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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of May, 2006

Commission File Number 1-14732

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

National Steel Company
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3400, 20º andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Net income of R$340 million and EBITDA of R$948 million

São Paulo, Brazil, May 10, 2006

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) (BOVESPA: CSNA3) (NYSE: SID) announces its results for the first quarter of 2006 (1Q06), in accordance with Brazilian accounting principles and denominated in Reais. The comments presented herein refer to consolidated results and comparisons refer to the first quarter of 2005 (1Q05), unless otherwise stated. On March 31, 2006, the Real/Dollar exchange rate was R$ 2.1724.


Executive Summary
Consolidated Highlights    1Q05    4Q05    1Q06 
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   1,167    1,355    540 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   1,197    1,350    997 
    Domestic Market    897    598    604 
    Exports    300    752    393 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   2,133    1,581    1,688 
Financial Data (RS MM)      
    Net Revenue    2,862    2,408    1,953 
    Gross Income    1,383    1,065    736 
    EBITDA    1,407    1,053    787 
    Adjusted EBITDA    1,407    1,053    948 
    Net Income    717    352    340 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   3,511    4,699    5,010 

Consolidated Highlights    1Q06 X 1Q05    1Q06 X 4Q05 
  (Ch.%)   (Ch.%)
Crude Steel Production (thousand t)   -53.7%    -60.1% 
Sales Volume (thousand t)   -16.6%    -26.1% 
 Domestic Market    -32.6%    1.1% 
 Exports    31.1%    -47.7% 
Net Revenue per unit (R$/t)   -20.9%    6.8% 
Financial Data (RS MM)        
 Net Revenue    -31.8%    -18.9% 
 Gross Income    -46.8%    -30.9% 
 EBITDA    -44.0%    -25.2% 
 Adjusted EBITDA    -32.6%    -10.0% 
 Net Income    -52.5%    -3.4% 
Net Debt (R$ MM)   42.7%    6.6% 

Bovespa: CSNA3 R$ 66.65/share    Investor Relations Team 
NYSE: SID US$ 31.42/ADR (1 ADR = 1 share)   Marcos Leite Ferreira – 55-11-3049-7588 (
Total shares = 272,067,946    Geraldo Colonhezi – 55-11-3049-7593 (
Market Cap: R$ 18.5 billion / US$ 8.5 billion    José Eduardo Szuster – 55-11-3049-7526 (
Prices on 3/31/2006    Renata Kater – 55-11-3049-7592 ( 


Economic and Sector Outlook

     The pace of the upturn in international steel prices that began in 2005 continued throughout the first quarter of 2006. In the North American and European markets, the increase in apparent consumption due to the replenishing of inventories, combined with the slowdown in supply growth, which dashed expectations of higher imports, were the key drivers in the price increases. In the Chinese market, the upward price trajectory had been in place since the end of 2005, due to the reduction in output rates by the local steel mills and increased exports of Chinese steel products.

     In Brazil, first-quarter demand for flat steel decreased by 13.3% year-on-year, mainly due to the respective 27.5% and 17.6% drops in the construction and home appliance sectors. The tin plate and distribution sectors also fell by 21.9% and 15.6%, respectively, when compared to the first quarter of the previous year.

     Running counter to the market as a whole, the auto sector performed well in the first three months. According to Anfavea (the auto-makers’ association), vehicle sales in the quarter totaled 418,000, 12.4% up year-on-year.


     As a result of the January 22 accident occurred in Blast Furnace #3, responsible for 70% of the Company’s pig iron production capacity, the volume of crude steel and rolled products produced in the first quarter fell by 41% and 64% quarter-over-quarter, respectively.

     The Company purchased 1,021 thousand tonnes of slabs, only 108,000 tonnes of which were delivered in the quarter, due to the time needed for negotiation, production and shipment to Volta Redonda. In addition, the steel production process was adjusted to permit higher scrap input in order to maximize output while only Blast Furnace #2 is operational.

Output     1Q05     4Q05     1Q06       Accumulated 
(in thousand tonnes)         2005    2006 
Presidente Vargas Mill (UPV)                    
         Crude Steel    1,167    1,355    540    1,167    540 
         Rolled Products*    1,134    1,256    751    1,134    751 
CSN Paraná*    55    60    77    55    77 
GalvaSud*    77    89    57    77    57 
*Products delivered for sale



     Although the Company reduced its inventories of finished and semi-finished products between December and March, sales volume was jeopardized by the accident in Blast Furnace #3.

