Washington, DC, Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The mission of the Dr. N. Joyce Payne Center for Social Justice of the Thurgood
Marshall College Fund is to foster Justice Marshall’s commitment to advancing the
enduring values that undergird civil society in the U.S. and around the world.
The Center is stunned and outraged by the heinous attack on Israeli civilians, the
massive loss of life, and the flagrant disregard of international law. Further, we
strongly condemn these atrocities and the inhumanity inflicted on innocent Israelis
and Palestinians---crushing the hopes and dreams of millions. We extend our deepest
sympathies to the families grieving and holding on for life.
The Center will intensify its agenda to understand and address the underpinnings of
crimes against humanity…no matter where they occur. We will continue to reject the
voice of terrorism, genocide, apartheid, and bigotry and link our aspirations to the
promise and prosperity that undergirds democracy, human rights, and social justice.
As noted by the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, “... Neither race nor color nor frustration is
an excuse for either lawlessness or anarchy.”
Tangie Newborn Dr. N. Joyce Payne Center for Social Justice 240-941-3561 rob.cline@tmcf.com