner in connection with a
transaction described in clause (A) of
paragraph (c) below; |
(b) within any twelve (12) month period, the following
individuals cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
number of directors then serving: individuals who, on the
effective date of this Plan, constitute the Board and any new
director (other than a director whose initial assumption of
office is in connection with an actual or threatened election
contest, including but not limited to a consent solicitation,
relating to the election of directors of the Company) whose
appointment or election by the Board or nomination for election
by the Companys stockholders was approved or recommended
by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then
still in office who either were directors on the date hereof or
whose appointment, election or nomination for election was
previously so approved or recommended; |
(c) there is consummated a merger or consolidation of the
Company or any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company with
any other corporation, other than (A) a merger or
consolidation which results in the directors of the Company
immediately prior to such merger or consolidation continuing to
constitute at least a majority of the board of directors of the
Company, the surviving entity or any parent thereof or
(B) a merger or consolidation effected to implement a
recapitalization of the Company (or similar transaction) in
which no Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly or
indirectly, of securities of the Company (not including in the
securities Beneficially Owned by such Person any securities
acquired directly from the Company or its Affiliates)
representing 40% or more of the combined voting power of the
Companys then outstanding securities; |
(d) the stockholders of the Company approve a plan of
complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or there is
consummated an agreement for the sale or disposition by the
Company of more than 50% of the Companys assets, other
than a sale or disposition by the Company of more than 50% of
the Companys assets to an entity, at least 50% of the
combined voting power of the voting securities of which are
owned by stockholders of the Company in substantially the same
proportions as their ownership of the Company immediately prior
to such sale; or |
(e) any other event that the Administrative Committee, in
its sole discretion, determines to be a Change in Control for
purposes of this Plan. |
(f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in
Control shall not be deemed to have occurred by virtue of
the consummation of any transaction or series of integrated
transactions immediately following which the record holders of
the common stock of the Company immediately prior to such
transaction or series of transactions continue to have
substantially the same proportionate ownership in an entity
which owns all or substantially all of the assets of the Company
immediately following such transaction or series of transactions. |
Section 11. TERM,
(a) Unless terminated earlier pursuant to
subsection (b) below, this Plan shall terminate on
May 12, 2014.
(b) The Board reserves the right to amend or terminate this
Plan at any time; provided that the authority of the
Administrative Committee to administer the Plan shall extend
beyond the date of the Plans termination; and provided
further that no amendment or termination of the Plan shall
adversely affect the rights of any Participant or beneficiary to
benefits then accrued without the written consent of the
affected Participant or beneficiary.
(a) Governing Law. This Plan shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws
of the State of Delaware, without reference to the conflicts of
law principles thereof.
(b) Severability. If any provision of the
Plan is or becomes or is deemed to be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction or as to any person, or under
any law deemed applicable by the Administrative Committee, such
provision shall be construed or deemed amended to conform to
applicable laws, or if it cannot be so construed or deemed
amended without, in the determination of the Administrative
Committee, materially altering the intent of the Plan, such
provision shall be stricken as to such jurisdiction or person,
and the remainder of the Plan shall remain in full force and
(c) Successors and Assigns. The Plan shall be
binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the Company and its
successors and assigns, and upon any person acquiring, whether
by merger, consolidation, purchase of assets or otherwise, all
or substantially all of the Companys assets and business.
From Philadelphia on I-95 South
1. Take I-95 South through Chester to Wilmington.
2. Follow I-95 South to Delaware Exit 7A marked 52
South Delaware Avenue.
3. Follow exit road (11th Street) to intersection with
Delaware Avenue marked 52 South, Business District.
4. At the Delaware intersection, bear left, continuing on
11th Street.
5. Follow 11th Street through four traffic lights.
Hotel du Pont is on the right. Valet Parking is available at
Hotel entrance. For self-parking, turn left on Orange Street,
Car Park is on left.
From Baltimore on I-95 North
1. Follow I-95 North to Wilmington, take Exit 7 marked
Route 52, Delaware Ave.
2. From right lane, take Exit 7 onto Addams Street.
3. At the third traffic light on Addams Street, turn right.
Follow sign marked 52 South, Business District.
4. At the intersection of Delaware Avenue, bear left,
continuing on 11th Street.
5. Follow 11th Street through four traffic lights.
Hotel du Pont is on the right. Valet Parking is available at
Hotel entrance. For self-parking, turn left on Orange Street,
Car Park is on left.
This Proxy Statement is printed entirely on |
recycled and recyclable paper. Soy ink, rather than
petroleum-based ink, is used. |
| |
1-866-214-3792 |
Go to the website address listed above.
Use any touch-tone telephone.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card. |
Have your proxy card ready.
Have your proxy card ready.
Detach your proxy card. |
Follow the simple instructions that
appear on your computer screen.
Follow the simple recorded instructions.
Return your proxy card in the postage-paid envelope provided. |
You may vote on these proposals in person or by proxy. If you cannot attend the
meeting, we urge you to vote by proxy, so that your shares will be represented
and voted at the meeting in accordance with your instructions. (See the attached
proxy statement for details on voting by proxy.) Of course, if you attend the
meeting, you may withdraw your proxy and vote your shares. Only stockholders of
record at the close of business on March 15, 2006, will be entitled to vote at
the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Please Vote, Sign,
Date and
Promptly in the
Enclosed Envelope. |
x |
Votes must be indicated
(x) in Black or Blue ink. |
1. |
Elect two directors to the Board of Directors for three-year terms.
The Board has nominated for re-election;
Nominees: 01 - Charles L. Schaffer and 02 - Kenneth B. Woodrow
o |
*Instructions: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark the
Exceptions box and write that nominees name on the following blank line.
2. |
Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the companys independent auditors for fiscal year 2006.
o |
o |
o |
Approve amendments to the Visteon Corporation
2004 Incentive Plan. |
o |
o |
o |
Approve an amendment to the Visteon Corporation
Non-Employee Director Stock Unit Plan.
o |
o |
o |
A shareholder proposal relating to annual election of
o |
o |
o |
To change your address, please mark this box.
o |
Share Owner sign here
Co-Owner sign here |
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
May 10, 2006, 11 a.m. E.D.T.
Hotel du Pont
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
THE SOUTH: Take I-95 North to Wilmington Exit 7 marked Route 52, Delaware Avenue.
From right lane take Exit 7 onto Adams Street. At the third traffic light on Adams Street, turn right
onto 11th Street. At Delaware Avenue intersection stay left continuing on 11th Street. Follow 11th Street
through four traffic lights. The Hotel du Pont is on the right at the Corner of 11th and Market St.
2) FROM THE NORTH: Follow I-95 South to exit 7A marked Route 52, South Delaware Avenue (11th
Street). At Delaware Avenue intersection, stay left continuing on 11th Street. Follow 11th Street
through four traffic lights. The Hotel du Pont is on the right at the Corner of 11th and Market St.
Proxy solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
The undersigned hereby appoints James F. Palmer and Heidi A. Sepanik, or either of them, proxies
with power of substitution,
to vote all the shares of the Common Stock which the undersigned is entitled to vote on all matters,
unless the contrary is indicated
on the reverse side hereof, which may come before Visteons Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
at the Hotel du Pont, 11th
& Market Streets, Wilmington, DE, at 11:00 a.m., eastern daylight savings time, on May 10, 2006.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)
To include any comments, please mark this box.
Comments or change of address |
Visteon Corporation |
P.O. Box 11494 |
New York, N.Y. 10203-0494 |