     The Company ratified the commintment to supplying the domestic market, which present better margins, keeping the delivery of finished products through the use of existing inventory and purchases in the market, aiming at reducing the effects of the accident in Blast Furnance #3 on clients. Domestic market sales remained flat compared to the previous quarter, but exports were reduced. Coated products accounted for almost 70% of foreign shipments, versus 50% for domestic sales. Also, coated products accounted for 58% of the total sales.

     In comparison with the fourth quarter of 2005, the Company’s increased its share of the distribution (23% to 28%) and home appliance markets (from 30% to 33%), while its slice of the construction and auto markets fell from 47% to 36% and 15% to 13%, respectively.



     Despite the 7% appreciation of Real against dollar, average prices rose by 7% over the previous quarter, led by hot and cold-rolled exports. The healthy international prices were due to strong demand by final consumers, the buildup of distributors’ inventories, and a shortfall in supply, especially in the American market where various blast furnace repairs led to delays in the production schedule. In Brazil, prices are expected to go up in the second and third quarters thanks to prospects of an improved economic climate, with lower interest rates and incentives for the construction and agricultural sectors, among other factors. In this context, the Company has already announced a 5% average price hike as of June.

Net Revenues

     Although the average price was higher this quarter, this was not enough to offset the slide in sales volume, which was particularly sharp in the export market.


Production Costs (parent company)

    The decline in output caused by the stoppage of Blast Furnace #3 led to an across-the-board cost reduction, generating quarter-over-quarter and year-on-year savings of R$294 million (-60%) and R$242 million (-54%), respectively. On the other hand, unit production costs moved up 63% and 47% in the same comparative basis. 

    In year-on-year terms, the biggest reductions came from coke (R$168 million), coal (R$61 million), energy/fuel (R$18 million) and general manufacturing costs (R$12 million), although the downturn was partially offset by the increase in costs from slab purchases (R$78 million). In comparison with the 4Q05, the corresponding savings stood at R$62 million, R$83 million, R$28 million and R$80 million. 

    As for the main raw materials, the coal acquisition cost increased from US$134/t, in the final quarter of 2005, to US$ 138/t, reflecting a more up-market coal mix. The coke price, on the other hand, plunged from US$327/t to US$277/t as a result of the consumption of materials with lower average costs, given the big reduction in coke inventories purchased when price were exceptionally high. The average March/06 cost of the coal and coke inventories was US$ 120/t and US$ 240/t, respectively. 

Operating Expenses

     The reduction in export volume led to a R$45 million (29%) in the sales expenses. General and administrative expenses and depreciation and amortization remained in line.

     The Company provisioned R$ 176.6 million under other operating income for loss of profit in the first quarter. This provision generates a PIS/Confins charge of R$ 16.3 million, accounted in the net financial results line.

     As a result, operating expenses fell by R$230 million over the quarter before.



     The Company reported an EBITDA of R$948 million in the quarter, reflecting impact of the accident in Blast Furnace #3 in the sales volume. It is worth to highlight that this result was reached even with the 30-days deductible in insurance for profit loss, i.e., losses related to the accident in the 30-days period after the initial insurance claim are not covered and thus directly impact the EBITDA.

     Additionally, if we ignore these provisions for profit loss, which value is R$160.3 million*, EBITDA records a 40% margin, still one of the highest in the sector, reiterating once more the competitiveness of the Company.
* R$176.6 million net of R$16.3 million PIS/Cofins.

EBITDA and EBITDA Margin    1Q06 x    1Q06 x 
Change (consolidated)   4Q05    1Q05 
EBITDA (ch. %)   -25    -44 
Margin (ch. p.p.)   -3    -9 
*Adjusted EBITDA (ch. %)   -10    -33 
*EBITDA and EBITDA Margin accounting for the effect of provision for lost profits

Net Financial Result and Debt

     The net financial result was negative by R$107 million, a 74% decrease when compared to the previous quarter, which recorded an R$404 million expense. The considerable improvement was mainly due to gains from treasury transactions.

     Net debt increased by R$310 million, due to the R$937 million dividend pay-out in February/06, in turn raising the net debt/ EBITDA ratio from 1x to 1.2x. However, gross debt remained virtually flat. The debt had an average cost of 8.6% p.a., in Brazilian Reais, or 53% of the CDI, while the average tenor was 13 years.

*Takes into account the 12-months accumulated EBITDA.


Income Taxes

Income taxes recorded a quarterly expense of R$220 million, versus R$4 million revenue in the previous three months. The variation was essentially due to a lower pre-tax result and a positive exchange variation on foreign investments in the 4Q05.

Net Income

     First-quarter net income dipped 3% quarter-over-quarter due to the fall in gross profit, in turn caused by the accident in Blast Furnace #3 and the provision for income tax and social contribution expenses, neither of which occurred in the previous quarter.


     Quarterly investments totaled R$248 million, including R$53 million in the Sepetiba Port expansion project, in turn part of the Casa de Pedra expansion project; R$31 million in MRS*, R$12 million in CFN* and RS$69 million in industrial maintenance.

    *corresponding to CSN’s respective 33% and 50% stakes in these companies

Working Capital

     Working capital expenditure in the quarter fell by R$146 million, chiefly due to the reduction in accounts receivable from the export market, caused by lower export volume, and the increase in the tax payable account. However, both of these positive effects were largely offset by the decrease in the suppliers line, due to reduced raw-material needs.

            In R$ MM 
Account    4Q05    1Q06    Change 
Assets    3,409    3,129    279 
Cash equivalents    135    213    -77 
Accounts receivable    1,366    1,061    305 
         Domestic market    879    874   
         Exports market    588    298    290 
         Allowance for doubtful accounts    (101)   (111)   10 
Inventory    1,907    1,856    51 
Liabilities    1,588    1,455    -133 
Suppliers    1,262    1,031    -230 
Wages and Social Contribution    85    80    -5 
Tax payable    241    343    102 
Working capital    (1,820)   (1,675)   146 


Capital Market

     CSN’s shares appreciated by 43% in the first three months of the year, reflecting the positive international scenario and the consolidation of the global steel sector.

     The Company’s healthy results in the fourth quarter of 2005 and expectations of healthy performance on the domestic and export markets in 2006, combined with the on-schedule investment projects, also played an important role in the share’s appreciation.

Capital Market - CSNA3/SID 
    1Q05    2Q05   3Q05   4Q05   1Q06
N# of shares    286,917,045    286,917,045    272,067,946    272,067,946    272,067,946 
Market Capitalization                     
    Closing price (R$/share)   50.92    35.83    48.94    47.55    68.05 
    Closing price (US$/share)   24.10    16.15    23.22    21.40    31.42 
    Market Capitalization (R$ million)   14,610    10,279    13,314    12,936    18,514 
    Market Capitalization (US$ million)   5,480    4,373    5,991    5,527    8,522 
    CSNA3 (%)   14.4    (29.6)   36.6    (2.8)   43.1 
    SID (%)   23.1    (33.0)   43.8    (7.8)   46.8 
    Ibovespa - index    26,610    25,051    31,583    33,455    37,951 
    Ibovespa - variation (%)   1.6    (5.9)   26.1    5.9    13.4 
    Average daily (n# of shares)   893,803    1,039,721    869,511    825,845    844,315 
    Average daily (R$ Thousand)   52,964    48,460    39,741    37,706    50,665 
    Average daily (n# of ADR´s)   840,623    815,547    812,392    773,876    1,007,920 
    Average daily (US$ Thousand)   18,813    15,283    15,715    15,384    27,910 
Source: Economática


Recent Developments

General Shareholders’ Meeting

     At the Annual and General Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on April 28, the Company’s shareholders deliberated on the following:


     Shareholders approved the payment of interest on own capital and dividends, totaling R$259 million and R$128 million, respectively, with R$ 387 million paid on May 8, 2006. Adding the amount paid in February, ratified by the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Company paid out a total of R$1,324 million as dividends and interest on own capital related to 2005 results.

Board of Directors

     The eight members of the Board of Directors were re-elected with a mandate lasting until the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 2007.

Acquisition of Prada

     Shareholders approved the capitalization of all the credits held by the Company against Companhia Metalúrgica Prada, in the amount of R$175 million, and the acquisition of all Prada’s for the token sum of R$1.00. As a result, the Company took control of Prada and its assets and liabilities, booked on 02/28/2006.

     Prada is Brazil’s largest steel packaging producer. It has been present in this market since 1936 and produces over 1 billion steel cans per year from 4 plants in São Paulo, Araçatuba, Gaspara and Uberlância, supplying the chemical and food product sectors. Prada’s market share in 2004 was 20%.

Issuance of Debentures

     In May 2006, CSN issued R$600 million in non-convertible debentures, due in 2012 (6-year maturity), with no advanced redemptions and interest equivalent to 103.6% of the CDI (Brazilian interbank rate).


     On May 9, CSN signed a share purchase agreement with Corus Group Plc for the outright acquisition of Lusosider Projectos Siderúrgicos S.A., a Portuguese company in the flat steel segment which produces pickled hot-rolled, cold-rolled, hot-dip galvanized and tin plate. Previously, CSN had shared control of Lucosider equally with Corus.

     The acquisition, for €25 million, reinforces the Company’s commitment to its global expansion strategy, increasing its international operations by acquiring finishing lines located near the largest steel markets.

     In 2005 Lusosider, located in Seixal on the outskirts of Lisbon, produced 203,000 tonnes of galvanized, 28,000 tonnes of pickled hot-rolled and cold-rolled and 71,000 tonnes of tin plate, from a workforce of 249.

     The conclusion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Portuguese Antitrust Commission, a process which should take around 45 days.



     Following the slowdown in apparent domestic consumption in 2005 and the beginning of 2006, the market looks set to recover, fueled by expectations of more robust economic growth in Brazil. The IISI (International Iron & Steel Institute) believes apparent Brazilian consumption of finished steel products will move up by 9.5% this year. We ourselves expect 7% growth in domestic demand for flat steel, based on an economic scenario which includes falling interest rates and increased government spending on public work, in addition to our own internal studies.

     On the international front, beginning-of-year forecasts indicated that prices would only start coming down as of the third quarter, when supply and demand would reach equilibrium point. However, some companies, especially in Europe, have expressed the off-the-record view that prices could even go up further in the third quarter, calling into question all the estimates of a slight decrease in the inclination of the price curve.

First Quarter 2006 Earnings Release Webcasts

CSN will host a presentation to discuss its first quarter 2006 earnings as follows:


Portuguese Presentation
(with simultaneous translation into English)
May 11, 2006 – Thursday

10:00 am – Brasília
9:00 am – EST
Through the links:



Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a steel complex comprising investments in infrastructure and logistics whose operations include captive mines, an integrated steel mill, service centers, ports, and railways. With a total annual production capacity of 5.6 million tonnes of crude steel and consolidated gross revenues of R$ 12.3 billion in 2005, CSN is also the only tin-plate producer in Brazil and one of the five largest tin-plate producers worldwide. 

Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements, which express or imply results, performance or events that are expected in the future. They include future results that may be implied by historical results, the statements under “Outlook”, the expected cost of net debt compared to the CDI in 2005. Actual results, performances or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, as a result of several factors, such as the general and economic conditions in Brazil and other countries, interest rate and exchange rate levels, protectionist measures in the US, Brazil and other countries, changes in laws and regulations and general competitive factors (on a global, regional or national basis).

There follows seven pages with tables


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Gross Revenue    3,577,631    2,842,898    2,408,857 
     Gross Revenue deductions    (715,362)   (435,351)   (455,910)
Net Revenus    2,862,269    2,407,547    1,952,947 
     Domestic Market    2,173,910    1,393,905    1,345,188 
     Export Market    688,359    1,013,642    607,759 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,479,577)   (1,342,773)   (1,216,783)
     COGS, excluding depreciation    (1,254,079)   (1,127,865)   (983,655)
     Depreciation allocated to COGS    (225,498)   (214,908)   (233,128)
Gross Profit    1,382,692    1,064,774    736,164 
Gross Margin (%)   48.3%    44.2%    37.7% 
     Selling Expenses    (135,275)   (155,697)   (110,942)
     General and andminstrative expenses    (66,230)   (70,945)   (70,884)
     Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (12,039)   (13,709)   (12,752)
     Other operation income (expense), net    (33,274)   (48,163)   136,255 
Operating income before financial equity interests    1,135,874    776,260    677,841 
Net Financial Result    (104,246)   (404,465)   (106,634)
     Financial Expenses    (332,348)   (410,562)   (343,806)
     Financial Income    390,212    330,325    (23,363)
     Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    (162,110)   (324,228)   260,535 
Equity interest in subsidiary    (19,678)   (19,978)   (10,789)
Operating Income (loss)   1,011,950    351,817    560,418 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (840)   (3,197)   201 
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    1,011,110    348,620    560,619 
     (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (215,885)   1,717    (165,028)
     (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (78,393)   2,018    (55,173)
Net Income (Loss)   716,832    352,355    340,418 
EBITDA*    1,406,685    1,053,040    787,466 
EBITDA Margin (%)   49.1%    43.7%    40.3% 
* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.


PARENT COMPANY - Corporate Law - In Thousand of R$

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Gross Revenue    3,140,698    2,117,249    1,872,179 
   Gross Revenue deductions    (658,600)   (351,022)   (367,492)
Net Revenus    2,482,098    1,766,227    1,504,687 
   Domestic Market    2,042,256    1,085,674    1,103,673 
   Export Market    439,842    680,553    401,014 
Cost of Good Sold (COGS)   (1,209,555)   (1,010,211)   (1,003,240)
   COGS, excluding depreciation    (1,011,833)   (825,692)   (798,130)
   Depreciation allocated to COGS    (197,722)   (184,519)   (205,110)
Gross Profit    1,272,543    756,016    501,447 
Gross Margin (%)   51.3%    42.8%    33.3% 
   Selling Expenses    (76,888)   (70,923)   (63,662)
   General and andminstrative expenses    (45,310)   (50,727)   (48,350)
   Depreciation allocated to SG&A    (6,607)   (5,864)   (5,769)
   Other operation income (expense), net    (32,792)   (43,190)   130,065 
Operating income before financial equity interests    1,110,946    585,312    513,731 
Net Financial Result    (326,514)   (523,471)   (150,433)
   Financial Expenses    (263,731)   (827,355)   (271,419)
   Financial Income    1,389    744,655    (340,591)
   Net monetary and forgain exchange variations    (64,172)   (440,771)   461,577 
Equity interest in subsidiary    245,091    270,422    82,948 
Operating Income (loss)   1,029,523    332,263    446,246 
Non-operating income (expenes), Net    (920)   (2,275)   104 
Income Before Income and Social Contribution Taxes    1,028,603    329,988    446,350 
   (Provition)/Credit for Income Tax    (205,986)   (112,194)   (109,125)
   (Provition)/Credit for Social Contribution    (73,894)   (32,279)   (39,197)
Net Income (Loss)   748,723    185,515    298,028 
EBITDA*    1,348,067    818,885    594,545 
EBITDA Margin (%)   54.3%    46.4%    39.5% 
Additional Information             
Delibetated Dividends and Interest on Equity             
Proposed Dividends and Interest on Equity    48,405    1,139,911    43,796 
Number of Shares** - thousands    276,193    258,182    257,413 
Earnings Loss per Share - R$    2.71    0.72    1.16 

* EBITDA = Gross income excluding selling, general and adminstrative expenses added to depreciation, amortization and exhaustion.
** Excluding shares held in treasury


Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    Parent Comany    Consolidated 
    3/31/2006    12/31/2005    3/31/2006    12/31/2005 
Current Assets    4,174,905    5,545,203    7,727,828    8,164,081 
   Cash    34,251    73,034    212,564    135,185 
   Trade Accounts Receiveble    1,595,851    1,772,853    1,060,728    1,366,047 
   Inventory    1,351,568    1,396,406    1,856,176    1,907,462 
   Marketable securities    125,387    1,422,761    3,422,568    3,709,753 
   Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution    430,326    439,793    470,112    503,139 
   Other    637,522    440,356    705,680    542,495 
Long-term Assets    1,752,491    1,686,801    1,998,745    2,063,043 
Permanet Assets    17,409,649    17,313,950    14,209,717    14,220,586 
   Investments    5,195,432    5,098,885    253,368    270,745 
   PP&E    12,033,378    12,020,165    13,664,783    13,638,200 
   Deffered    180,839    194,900    291,566    311,641 
TOTAL ASSETS    23,337,045    24,545,954    23,936,290    24,447,710 
Current Liabilities    4,215,987    5,300,857    4,263,689    4,819,657 
   Loans and Financing    1,582,751    1,641,624    1,946,570    1,464,493 
   Suppliers    909,724    1,149,504    1,031,361    1,261,690 
   Taxes and Contributions    468,140    305,526    595,476    452,689 
   Dividends Payable    431,179    1,324,087    431,179    1,324,087 
   Other    824,193    880,116    259,103    316,698 
Long-term Liabilities    12,370,746    12,709,907    12,945,059    13,149,531 
   Loans and Financing    6,283,323    6,873,907    6,843,268    7,334,012 
   Provisions for contingences    3,459,989    3,193,064    3,535,353    3,265,677 
   Deffered Income and Social Contributions Taxes    2,133,258    2,162,947    2,133,258    2,162,947 
   Other    494,176    479,989    433,180    386,895 
Future Period Results    -    -    6,005    6,081 
Shareholdres' Equity    6,750,312    6,535,190    6,721,537    6,472,441 
   Capital    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947    1,680,947 
   Capital Reserve         
   Revaluation Reserve    4,460,422    4,518,054    4,460,422    4,518,054 
   Earnings Reserve    973,800    973,800    911,051    911,051 
   Treasury Stock    (676,721)   (637,611)   (676,721)   (637,611)
   Earnings Reserve    311,864      345,838   
   Retained Earnings    23,337,045    24,545,954    23,936,290    24,447,710 
EQUITY    23,337,045    24,545,954    23,936,290    24,447,710 


CONSOLIDATED - Corporate Law - thounsands of R$

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    1,495,881    1,892,439    299,797 
   Net Income for the period    716,832    352,355    340,418 
   Exchange rate defferal       
   Net exchange and monetary variations    640    354,983    (462,454)
   Provision for financial expenses    235,585    237,274    185,919 
   Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization    239,353    230,526    245,878 
   Equity results    19,679    19,978    10,790 
   Deferred income taxes and social contributions    17,905    (168,510)   10,592 
   Provisions    (57,340)   10,470    (133,651)
   Working Capital    323,227    855,363    102,305 
   Accounts Receivable    (233,920)   107,822    302,637 
   Inventory    211,818    (4,674)   50,315 
   Suppliers    119,161    240,924    (207,036)
   Taxes    303,980    820,599    120,314 
   Others    (77,812)   (309,308)   (163,925)
Cash Flow from Investment Activities    (152,373)   (255,573)   (245,279)
   Investments    (161)   (260)   4,328 
   Fixed Assets/Deferred    (152,212)   (255,313)   (249,607)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    978,811    (2,293,458)   (451,757)
   Issuances    1,394,070    93,817    853,713 
   Amortizations    (238,948)   (1,719,364)   (178,989)
   Interests Expenses    (131,723)   (373,898)   (151,156)
   Dividends/Interest on own capital    (12)   (75)   (936,215)
   Shares in treasury    (44,576)   (293,938)   (39,110)
Free Cash Flow    2,322,319    (656,592)   (397,239)


Net Financial Result
Parent Company - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Financial Expenses    (332,348)   (350,545)   (343,806)
Loans and financing    (241,217)   (231,728)   (201,309)
    Local currency    (43,236)   (38,644)   (165,239)
    Foreign currency    (197,981)   (193,084)   (36,070)
Taxes    (83,304)   (104,696)   (131,417)
Other financial expenses    (7,827)   (14,121)   (11,080)
Financial Income    390,212    270,308    (23,363)
Income from cash investments    78,994    743,774    40,060 
Other income    311,218    (473,466)   (63,423)
Exchange and monetary variations    (162,110)   324,228    260,535 
Net monetary change    (12,341)   (16,446)   (8,397)
Net exchange change    (149,769)   (307,782)   268,932 
Net Financial Result    104,246    (404,465)   (106,634)

Net Financial Result
Consolidated - Corporate Law - thousands of R$

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Financial Expenses    (263,731)   (271,932)   (271,419)
Loans and financing    (94,835)   (105,683)   (82,390)
    Local currency    (41,393)   (38,303)   (46,641)
    Foreing currency    (53,442)   (67,380)   (35,749)
Transaction with subsidiaries    (84,642)   (61,682)   (58,547)
Taxes    (77,642)   (98,398)   (126,604)
Other financial expenses    (3,612)   (6,169)   (3,878)
Financial Income    1,389    189,232    (340,591)
Income from cash investments    5,044    713,175    7,822 
Other income    (3,655)   (523,943)   (348,413)
Exchange and monetary variations    (64,172)   (440,771)   461,577 
Net monetary change    (7,554)   (11,759)   (9,470)
Net exchange change    (56,618)   (429,012)   471,047 
Deffered exchange losses             
Net Financial Result    (326,514)   (523,471)   (150,433)


Consolidated - In R$/tonne

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    2,118    1,890    1,808 
   Slabs    866    664    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,781    1,405    1,338 
   Cold Rolled    2,122    1,670    1,562 
   Galvanized    2,453    2,048    2,013 
   Tin Plate    2,463    2,505    2,465 
EXPORT MARKET    2,180    1,335    1,503 
   Slabs      499   
   Hot Rolled    1,649    998    1,013 
   Cold Rolled    2,151    1,101    1,471 
   Galvanized    2,256    1,788    1,565 
   Tin Plate    2,421    1,987    1,875 
TOTAL MARKET    2,133    1,581    1,688 
   Slabs    978    526    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,764    1,160    1,242 
   Cold Rolled    2,125    1,385    1,535 
   Galvanized    2,366    1,908    1,768 
   Tin Plate    2,452    2,272    2,258 
Parent Company - In R$/tonne
    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    2,020    1,816    1,667 
   Slabs    866    664    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,729    1,399    1,270 
   Cold Rolled    1,922    1,517    1,402 
   Galvanized    2,386    2,016    1,811 
   Tin Plate    2,388    2,373    2,322 
EXPORT MARKET    1,853    1,043    1,211 
   Slabs    1,493    678   
   Hot Rolled    1,553    822    896 
   Cold Rolled    1,816    1,072    1,136 
   Galvanized    1,959    1,377    1,363 
   Tin Plate    2,255    1,586    1,557 
TOTAL MARKET    1,987    1,393    1,508 
   Slabs    1,352    676    650 
   Hot Rolled    1,702    1,018    1,126 
   Cold Rolled    1,913    1,289    1,329 
   Galvanized    2,282    1,790    1,634 
   Tin Plate    2,355    2,025    2,074 


Consolidated - Thousand of tons

    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    897    598    604 
   Slabs      16    11 
   Hot Rolled    362    169    192 
   Cold Rolled    140    87    98 
   Galvanized    205    177    160 
   Tin Plate    182    150    144 
EXPORT MARKET    300    752    393 
   Slabs      81   
   Hot Rolled    55    255    81 
   Cold Rolled    15    87    42 
   Galvanized    162    207    193 
   Tin Plate    67    123    77 
TOTAL MARKET    1,197    1,350    997 
   Slabs      96    11 
   Hot Rolled    417    424    272 
   Cold Rolled    155    173    140 
   Galvanized    367    383    353 
   Tin Plate    249    272    221 
Parent Company - Thousand of tons
    1Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
DOMESTIC MARKET    958    540    612 
   Slabs      16    11 
   Hot Rolled    361    141    182 
   Cold Rolled    218    103    121 
   Galvanized    186    138    153 
   Tin Plate    185    143    144 
EXPORT MARKET    234    652    328 
   Slabs    28    81   
   Hot Rolled    66    274    113 
   Cold Rolled    20    109    46 
   Galvanized    60    75    100 
   Tin Plate    60    113    69 
TOTAL MARKET    1,192    1,192    940 
   Slabs    36    96    11 
   Hot Rolled    427    414    295 
   Cold Rolled    238    212    167 
   Galvanized    245    213    253 
   Tin Plate    245    257    213 


In R$/US$

    1Q2005    2Q2005    3Q2005    4Q2005    1Q2006 
Average    2.6652    2.4818    2.3428    2.2509    2.1974 
% change    -4.3%    -6.9%    -5.6%    -3.9%    -2.4% 
End of Period    2.6662    2.3504    2.2222    2.3407    2.1724 
% change    0.4%    -11.8%    -5.5%    5.3%    -7.2% 



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 10, 2006

/S/ Benjamin Steinbruch

Benjamin Steinbruch
Chief Executive Officer and
Acting Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.